27. After all these things, in the conclusion of the prayer comes a brief clause, which shortly and comprehensively sums up all our petitions and our prayers. For we conclude by saying, “But deliver us from evil,” comprehending all adverse things which the enemy attempts against us in this world, from which there may be a faithful and sure protection if God deliver us, if He afford His help to us who pray for and implore it. And when we say, Deliver us from evil, there remains nothing further which ought to be asked. When we have once asked for God’s protection against evil, and have obtained it, then against everything which the devil and the world work against us we stand secure and safe. For what fear is there in this life, to the man whose guardian in this life is God?
0537C XXVII. Post ista omnia in consummatione orationis venit clausula universas petitiones et preces nostras collecta brevitate concludens. In novissimo enim ponimus, SED LIBERA NOS A MALO, comprehendentes adversa cuncta quae contra nos in hoc mundo molitur inimicus; a quibus potest esse fida et firma tutela, si nos Deus liberet, si deprecantibus atque implorantibus opem suam praestet . Quando autem dicimus, LIBERA NOS A MALO, nihil remanet quod ultra adhuc debeat postulari, quando semel protectionem Dei adversus malum petamus; qua impetrata, contra omnia quae diabolus et mundus operantur securi stamus et tuti. Quis enim ei de saeculo metus est cui in saeculo Deus tutor est?