The Prescription Against Heretics.
Chapter I.—Introductory. Heresies Must Exist, and Even Abound They are a Probation to Faith.
Chapter I.—Introductory. Heresies Must Exist, and Even Abound; They are a Probation to Faith.
The character of the times in which we live is such as to call forth from us even this admonition, that we ought not to be astonished at the heresies (which abound)1 Istas. neither ought their existence to surprise us, for it was foretold that they should come to pass;2 Matt. vii. 15; xxiv. 4, 11, 24; 1 Tim. iv. 1–3; 2 Pet. ii. 1. nor the fact that they subvert the faith of some, for their final cause is, by affording a trial to faith, to give it also the opportunity of being “approved.”3 1 Cor. xi. 19. Groundless, therefore, and inconsiderate is the offence of the many4 Plerique, “the majority.” who are scandalized by the very fact that heresies prevail to such a degree. How great (might their offence have been) if they had not existed.5 The Holy Ghost having foretold that they should exist. (Rigalt.) When it has been determined that a thing must by all means be, it receives the (final) cause for which it has its being. This secures the power through which it exists, in such a way that it is impossible for it not to have existence.
Priusquam autem ad propositum veniat, docet non oportere nos admirari super haereses, eo quod praenuntiatae fuerint.
Conditio praesentium temporum etiam hanc admonitionem provocat nostram: non oportere nos 0012D mirari super haereses istas, sive quia sunt, futurae enim praenuntiabantur, sive quia fidem quorumdam subvertunt, ad hoc enim sunt, ut fides, habendo tentationem, habeat etiam probationem. Vane ergo et inconsiderate plerique hoc ipso scandalizantur, 0013A quod tantum haereses valeant. Quantum , si non fuissent ! Cum quod sortitum est, ut omnimodo sit, sicut caussam accipit ob quam sit, sic vim consequitur per quam sit, nec esse non possit .