LETTER IV. [A.D. 380.]
FELIX having replied to the preceding letter, S. Ambrose responds in the same affectionate style, rejoicing in the prospect of their meeting, asking meanwhile the prayers of Felix, and promising his own. He ends by praising Felix for 'fighting the good fight of faith,' and assures him of help and blessing.
1. ALTHOUGH not in a good state of bodily health, I derived no little alleviation from the perusal of words from a heart so congenial to my own, being refreshed by your discourse as by some soothing potion 01-54 54. a puleium, lit. the herb penny royal. ; and also by your announcement that the day memorable for us both was at hand, that whereon you took on yourself the office of the high-priesthood; of which I was just then speaking with my brother Bassianus 01-55 55. b Bassianus is mentioned among the Bishops who took part in the Council of Aquileia, as Bishop of Laus Pompeia, now Lodi Vecchio, S. E. of Milan. The modern town of Lodi is about 5 miles from the site of the ancient one. . For having begun to speak of the dedication of the Church which he had built in the name of the Apostles, we were led to the subject, for he said that he earnestly desired the company of your Holiness.
2. Wherefore I introduced the mention of your birthday 01-56 56. c He means the day of his consecration as Bishop. So S. Ambr. speaks of his own consecration day as his birthday, Comm. in Luc. vii. 78. , as being on the first of November, and that it was (if I mistook not) close at hand, and to be celebrated on the following day, so that after that it would yield you no excuse. So I made a promise on your behalf; for you too have liberty to do the same as regards me: I made a promise to him, and exacted one for myself: for I feel assured you will be present, because you ought to be. It will not therefore be so much my promise that will bind you, as your own purpose, having resolved to do that which you ought. You see then it was rather my knowledge of you, than any rash confidence which induced me to give this pledge to my brother. Come then, lest you put two bishops to shame; yourself for not coming, me for having promised unadvisedly.
3. But we will remember your birthday in our prayers, and do you not forget us in yours. Our spirit shall accompany you; do you also, when you enter the second Tabernacle, which is called the Holy of Holies, do as we do, and carry us also in with you.
When in spirit you burn incense on the golden censer, forget us not; for it is the one which is in the second Tabernacle, and from which your prayer, full of wisdom, is directed to heaven as incense.
4. There is the Ark of the Covenant overlaid round about with gold; 01-57 57. Heb. ix. 4. that is, the doctrine of Christ, the doctrine of the Wisdom of God. There is the golden pot that had manna, the depository, namely, of spiritual nutriment, and the store-place of divine knowledge. There is the rod of Aaron, the symbol of priestly grace. Before, it had withered, but it budded again in Christ. There are the Cherubim over the tables of the Covenant, that is, the knowledge of the sacred Lessons. There is the Mercy-seat, over which on high is God the Word, the Image of the invisible God, Who says to thee, I will commune with thee from above the Mercy-seat, between the two Cherubim, 01-58 58. Col. i. 15. Exod. xxv. 22. for He speaks thus with us, that we may understand His saying, or because He speaks things not earthly but spiritual, as He saith, I will open My mouth in a parable. 01-59 59. Ps. lxxviii. 2. For where Christ is, there are all things, there is His doctrine, there the remission of sins, there grace, there the separation of the living and the dead.
5. Aaron indeed once stood in the midst, interposing himself to prevent death passing over to the hosts of the living from the carcases of the dead. 01-60 60. Numb. xvi. 48. But He, as the Word, ever stands within each of us, although we see Him not, and separates the faculties of our reason from the carcase of our deadly passions and pestilential thoughts. He standeth as He Who came into the world to blunt the sting of death, to stop its devouring jaws, to give to the living an eternity of grace, to the dead a resurrection.
6. In His service you are warring a good warfare, His deposit you keep, His money you lend out at interest, as it is written, Thou shall lend unto many nations; 01-61 61. Deut. xv. 8. the good interest of spiritual grace, which the Lord when He comes will exact with usury; and when He finds that you have dispensed it well, He will give you for few things, many things. Then shall I reap most delightful fruit, in that my judgment of you is approved; the ordination which you received by the imposition of my hands and the benediction in the Name of the Lord Jesus will not be blamed. Work therefore a good work, that in that day you may receive a reward, and we may rest together, I in you and you in me.
7. Plenteous is the harvest of Christ, but the labourers few, 01-62 62. S. Luke x. 2. and helpers are difficult to be found. So it was of old, but the Lord is powerful, Who will send labourers into His harvest. Without doubt among the ranks of the people of Comum 01-63 63. d Comum is the modern Como, at the southern extremity of the Lake which takes its name from it. very many have already begun to believe by your ministry, and through your teaching have received the word of God. But He Who gave those who believe will also give them that will help: whereby all occasion will be removed for excusing yourself for your postponed visit, and thus also the grace of your presence will be more frequently shed around me.
Farewell: continue to love us, as you do.
Sermone FELICIS recreatum se esse; maxime vero quod venturum ad basilicae consecrationem eum speraret, postquam celebrassent initi abs se episcopatus diem. Suas ad hoc preces ei promittit, mutuasque ab eodem reposcit, dum ingredietur sancta sanctorum. 0889A Tum quae illic contineantur, mystice decursis, FELICIS administrationem praedicat, polliceturque adjutores ei non defuturos.
1. Etsi habitu corporis minus valebam, tamen ubi sermonem unanimi mihi pectoris tui legi, non mediocrem sumpsi ad convalescendum gratiam, quasi quodam tui alloquii puleio refotus; simul quia celebrem utrique nostrum annuntiasti diem adfore, quo suscepisti gubernacula summi sacerdotii, de quo ante momentum cum fratre nostro Bassiano loquebar. Ortus enim sermo de basilicae, quam condidit Apostolorum nomine, dedicatione, dedit huic sermoni viam; siquidem significabat quod sedulo tuae quaereret sanctitatis praesentiam.
0889B 2. Tum ego nostris fabulis intexui diem natalis tui, qui foret in exordio ipso kalendarum Novembrium: eumque, si non fallerer, appropinquasse, et crastina celebrandum die; unde posthac non excusaturum. Promisi ergo de te, quoniam et tibi id de me licet: promisi illi, exegi mihi; praesumptum enim habeo quod affuturus sis, quia debes adesse. Non ergo te magis meum promissum tenebit, quam tuum institutum, qui id in animum indueris, ut quod oportet facias. Advertis itaque quia non tam promissi audax, quam tui conscius fratri spopondi. Veni igitur, ne duos sacerdotes redarguas: te, qui non adfueris; et me, qui tam facile promiserim.
3. Natalem autem tuum prosequemur nostris orationibus, et tu nostri in tuis votis non obliviscaris. 0889C Te noster spiritus comitabitur: tu quoque cum ingredieris secundum tabernaculum, quod dicitur sancta sanctorum (Exod. XXVI, 35 et seq.): facito nostro more, ut nos quoque tecum inducas. Cum spiritu adoles aureum illud thymiamaterium, nos ne intermiseris; ipsum est enim quod in secundo tabernaculo est, de quo plena sapientiae oratio tua sicut incensum dirigitur ad coelestia.
0890A 4. Ibi arca Testamenti undique auro tecta, 764 id est, doctrina Christi, doctrina sapientiae Dei. Ibi dolium aureum habens manna; receptaculum scilicet spiritalis alimoniae, et divinae promptuarium cognitionis. Ibi virga Aaron insigne sacerdotalis gratiae. Aruerat ante, sed in Christo refloruit. Ibi Cherubim super tabulas Testamenti, lectionis cognitio sacrae. Ibi propitiatorium, supra quod in excelsis Deus Verbum est, imago invisibilis Dei (Coloss. I, 15), quod tibi dicit: Loquar tecum desuper propitiatorium de medio duorum Cherubim (Exod. XXV, 22); sic enim loquitur nobiscum, ut nos ejus sermonem intelligamus: vel quia non mundana, sed intelligibilia loquitur, sicut ait: Aperiam in parabolis os meum (Psal. LXXVII, 2). Ubi enim Christus, 0890B ibi omnia, ibi doctrina ejus, ibi peccatorum remissio, ibi gratia, ibi separatio mortuorum ac viventium.
5. Et Aaron quidem semel stetit in medio eorum, objiciens se, ne mors transiret ad viventium agmina a funeribus mortuorum (Num. XVI, 47, 48). Hic autem quasi Verbum semper stat in singulis, quem nos non videmus, intra nos separans rationabiles virtutes a cadaveribus passionum lethalium, et pestilentium cogitationum. Hic stat, quasi qui in hunc mundum venerit, ut aculeum mortis hebetaret, devoratorium ejus obstrueret, viventibus aeternitatem gratiae daret, defunctis resurrectionem concederet (Hebr. II, 14, 15).
6. Huic tu militas bonam militiam (I Tim. I, 18), hujus depositum custodis, hujus pecuniam feneras, 0890C secundum quod scriptum est: Fenerabis gentibus (Deut. XV, 6). Bonum fenus spiritalis gratiae, quod veniens Dominus cum usuris exiget; et cum te bene dispensasse invenerit, dabit tibi plura pro paucioribus: eritque mihi fructus dulcissimus, quod meum in te judicium comprobabitur. Ordinatio non reprehendetur, quam accepisti per impositionem manuum mearum, et benedictionem in nomine Domini 0891A Jesu (II Tim. I, 6). Fac ergo bonum opus, ut in illo die mercedem invenias, et ego in te, et tu in me requiescamus.
7. Multa messis Christi, sed pauci operarii; et difficile reperiuntur, qui adjuvent. Verum hoc vetus: sed potens est Dominus, qui mittat operarios in messem suam (Matth. IX, 37). Certe in illo ordine Comensium jam plerique coeperunt credere magisterio tuo, et doctrina tua verbum Dei receperunt: sed qui dedit credentes, et adjutores dabit; quo et tibi excusandi auferatur necessitas, quod serius nos inviseris: et mihi 765 crebrior tuae praesentiae refundatur gratia. Vale, et nos dilige, ut facis.