2. Perceivest thou not how much this reasoning aideth the very persons whom as great game we make ado to catch by our lies? For, as thyself hast shown, this is the sentiment of the Priscillianists to prove which, they apply testimonies from the Scriptures exhorting their followers to lie, as though by the examples of Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Angels; not hesitating to add even the Lord Christ Himself; and deeming that they cannot otherwise prove their falsehood truthful, unless they pronounce Truth to be a liar. It must be refuted, this; not imitated: nor ought we to be partners with the Priscillianists in that evil in which they are convicted to be worse than other heretics. For they alone, or at least they in the greatest degree, are found to make a dogma of lying for the purpose of hiding their truth, as they call it: and this so great evil therefore to esteem just, because they say that in the heart must be held that which is true, but with the mouth to utter unto aliens a false thing, is no sin; and that this is written, “Who speaketh the truth in his heart:”3 Ps. xv. 2 as though this were enough for righteousness, even though a person do with his mouth speak a lie, when not his neighbor but a stranger is he that heareth it. On this account they think the Apostle Paul, when he had said, “Putting away lying, speak ye truth,” to have immediately added, “Every man with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.”4 Eph. iv. 25 Meaning, that with them who are not our neighbors in society of the truth, nor, so to say, our co-members,5 Commembres it is lawful and right to speak a lie.
2. Priscillianistarum error de mendacii usu ad latendum alienis. Sententia hac Priscillianistarum auferri omnino martyria. Nonne cernis quantum adjuvet haec disputatio eos ipsos, quos pro magna venatione mendaciis nostris capere molimur? Priscillianistarum est enim, sicut ipse monstrasti, ista sententia: cui comprobandae adhibent testimonia de Scripturis, exhortantes suos ad mentiendum tanquam exemplis Patriarcharum, Prophetarum, Apostolorum, Angelorum; non dubitantes addere etiam ipsum Dominum Christum, nec se aliter arbitrantes veracem suam ostendere falsitatem, nisi Veritatem dicant esse mendacem. Redarguenda sunt ista, non imitanda: nec in eo malo debemus Priscillianistarum esse participes, in quo caeteris haereticis convincuntur esse pejores. Ipsi enim soli, vel certe maxime ipsi reperiuntur, ad occultandam suam quam putant veritatem, dogmatizare mendacium: atque hoc tam magnum malum ideo justum existimare, quia dicunt in corde retinendum esse quod verum est; ore autem ad alienos proferre falsum, nullum esse peccatum; et hoc esse scriptum, Qui loquitur veritatem in corde suo (Psal. XIV, 3): tanquam hoc satis sit ad justitiam, etiamsi loquatur quisque in ore mendacium, quando non proximus, sed alienus hoc audit. Propterea putant etiam apostolum Paulum, cum dixisset, Deponentes mendacium, loquimini veritatem; statim addidisse, unusquisque cum proximo suo quia sumus invicem membra (Ephes, IV, 0520 25). Ut videlicet cum eis qui nobis in societate veritatis proximi non sunt, neque, ut ita dicam, commembres nostri sunt, loqui liceat oporteatque mendacium.