2. For there is indeed, unless I am mistaken, even in the very power of conscience, a marvellous fear which at once disturbs and inflames us; whose power, the more closely you look into, the more the dreadful sense of its obligation is gathered from its very aspect of venerable majesty. For assuredly you ought to consider what glory there is in expiating any kind of defilement of life, and the foulness of a polluted body, and the contagions gathered from the long putrefaction of vices, and the worldly guilt incurred by so great a lapse of time, by the remedial agency of one stroke, whereby both reward may be increased, and guilt may be excluded. Whence every perfection and condition of life is included in martyrdom. This is the foundation of life and faith, this is the safeguard of salvation, this is the bond of liberty and honour; and although there are also other means whereby the light may be attained, yet we more easily arrive at nearness to the promised reward, by help of these punishments, which sustain us.
II. Est enim profecto, nisi fallor, etiam in ipso 0789B conscientiae robore admiranda formido quae nos exagitet pariter et inflammet; cujus quanto penitius inspexeris potestatem, tanto ex ipso venerandae claritatis aspectu religionis suae praemittat horrorem . Considerare enim utique debetis quantae sit gloriae vitae quamlibet maculam et sordes polluti corporis et longa vitiorum tabe concreta contagia tantoque temporis tractu mundi crimen exceptum unius ictus remediis expiare, quo et augeri merces et crimen possit excludi. Unde omnis consummatio et status vitae in martyrio est collocatus. Hoc fundamentum vitae et fidei, hoc praesidium salutis, hoc vinculum libertatis et honoris; et quamvis sint et alia per quae adipisci lux possit, tamen ad proximitatem muneris repromissi poenis patrocinantibus melius pervenitur.