7. A . Behold I have prayed to God. R A R A R A R A R A R A R A R A R A
13. When therefore the mind has come to have sound eyes, what next? A. That she look. R.
21. R. We have pain of body left, which perhaps moves thee of its proper force. A. R.
7. R. Give now still greater heed. A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
8. R. Define therefore the True. A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
19. R. What then think you? Is the science of debate true, or false? A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
22. R. Attend therefore to the few things that remain. A. R. A. R. A.
24. R. Groan not, the human mind is immortal. A. R. A. R. A. R.
32. R. What sayest thou concerning the rest? A. R. A R. A. R. A. R. A. R. A.
3. Thee I invoke, O God, the Truth, in whom and from whom and through whom all things are true which anywhere are true. God, the Wisdom, in whom and from whom and through whom all things are wise which anywhere are wise. God, the true and crowning Life, in whom and from whom and through whom all things live, which truly and supremely live. God, the Blessedness, in whom and from whom and through whom all things are blessed, which anywhere are blessed. God, the Good and Fair, in whom and from whom and through whom all things are good and fair, which anywhere are good and fair. God, the intelligible Light, in whom and from whom and through whom all things intelligibly shine, which anywhere intelligibly shine. God, whose kingdom is that whole world of which sense has no ken. God, from whose kingdom a law is even derived down upon these lower realms. God, from whom to be turned away, is to fall: to whom to be turned back, is to rise again: in whom to abide, is to stand firm. God, from whom to go forth, is to die: to whom to return, is to revive: in whom to have our dwelling, is to live. God, whom no one loses, unless deceived: whom no one seeks, unless stirred up: whom no one finds, unless made pure. God, whom to forsake, is one thing with perishing; towards whom to tend, is one thing with living: whom to see is one thing with having. God, towards whom faith rouses us, hope lifts us up, with whom love joins us. God, through whom we overcome the enemy, Thee I entreat. God, through whose gift it is, that we do not perish utterly. God, by whom we are warned to watch. God, by whom we distinguish good from ill. God, by whom we flee evil, and follow good. God, through whom we yield not to calamities. God, through whom we faithfully serve and benignantly govern. God, through whom we learn those things to be another’s which aforetime we accounted ours, and those things to be ours which we used to account as belonging to another. God, through whom the baits and enticements of evil things have no power to hold us. God, through whom it is that diminished possessions leave ourselves complete. God, through whom our better good is not subject to a worse. God, through whom death is swallowed up in victory. God, who dost turn us to Thyself. God, who dost strip us of that which is not, and arrayest us in that which is. God, who dost make us worthy to be heard. God, who dost fortify us. God, who leadest us into all truth. God, who speakest to us only good, who neither terrifiest into madness nor sufferest another so to do. God, who callest us back into the way. God, who leadest us to the door of life. God, who causest it to be opened to them that knock. God, who givest us the bread of life. God, through whom we thirst for the draught, which being drunk we never thirst. God, who dost convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. God, through whom it is that we are not commoved by those who refuse to believe. God, through whom we disapprove the error of those, who think that there are no merits of souls before Thee. God, through whom it comes that we are not in bondage to the weak and beggarly elements. God, who cleansest us, and preparest us for Divine rewards, to me propitious come Thou.
3. Te invoco, Deus veritas, in quo et a quo et per quem vera sunt, quae vera sunt omnia. Deus sapientia, in quo et a quo et per quem sapiunt, quae sapiunt omnia. Deus vera et summa vita, in quo et a quo et per quem vivunt, quae vere summeque vivunt omnia. Deus beatitudo, in quo et a quo et per quem beata sunt, quae beata sunt omnia. Deus bonum et pulchrum, in quo et a quo et per quem bona et pulchra sunt, quae bona et pulchra sunt omnia. Deus intelligibilis lux, in quo et a quo et per quem intelligibiliter lucent, quae intelligibiliter lucent omnia. Deus cujus regnum est totus mundus, quem sensus ignorat. Deus de cujus regno lex etiam in ista regna describitur. Deus a quo averti, cadere; in quem converti, resurgere; in quo manere, consistere est. Deus a quo exire, emori; in quem redire, reviviscere; in quo habitare, vivere est. Deus quem nemo amittit, nisi deceptus; quem nemo quaerit, nisi admonitus; quem nemo invenit, nisi purgatus. Deus quem relinquere, hoc est quod perire; quem attendere, hoc est quod amare; quem videre, hoc est quod habere. Deus cui nos fides excitat, spes erigit, charitas jungit, Deus per quem vincimus inimicum, te deprecor. Deus per quem accepimus ne omnino periremus. Deus a quo admonemur ut vigilemus. Deus per quem a malis bona separamus. Deus per quem mala fugimus, et bona sequimur. Deus per quem non cedimus adversitatibus. Deus per quem bene servimus et bene dominamur. 0871 Deus per quem discimus aliena esse quae aliquando nostra, et nostra esse quae aliquando aliena putabamus. Deus per quem malorum escis atque illecebris non haeremus. Deus per quem nos res minutae non minuunt. Deus per quem melius nostrum deteriori subjectum non est. Deus per quem mors absorbetur in victoriam (I Cor. XV, 54). Deus qui nos convertis. Deus qui nos eo quod non est exuis, et eo quod est induis. Deus qui nos exaudibiles facis. Deus qui nos munis . Deus qui nos in omnem veritatem inducis. Deus qui nobis omnia bona loqueris, nec insanos facis, nec a quoquam fieri sinis. Deus qui nos revocas in viam. Deus qui nos deducis ad januam. Deus qui facis ut pulsantibus aperiatur (Matth. VII, 8). Deus qui nobis das panem vitae. Deus per quem sitimus potum, quo hausto nunquam sitiamus (Joan. VI, 35). Deus qui arguis saeculum de peccato, de justitia, et de judicio (Id. XVI, 8). Deus per quem nos non movent qui minime credunt. Deus per quem improbamus eorum errorem, qui animarum merita nulla esse apud te putant. Deus per quem non servimus infirmis et egenis elementis (Galat. IV, 9). Deus qui nos purgas, et ad divina praeparas praemia, adveni mihi propitius tu.