2. But when I received the letters that your blessed faith inspired, and understood that their slow arrival and their paucity were due to the remoteness and secrecy of my place of exile, I rejoiced in the Lord that you had continued pure and undefiled by the contagion of any execrable heresy, and that you were united with me in faith and spirit, and so were partakers of that exile into which Saturninus, fearing his own conscience, had thrust me after beguiling the Emperor, and after that you had denied him communion for the whole three years ago until now. I equally rejoiced that the impious and infidel creed which was sent straightway to you from Sirmium was not only not accepted by you, but condemned as soon as reported and notified. I felt that it was now binding on me as a religious duty to write sound and faithful words to you as my fellow-bishops, who communicate with me in Christ. I, who through fear of what might have been could at one time only rejoice with my own conscience that I was free from all these errors, was now bound to express delight at the purity of our common faith. Praise God for the unshaken stability of your noble hearts, for your firm house built on the foundation of the faithful rock, for the undefiled and unswerving constancy of a will that has proved immaculate! For since the good profession at the Council of Biterræ, where I denounced the ringleaders of this heresy with some of you for my witnesses, it has remained and still continues to remain, pure, unspotted and scrupulous.
0481A 2. Galliae episcopis gratulatur ob negatam Saturnino communionem, ob damnatam Sirmii fidem.---Sed beatae fidei vestrae litteris sumptis, quarum lentitudinem ac raritatem de exsilii mei et longitudine et secreto intelligo constitisse; gratulatus sum in Domino, incontaminatos vos et illaesos ab omni contagio detestandae haereseos perstitisse, vosque comparticipes exsilii mei, in quod me Saturninus, ipsam conscientiam suam veritus, circumvento imperatore detruserat, negata ipsi usque hoc tempus toto jam triennio communione, fide mihi ac spiritu cohaerere: et missam proxime vobis ex Sirmiensi oppido infidelis fidei impietatem, non modo non suscepisse, sed nuntiatam etiam significatamque damnasse. Necessarium mihi ac religiosum intellexi, ut 0481B nunc quasi episcopus episcopis mecum in Christo communicantibus salutaris ac fidelis sermonis colloquia transmitterem: et qui per metum incertorum, conscientiae tantum antea meae, quod ab his omnibus essem liber, gratulabar, nunc jam communis fidei nostrae integritate gauderem. O gloriosae conscientiae vestrae inconcussam stabilitatem! O firmam fidelis petrae fundamine domum! O intemeratae voluntatis illaesam imperturbatamque constantiam! Mansit namque, atque etiam nunc 460 permanet, post synodi Biterrensis professionem, in qua patronos 0482A hujus haereseos ingerendae quibusdam vobis testibus denuntiaveram, innocens, inviolata, religiosa.