I-V. Parable of Enoch on the Future Lot of the Wicked and the Righteous
XVII-XXXVII. Enoch's Journeys through the Earth and Sheol .
XX. Name and Functions of the Seven Archangels .
XXI. Preliminary and final place of punishment of the fallen angels (stars) .
XXII. Sheol, or the Underworld .
XXIII. The Fire that deals with the Luminaries of Heaven .
XXIV. XXV. The Seven Mountains in the North-West and the Tree of Life .
Jerusalem and the Mountains, Ravines and Streams .
XXVII. The Purpose of the Accursed Valley .
XXVIII-XXXIII. Further Journey to the East .
XXXIV. XXXV. Enoch's Journey to the North .
XXXVI. The Journey to the South .
XXXVII-XLIV. The First Parable .
XXXIX. The Abode of the Righteous and of the Elect One: the Praises of the Blessed .
XL. XLI. 2. The Four Archangels .
XLII. The Dwelling-places of Wisdom and of Unrighteousness .
XLIII. XLIV. Astronomical Secrets .
XLV-LVII. The Second Parable .
XLVI. The Head of Days and the Son of Man .
XLVII. The Prayer of the Righteous for Vengeance and their Joy at its coming .
XLIX. The Power and Wisdom of the Elect One .
L. The Glorification and Victory of the Righteous: the Repentance of the Gentiles .
LI. The Resurrection of the Dead, and the Separation by the Judge of the Righteous and the Wicked .
LII. The Seven Metal Mountains and the Elect One
LIII. LVI. 6. The Valley of Judgement: the Angels of Punishment: the Communities of the Elect One .
LVII. The Return from the Dispersion .
LVIII-LXXI. The Third Parable .
LIX. The Lights and the Thunder .
LX. Book of Noah--a Fragment .
LXII. Judgement of the Kings and the Mighty: Blessedness of the Righteous .
LXIII. The unavailing Repentance of the Kings and the Mighty .
LXIV. Vision of the fallen Angels in the Place of Punishment .
LXV. Enoch foretells to Noah the Deluge and his own Preservation .
LXVI. The Angels of the Waters bidden to hold them in Check .
LXVII. God's Promise to Noah: Places of Punishment of the Angels and of the Kings .
LXVIII. Michael and Raphael at the Severity of the Judgement .
LXIX. The Names and Functions of the ( fallen Angels and Satans: the secret Oath
LXX. The Final Translation of Enoch .
LXXI. Two earlier visions of Enoch .
LXXVI. The Twelve Windows and their Portals .
LXXVII. The Four Quarters of the World: the Seven Mountains, the Seven Rivers, &c .
LXXVIII. The Sun and Moon: the Waxing and Waning of the Moon .
LXXIX-LXXX. 1. Recapitulation of several of the Laws .
LXXXI. The Heavenly Tablets and the Mission of Enoch .
LXXXVI. The Fall of the Angels and the Demoralization of Mankind .
LXXXVII. The Advent of the Seven Archangels .
LXXXVIII. The Punishment of the Fallen Angels by the Archangels .
LXXXIX. 1-9. The Deluge and the Deliverance of Noah .
XC. 1-5. Third Period--from Alexander the Great to the Graeco-Syrian Domination .
XCI. 1-11. 18-19. Enoch's Admonition to his Children .
XCIII. XCI. 12-17. The Apocalypse of Weeks .
XCI. 12.-17. The Last Three Weeks .
XCIV. 1-5. Admonitions to the Righteous .
XCV. Enoch's Grief: fresh Woes against the Sinners .
XCVI. Grounds of Hopefulness for the Righteous: Woes for the Wicked .
XCVII. The Evils in Store for Sinners and the Possessors of unrighteous Wealth .
CI. Exhortation to the Fear of God: all Nature fears Him, but not the Sinners .
CII. Terrors of the Day of Judgement: the adverse Fortunes of the Righteous on the Earth .
CIII. Different Destinies of the Righteous and the Sinners: fresh Objections of the Sinners .
CV. God and the Messiah to dwell with Man .
1. Observe ye everything that takes place in the heaven, how they do not change their orbits, and the luminaries which are in the heaven, how they all rise and set in order each in its season, and transgress not against their appointed order. 2. Behold ye the earth, and give heed to the things which take place upon it from first to last, how steadfast they are, how none of the things upon earth change, but all the works of God appear to you. 3. Behold the summer and the winter, how the whole earth is filled with water, and clouds and dew and rain lie upon it.