3. You awaited the noble triumph of a holy and steadfast perseverance without yielding to the threats, the powers and the assaults of Saturninus: and when all the waves of awakening blasphemy struggled against God, you who still remain with me faithful in Christ did not give way when threatened with the onset of heresy, and now by meeting that onset you have broken all its violence. Yes, brethren, you have conquered, to the abundant joy of those who share your faith: and your unimpaired constancy gained the double glory of keeping a pure conscience and giving an authoritative example. For the fame of your unswerving and unshaken faith has moved certain Eastern bishops, late though it be, to some shame for the heresy fostered and supported in those regions: and when they heard of the godless confession composed at Sirmium, they contradicted its audacious authors by passing certain decrees themselves. And though they withstood them not without in their turn raising some scruples, and inflicting some wounds upon a sensitive piety, yet they withstood them so vigorously as to compel those who at Sirmium yielded to the views of Potamius and Hosius as accepting and confirming those views, to declare their ignorance and error in so doing; in fact they had to condemn in writing their own action. And they subscribed with the express purpose of condemning something else in advance2 Hosius, bishop of Cordova in Spain, had been sent by Constantine to Alexandria at the outbreak of the Arian controversy. He had presided at the Council of Nicæa in 325, and had taken part in the Council of Sardica in 343, when the Nicene Creed was reaffirmed. In his extreme old age he was forced with blows to accept this extreme Arian Creed drawn up at the third Council of Sirmium in the summer of 357. This is what is stated by Socrates, and it is corroborated by Athanasius, Hist. Arian, c. 45, where it is added that he anathematized Arianism before dying. Hilary certainly does Hosius an injustice in declaring him to be joint-author of the ‘blasphemous’ creed..
3. Haeresi prorupturae non cedunt, prorumpentem frangunt. Ad resipiscentiam Orientales exemplo suo commovent. ---Exspectastis enim sanctae et indemutabilis perseverantiae gloriosum triumphum, non cedendo Saturnini minis, potestatibus, bellis: et cum omnia inchoandae blasphemiae in Deum certamina moverentur, manentes nunc usque mecum in Christo fideles, neque antea ad occasionem prorupturae haereseos cessistis, et nunc omnem ejus petulantiam in proruptionis congressione fregistis. Vicistis enim, Fratres, cum ingenti fidei communis gratulatione: et geminam habuit illaesae constantiae vestrae honor 0482B gloriam, de integritate scilicet conscientiae, et de exempli auctoritate. Nam fidei vestrae imperturbatae inconcussaeque fama, quosdam Orientalium episcopos sero jam ad aliquem pudorem nutritae exinde haereseos auctaeque commovit: et auditis iis quae apud Sirmium conscripta impiissime erant, irreligiosorum audaciae quibusdam sententiarum suarum decretis contradixerunt. Et licet non sine aliquo aurium scandalo et piae sollicitudinis offensione restiterint: tamen adeo restiterunt, ut ipsos illos, qui tunc apud Sirmium in sententiam Potamii atque Osii, ita et 0483A ipsi 461 sentientes confirmantesque, concesserant, ad professionem ignorantiae errorisque compellerent; ut ipsi rursum subscribendo damnarent quod fecerant. Quod utique ideo fecerunt, ut aliud ante damnarent.