Anonymous Treatise on Re-baptism.


 A Treatise on Re-Baptism by an Anonymous Writer. That They Who Have Once Been Washed in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Ought Not to Be Re-Baptized

 1. I observe that it has been asked among the brethren what course ought specially to be adopted towards the persons of those who, although baptized i

 2. To such, then, as approach to a discussion of saving and modern, that is, of spiritual and evangelical baptism, there occurs first of all the annou

 3. And to these things thou perchance, who art bringing in some novelty, mayest immediately and impatiently reply, as thou art wont, that the Lord sai

 4. And this being found to be so, what thinkest thou, my brother? If a man be not baptized by a bishop, so as even at once to have the imposition of h

 5. And if this be so, and the occurrence of any of these things cannot deprive a man who believes, of salvation, thou thyself also affirmest that the

 6. And this also,—looking at it from the opposite side of this discussion,—those disciples of our Lord themselves attained, upon whom, being previousl

 7. Neither must you esteem what our Lord said as being contrary to this treatment: “Go ye, teach the nations baptize them in the name of the Father,

 8. But these things thou wilt, as thou art wont, contradict, by objecting to us, that when they baptized, the disciples were baptized perfectly, and r

 9. By which things, and by many deeds of this kind tending to His glory, it appeared to follow as a consequence, that in whatever manner the Jews thin

 10. Besides, what wilt thou say of those who are in many cases baptized by bishops of very bad character, who yet at length, when God so wills it, con

 11. And what wilt thou determine against the person of him who hears the word, and haply taken up in the name of Christ, has at once confessed, and ha

 12. Wherefore the whole of this discussion must be considered, that it may be made clearer. For the invocation of the name of Jesus can only be an adv

 13. For any one of us will hold it necessary, that whatever is the last thing to be found in a man in this respect, is that whereby he must be judged,

 14. And even to this point the whole of that heretical baptism may be amended, after the intervention of some space of time, if a man should survive a

 15. And since we seem to have divided all spiritual baptism in a threefold manner, let us come also to the proof of the statement proposed, that we ma

 16. But since the first part of this argument seems to be unfolded, we ought to touch on its subsequent part, on account of the heretics because it i

 17. Moreover, if a man of this sort should again return to thee, thou wilt assuredly hesitate whether he may have baptism or no and yet it will behov

 18. And the Spirit, indeed, continues to this day invisible to men, as the Lord says, “The Spirit breathes where He will and thou knowest not whence

 19. I think that we have fully followed out the announcement of John the Baptist, whence we began our discourse, when he said to the Jews, “I indeed b

2. To such, then, as approach to a discussion of saving and modern, that is, of spiritual and evangelical baptism, there occurs first of all the announcement universally well known, made and begun by John the Baptist, who, somewhat departing from the law, that is, from the most ancient baptism of Moses, and preparing the way of the new and true grace, both preoccupied the ears of the Jews gradually by the baptism of water and of repentance which for the time he practised, and took possession of them with the announcement of a spiritual baptism that was to come, exhorting them, and saying, “He that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoe’s latchet I am not worthy to unloose: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire;”8    Matt. iii. 11. and for this reason we also ought to make a beginning of this discourse from this point. For in the Acts of the Apostles, the Lord after His resurrection, confirming this same word of John, “commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for that promise of the Father which, saith He, ye have heard from me; for John truly baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.”9    Acts i. 4, 5. And Peter also related these same words of the Lord, when he gave an account of himself to the apostles, saying: “And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell upon them as on us at the beginning; and I remembered the word of the Lord, how that He said, John indeed baptized with water, but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost. If, therefore, He gave them a like gift as to us, who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I, that I could withstand the Lord?”10    Acts xi. 15–17. And again: “Men and brethren, ye know how from ancient days God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the Gospel, and believe. And God, who knoweth the hearts, bare them witness, giving them the Holy Spirit, even as He did unto us.”11    Acts xv. 7, 8. And on this account we ought to consider what is the force and power of this saying. For the Lord says to them who would have to be subsequently baptized because they should believe, that they must be baptized not in like manner as by Him in water, unto repentance, but in the Holy Ghost. And of this announcement, as assuredly none of us can doubt it, it is plain on what principle men were baptized in the Holy Spirit. For it was peculiarly in the Holy Spirit Himself alone that they who believed were baptized. For John distinguished, and said that he indeed baptized in water, but that one should come who would baptize in the Holy Ghost, by the grace and power of God; and they are so by the Spirit’s bestowal and operation of hidden results. Moreover, they are so no less in the baptism of the Spirit and of water. They are so, besides, also in the baptism of every one in his own proper blood.12    There is something needed to make the connection of this passage complete. Even as the Holy Scriptures declare to us, from which we shall adduce evident proofs throughout each individual instance of those things which we shall narrate.

II. Igitur aggredientibus tractatum salutaris et novi, hoc est spiritalis et evangelici Baptismatis, in primis occurrit notissima omnibus praedicatio celebrata atque coepta ab Joanne Baptista, qui aliquantum desciscens a lege, id est Moysis antiquissimo baptismate, et viam novae et verae gratiae praesternens, et 1186B baptismate quod interim exercebat aquae et poenitentiae sensim aures Judaeorum praeveniebat et occupabat spiritalis Baptismatis futuri annuntiatione, adhortans eos et dicens: Qui post me venit fortior me est, cujus ego non sum dignus corrigiam calceamenti solvere. Ipse vos baptizabit in Spiritu sancto et igni (Matth. III, 11; Marc. I, 7; Luc. III, 16; Joan. I, 27). Propter quod nobis quoque hujus sermonis orsus hinc incipere debebit. Nam et Dominus hanc eamdem vocem Joannis post suam resurrectionem in Actis Apostolorum confirmans, praecepit eis ab Hierosolymis non discedere, sed expectare illam promissionem Patris quam audistis a me: quia Joannes quidem baptizavit aqua, vos autem baptizabimini Spiritu sancto, non post multos hos dies1186C (Act. I, 4, 5). Itemque Petrus eadem verba Domini percensuit, rationem pro se apud Apostolos reddens dicendo: Cum autem inciperem loqui ego, irruit Spiritus sanctus super eos, sicut et super nos in principio; et recordatus sum sermonem Domini sicut dicebat: Joannes quidem baptizavit aqua, vos autem baptizabimini Spiritu sancto. Si ergo aequale donum dedit eis sicut et nobis credentibus Dominum Jesum Christum, ego quis eram, qui possem prohibere Domino (Act. XI, 15-17)? Et iterum: Viri fratres, scitis quia a diebus antiquis in nobis Deus elegit per os meum audire Gentes verbum Evangelii, et credere: et qui corda novit Deus testimonium perhibuit, dans eis Spiritum sanctum sicut et nobis (Act. XV, 7, 8). Ac propterea hujus sententiae quae sit vis et potestas, considerare debemus. Ait enim 1186D Dominus eis qui postmodum baptizari haberent, quia crederent baptizandos esse, non quemadmodum a se in aqua in poenitentiam, sed in Spiritu sancto. De qua praedicatione cum utique nemo nostrum possit ambigere, manifestum est qua ratione homines in 1187A Spiritu sancto baptizati sint. Nam et proprie in ipso solo sancto Spiritu baptizati sunt qui crediderunt, quia Joannes discrevit et dixit, dicens se quidem in aqua baptizare, venturum autem qui in Spiritu sancto baptizet gratia et virtute Dei sunt et hoc et occulta largiente et operante, nihilominus autem etiam in Baptismate spiritus et aquae, praeterea etiam in Baptismate spiritus in sanguine proprio uniuscujusque, sicut declarant nobis sanctae Scripturae, quarum per singula quaeque eorum quae enarrabimus afferemus perspicuas probationes.