Development of Christian Doctrine


  Chapter 1. On the Development of Ideas

 Section 1. On the Process of Development in Ideas

 Section 2. On the Kinds of Development in Ideas

  Chapter 2. On the Antecedent Argument in behalf of Developments in Christian Doctrine

 Section 1. Developments of Doctrine to be Expected

 Section 2. An Infallible Developing Authority to be Expected

 Section 3. The Existing Developments of Doctrine the Probable Fulfilment of that Expectation

  Chapter 3. On the Historical Argument in behalf of the Existing Developments

 Section 1. Method of Proof

 Section 2. State of the Evidence

  Chapter 4. Instances in Illustration

 Section 1. Instances Cursorily Noticed

 Section 2. Our Lord's Incarnation and the Dignity of His Blessed Mother and of All Saints

 Section 3. The Papal Supremacy

  Chapter 5. Genuine Developments Contrasted with Corruptions

 Section 1. First Note of a Genuine Development—Preservation of Type

 Section 2. Second Note—Continuity of Principles

 Section 3. Third Note—Power of Assimilation

 Section 4. Fourth Note—Logical Sequence

 Section 5. Fifth Note—Anticipation of Its Future

 Section 6. Sixth Note—Conservative Action upon Its Past

 Section 7. Seventh Note—Chronic Vigour

 Chapter 6. Application of the First Note of a True Development—Preservation of Type

 Section 1. The Church of the First Centuries

 Section 2. The Church of the Fourth Century

 Section 3. The Church of the Fifth and Sixth Centuries

 Chapter 7. Application of the Second Note of a True Development

  Chapter 8. Application of the Third Note of a True Development—Assimilative Power

  Chapter 9. Application of the Fourth Note of a True Development Logical Sequence

  Chapter 10. Application of the Fifth Note of a True Development Anticipation of Its Future

  Chapter 11. Application of the Sixth Note of a True Development Conservative Action on Its Past

 Section 1. Various Instances

 Section 2. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin

  Chapter 12. Application of the Seventh Note of a True Development Chronic Vigour Note Conclusion

 Chapter 2. On the Antecedent Argument in behalf of Developments in Christian Doctrine