On Exhortation to Chastity.

 Chapter I.—Introduction.  Virginity Classified Under Three Several Species.

 Chapter II.—The Blame of Our Misdeeds Not to Be Cast Upon God.  The One Power Which Rests with Man is the Power of Volition.

 For what things are manifest we all know and in what sense allowed permitted Indulgence permission cause unwilling constrains pure more more less mor

 Chapter IV.—Further Remarks Upon the Apostle’s Language.

 Chapter V.—Unity of Marriage Taught by Its First Institution, and by the Apostle’s Application of that Primal Type to Christ and the Church.

 Chapter VI.—The Objection from the Polygamy of the Patriarchs Answered.

 Chapter VII.—Even the Old Discipline Was Not Without Precedents to Enforce Monogamy.  But in This as in Other Respects, the New Has Brought in a Highe

 Chapter VIII.—If It Be Granted that Second Marriage is Lawful, Yet All Things Lawful are Not Expedient.

 Chapter IX.—Second Marriage a Species of Adultery, Marriage Itself Impugned, as Akin to Adultery.

 Chapter X.—Application of the Subject.  Advantages of Widowhood.

 Chapter XI.—The More the Wives, the Greater the Distraction of the Spirit.

 Chapter XII.—Excuses Commonly Urged in Defence of Second Marriage.  Their Futility, Especially in the Case of Christians, Pointed Out.

 Chapter XIII.—Examples from Among the Heathen, as Well as from the Church, to Enforce the Foregoing Exhortation.

Chapter V.—Unity of Marriage Taught by Its First Institution, and by the Apostle’s Application of that Primal Type to Christ and the Church.

For the laying down20    Dirigendam. of the law of once marrying, the very origin of the human race is our authority; witnessing as it emphatically does what God constituted in the beginning for a type to be examined with care by posterity.  For when He had moulded man, and had foreseen that a peer was necessary for him, He borrowed from his ribs one, and fashioned for him one woman;21    Gen. ii. 21, 22. whereas, of course, neither the Artificer nor the material would have been insufficient (for the creation of more).  There were more ribs in Adam, and hands that knew no weariness in God; but not more wives22    Or, “but no plurality of wives.” in the eye of God.23    Apud Deum.  And accordingly the man of God, Adam, and the woman of God, Eve, discharging mutually (the duties of) one marriage, sanctioned for mankind a type by (the considerations of) the authoritative precedent of their origin and the primal will of God.  Finally, “there shall be,” said He, “two in one flesh,”24    Gen. ii. 24. not three nor four.  On any other hypothesis, there would no longer be “one flesh,” nor “two (joined) into one flesh.”  These will be so, if the conjunction and the growing together in unity take place once for all.  If, however, (it take place) a second time, or oftener, immediately (the flesh) ceases to be “one,” and there will not be “two (joined) into one flesh,” but plainly one rib (divided) into more.  But when the apostle interprets, “The two shall be (joined) into one flesh”25    Eph. v. 31. of the Church and Christ, according to the spiritual nuptials of the Church and Christ (for Christ is one, and one is His Church), we are bound to recognise a duplication and additional enforcement for us of the law of unity of marriage, not only in accordance with the foundation of our race, but in accordance with the sacrament of Christ.  From one marriage do we derive our origin in each case; carnally in Adam, spiritually in Christ.  The two births combine in laying down one prescriptive rule of monogamy.  In regard of each of the two, is he degenerate who transgresses the limit of monogamy.  Plurality of marriage began with an accursed man.  Lamech was the first who, by marrying himself to two women, caused three to be (joined) “into one flesh.”26    Gen. iv. 18, 19.


Ad legem semel nubendi dirigendam , ipsa origo humani generis patrocinatur, contestans quid Deus 0920B in primordio constituerit, in formam posteritati recensendam .

Nam cum hominem figurasset , eique parem necessariam propexisset, unam de costis ejus mutuatus, unam illi foeminam finxit; cum utique nec artifex, nec materia defecisset, plures costae in Adam, et infatigabiles manus in Deo, sed non plures uxores apud Deum et ideo homo Dei Adam, et mulier Dei Eva, unis inter se nuptiis functi sunt . Formam hominibus Dei, de originis auctoritate, et prima Dei voluntate sanxerunt. Denique, erunt duo, inquit, in carne una; non tres, neque quatuor. Alioquin jam non una caro, nec duo in unam carnem. Tunc erunt, si conjunctio et concretio in unitatem semel fiat. Si vero rursus 0920C aut saepius, jam una esse desiit; et erunt non duo in unam carnem, sed una plane costa in plures. At quam Apostolus in Ecclesiam et Christum interpretatur, erunt duo in unam carnem, secundum spiritales nuptias Ecclesiae et Christi (unus enim Christus, et una ejus Ecclesia), agnoscere debemus duplicatam et exaggeratam esse nobis unius matrimonii legem, tam secundum generis fundamentum, quam secundum Christi sacramentum. De uno matrimonio censemur utrobique, et carnaliter in Adam, et spiritaliter in Christo. Duarum nativitatum unum est monogamiae praescriptum. In utraque degenerat, qui de monogamia exorbitat. Numerus matrimonii a maledicto viro coepit. Primus Lamech, duabus maritatus, tres in unam carnem effecit.