5. The remedies for propitiating God are given in the words of God Himself; the divine instructions have taught what sinners ought to do, that by works of righteousness God is satisfied, that with the deserts of mercy sins are cleansed. And in Solomon we read, “Shut up alms in the heart of the poor, and these shall intercede for thee from all evil.”12 Ecclus. xxix. 12. And again: “Whoso stoppeth his ears that he may not hear the weak, he also shall call upon God, and there will be none to hear him.”13 Prov. xxi. 13. For he shall not be able to deserve the mercy of the Lord, who himself shall not have been merciful; nor shall he obtain aught from the divine pity in his prayers, who shall not have been humane towards the poor man’s prayer. And this also the Holy Spirit declares in the Psalms, and proves, saying, Blessed is he that considereth of the poor and needy; the Lord will deliver him in the evil day.”14 Ps. xli. 1. Remembering which precepts, Daniel, when king Nebuchodonosor was in anxiety, being frightened by an adverse dream, gave him, for the turning away of evils, a remedy to obtain the divine help, saying, “Wherefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to thee; and redeem thy sins by almsgivings, and thine unrighteousness by mercies to the poor, and God will be patient15 Some editors read “parcens” instead of “patiens,” making the meaning “sparing to thy sins.” to thy sins.”16 Dan. iv. 27. And as the king did not obey him, he underwent the misfortunes and mischiefs which he had seen, and which he might have escaped and avoided had he redeemed his sins by almsgiving. Raphael the angel also witnesses the like, and exhorts that alms should be freely and liberally bestowed, saying, “Prayer is good, with fasting and alms; because alms doth deliver from death, and it purgeth away sins.”17 Tob. xii. 8, 9. He shows that our prayers and fastings are of less avail, unless they are aided by almsgiving; that entreaties alone are of little force to obtain what they seek, unless they be made sufficient18 Some have read for “satientur,” “farciantur,” and others “socientur,” “be filled up,” or “be associated.” by the addition of deeds and good works. The angel reveals, and manifests, and certifies that our petitions become efficacious by almsgiving, that life is redeemed from dangers by almsgiving, that souls are delivered from death by almsgiving.
V. Remedia propitiando Deo ipsius Dei verbis data sunt, quid deberent facere peccantes magisteria divina docuerunt, operationibus justis Deo satisfieri, misericordiae meritis peccata purgari. Et apud Salomonem legimus: Conclude eleemosynam in corde pauperis , et haec pro te exorabit ab omni malo. Et iterum: 0605C Qui obturat aures ne audiat imbecillum, et ipse invocabit Deum, et non erit qui exaudiat eum (Prov. XXI, 0606A 13). Neque enim promereri misericordiam Domini poterit qui misericors ipse non fuerit, aut impetrabit de divina pietate aliquid in precibus qui ad precem pauperis non fuerit humanus. Quod item in Psalmis Spiritus sanctus declarat et probat dicens: Beatus qui intelligit super egenum et pauperem, in die mala liberabit eum Dominus (Psal. XL, 2). Quorum praeceptorum memor Daniel, cum rex Nabuchodonosor adverso somnio territus aestuaret, pro avertendis malis ad divinam opem impetrandam remedium dedit dicens: Propterea, rex, consilium meum placeat tibi, et peccata tua eleemosynis redime et injustitias tuas miserationibus pauperum, et erit Deus parcens peccatis tuis (Dan. IV, 24). Cui rex non obtemperans, adversa quae viderat et infesta perpessus est: quae evadere et 0606B vitare potuisset, si peccata sua eleemosynis redemisset. Raphael quoque angelus paria testatur, et ut eleemosyna libenter ac largiter fiat hortatur dicens: Bona est oratio cum jejunio et eleemosyna: quia eleemosyna a morte liberat, et ipsa purgat peccata (Tob. XII, 8). Ostendit orationes nostras ac jejunia minus posse nisi eleemosynis adjuventur , deprecationes solas parum ad impetrandum valere, nisi factorum et operum accessione satientur . Revelat Angelus et manifestat et firmat eleemosynis petitiones nostras efficaces fieri, eleemosynis vitam de periculis redimi, eleemosynis animas a morte liberari.