The Conferences of John Cassian.
II. Second Conference of Abbot Moses.
III. Conference of Abbot Paphnutius.
IV. Conference of Abbot Daniel.
V. Conference of Abbot Serapion.
VI. Conference of Abbot Theodore.
VII. First Conference of Abbot Serenus.
VIII. The Second Conference of Abbot Serenus.
IX. The First Conference of Abbot Isaac.
X. The Second Conference of Abbot Isaac.
The Conferences of John Cassian.
The Second Part of the Conferences
XII. The Second Conference of Abbot Chæremon.
XIII. The Third Conference of Abbot Chæremon.
XIV. The First Conference of Abbot Nesteros.
XV. The Second Conference of Abbot Nesteros.
XVI. The First Conference of Abbot Joseph.
XVII. The Second Conference of Abbot Joseph.
The Conferences of John Cassian.
The Third Part of the Conferences
XIX. Conference of Abbot John.
XX. Conference of Abbot Pinufius.
XXI. The First Conference of Abbot Theonas.
XXII. The Second Conference of Abbot Theonas.
XXIII. The Third Conference of Abbot Theonas.
On the abiding character of love.
And why do you wonder that those duties enumerated above will cease, when the holy Apostle tells us that even the higher gifts of the Holy Spirit will pass away: and points out that charity alone will abide without end, saying “whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease: whether there be knowledge, it will come to an end,” but of this he says “Charity never faileth.” For all gifts are given for a time as use and need require, but when the dispensation is ended they will without doubt presently pass away: but love will never be destroyed. For not only does it work usefully in us in this world; but also in that to come, when the burden of bodily needs is cast off, it will continue in far greater vigour and excellence, and will never be weakened by any defect, but by means of its perpetual incorruption will cling to God more intently and earnestly. 17 1 Cor. xiii. 8.