Chapter VI.—Although Writing in Latin He Proposes to Retain the Greek Names of the Valentinian Emanations of Deity. Not to Discuss the Heresy But Only to Expose It. This with the Raillery Which Its Absurdity Merits.
In order then, that no one may be blinded by so many outlandish63 Tam peregrinis. names, collected together, and adjusted at pleasure,64 Compactis. and of doubtful import, I mean in this little work, wherein we merely undertake to propound this (heretical) mystery, to explain in what manner we are to use them. Now the rendering of some of these names from the Greek so as to produce an equally obvious sense of the word, is by no means an easy process: in the case of some others, the genders are not suitable; while others, again, are more familiarly known in their Greek form. For the most part, therefore, we shall use the Greek names; their meanings will be seen on the margins of the pages. Nor will the Greek be unaccompanied with the Latin equivalents; only these will be marked in lines above, for the purpose of explaining65 Ut signum hoc sit. the personal names, rendered necessary by the ambiguities of such of them as admit some different meaning. But although I must postpone all discussion, and be content at present with the mere exposition (of the heresy), still, wherever any scandalous feature shall seem to require a castigation, it must be attacked66 Or stormed perhaps; expugnatio is the word. by all means, if only with a passing thrust.67 Delibatione transfunctoria. Let the reader regard it as the skirmish before the battle. It will be my drift to show how to wound68 Ostendam vulnera. rather than to inflict deep gashes. If in any instance mirth be excited, this will be quite as much as the subject deserves. There are many things which deserve refutation in such a way as to have no gravity expended on them. Vain and silly topics are met with especial fitness by laughter. Even the truth may indulge in ridicule, because it is jubilant; it may play with its enemies, because it is fearless.69 Secura. Only we must take care that its laughter be not unseemly, and so itself be laughed at; but wherever its mirth is decent, there it is a duty to indulge it. And so at last I enter on my task.
Igitur hoc libello, quo demonstrationem solum promittimus illius arcani, ne quem ex nominibus tam peregrinis, et coactis, et compactis, et ambiguis, caligo suffundat, quomodo eis usuri simus, prius demandabo. Quorumdam enim de graeco interpretatio non occurrit ad expeditam proinde nominis formam, 0549B quorumdam nec de sexu genera conveniunt, quorumdam usitatior in graeco notitia est. Itaque plurimum graeca ponemus; significantiae per paginarum limites aderunt , nec latinis quidem deerunt graeca, sed in lineis desuper notabuntur, ut signum hoc sit personalium nominum, propter ambiguitates eorum quae cum alia significatione communicant. Quamquam autem distulerim congressionem, solam interim professus narrationem, sicubi tamen indignitas meruerit suggillari, non erit delibatione transpunctoria expugnatio 0550A . Congressionis lusionem deputa , Lector, ante pugnam . Ostendam, sed non imprimam vulnera. Si et ridebitur alicubi, materiis ipsis satisfiet: multa sunt sic indigna revinci, ne gravitate adorentur . Vanitati proprie festivitas cedit. Congruit et veritati ridere, quia laetans; de aemulis suis ludere, quia secura est. Curandum plane ne risus ejus rideatur, si fuerit indignus. Caeterum ubicumque dignus risus, officium est. Denique hoc modo incipiam.