6. Neither, beloved brethren, are we so bringing forward these things, as that we should not prove what Raphael the angel said, by the testimony of the truth. In the Acts of the Apostles the faith of the fact is established; and that souls are delivered by almsgiving not only from the second, but from the first death, is discovered by the evidence of a matter accomplished and completed. When Tabitha, being greatly given to good works and to bestowing alms, fell sick and died, Peter was summoned to her lifeless body; and when he, with apostolic humanity, had come in haste, there stood around him widows weeping and entreating, showing the cloaks, and coats, and all the garments which they had previously received, and praying for the deceased not by their words, but by her own deeds. Peter felt that what was asked in such a way might be obtained, and that Christ’s aid would not be wanting to the petitioners, since He Himself was clothed in the clothing of the widows. When, therefore, falling on his knees, he had prayed, and—fit advocate for the widows and poor—had brought to the Lord the prayers entrusted to him, turning to the body, which was now lying washed on the bier,19 Other translators read, “in the upper chamber.” he said, “Tabitha, in the name of Jesus Christ, arise!”20 Acts ix. 40. Nor did He fail to bring aid to Peter, who had said in the Gospel, that whatever should be asked in His name should be given. Therefore death is suspended, and the spirit is restored, and, to the marvel and astonishment of all, the revived body is quickened into this worldly light once more; so effectual were the merits of mercy, so much did righteous works avail! She who had conferred upon suffering widows the help needful to live, deserved to be recalled to life by the widows’ petition.
VI. Nec sic, fratres charissimi, ista proferimus ut non quod Raphael angelus dixit veritatis testimonio comprobemus: in Actibus Apostolorum facti fides 0606C posita est, et quod eleemosynis, non tantum a secunda, sed a prima morte animae liberentur gestae et 0607A impletae rei probatione compertum est . Tabitha , operationibus justis et eleemosynis praestandis plurimum dedita, cum infirmata esset et mortua, ad cadaver exanime Petrus accitus est: qui cum impigre pro apostolica humanitate venisset, circumsteterunt eum viduae flentes et rogantes, pallia et tunicas et omnia illa quae prius sumpserant indumenta monstrantes, nec pro defuncta suis vocibus, sed ipsius operibus deprecantes. Sensit Petrus impetrari posse quod sic petebatur, nec defuturum Christi auxilium viduis deprecantibus, quando esset in viduis ipse vestitus. Cum itaque genibus nixus orasset, viduarum ac pauperum idoneus advocatus legatas sibi preces ad Dominum pertulisset, conversus ad corpus, quod in tabula jam lotum jacebat, Tabitha, inquit, exsurge in nomine Jesu Christi (Act. IX, 40). Nec defuit Petro 0607B quominus statim ferret auxilium qui in Evangelio dari dixerat quicquid fuisset ejus nomine postulatum. Mors itaque suspenditur et spiritus redditur, et, mirantibus ac stupentibus cunctis, ad hanc mundi denuo lucem redivivum corpus animatur. Tantum potuerunt misericordiae merita, tantum opera justa valuerunt! Quae laborantibus viduis largita fuerat subsidia vivendi, meruit ad vitam viduarum petitione revocari.