5. And although in all your actions, past and present, you bear witness to the uninterrupted independence and security of your faith; yet in particular you prove your warmth and fervour of spirit by the fact that some of you whose letters have succeeded in reaching me have expressed a wish that I, unfit as I am, should notify to you what the Easterns have since said in their confessions of faith. They affectionately laid the additional burden upon me of indicating my sentiments on all their decisions. I know that my skill and learning are inadequate, for I feel it most difficult to express in words my own belief as I understand it in my heart; far less easy must it be to expound the statements of others.
5. Epistolae hujus occasio. Operis difficultas.---Et quidem quamvis in omnibus, quae gessistis et geritis, constantem fidei vestrae libertatem et securitatem testemini; tamen etiam in eo ferventis spiritus ardorem probatis, quod nonnulli ex vobis, quorum ad 0483C me potuerunt scripta deferri, quae exinde Orientales in fidei professionibus gerant et gesserunt, significari vobis humilitatis meae litteris desiderastis: etiam hoc mihi onus imperitissimo atque indoctissimo omnium 0484A ex affectu charitatis addentes, ut quid ipse super omnibus dictis eorum sentiam indicem; cum difficillimum sit sensum ipsum propriae meae fidei, secundum intelligentiae interioris affectum loquendo proferre, nedum modo facile sit intelligentiam eorum quae ab aliis dicuntur exponere.