LETTER I (circa 1120)To the Canons Regular of Horricourt[1]

 LETTER II (A.D. 1126)To the Monk Adam[1]

 LETTER III (A.D. 1131)To Bruno,[1] Archbishop Elect of Cologne

 LETTER IVTo the Prior and Monks of the Grand Chartreuse

 LETTER V (circa A.D. 1127)To Peter, Cardinal Deacon

 LETTER VI (circa A. D. 1127)To the Same

 LETTER VII (towards the end of A.D. 1127)To Matthew, the Legate

 LETTER VIII (circa A.D. 1130)To Gilbert, Bishop of London, Universal Doctor

 LETTER IX (circa A.D. 1135)To Ardutio (or Ardutius, Bishop Elect of Geneva

 LETTER X (in the Same Year)The Same, When Bishop

 LETTER XI (circa A.D. 1120)The Abbot of Saint Nicasius at Rheims

 LETTER XII (A.D. 1127)To Louis, King of France[1]

 LETTER XIII (A.D. 1127)To the Same Pope, in the Name of Geoffrey,Bishop of Chartres.

 LETTER XIV (circa A.D. 1129)To Alexander,[1] Bishop of Lincoln

 LETTER XV (circa A.D. 1129)To Alvisus, Abbot of Anchin

 LETTER XVI To Rainald, Abbot of Foigny



 LETTER XIX (A.D. 1127)To Suger, Abbot of S. Denis

 LETTER XX (circa A.D. 1130)To Guy, Abbot of Molêsmes

 LETTER XXI (circa A.D. 1128)To the Abbot of S. John at Chartres

 LETTER XXII (circa A.D. 1129)To Simon, Abbot of S. Nicholas

 Letter XXIII (circa A.D. 1130)To the Same

 LETTER XXIV (circa A.D. 1126)To Oger, Regular Canon [1]

 LETTER XXV. (circa A.D. 1127)To the Same

 LETTER XXVI. (circa A.D. 1127)To the Same

 LETTER XXVII (circa A.D. 1127)To the Same

 LETTER XXVIII (circa A.D. 1130)To the Abbots Assembled at Soissons [1]

 LETTER XXIX (A.D. 1132)To Henry, King of England

 LETTER XXX (circa A.D. 1132)To Henry, [1] Bishop of Winchester

 LETTER XXXII (A.D. 1132)To Thurstan, Archbishop of York

 LETTER XXXIV (circa A.D. 1130)Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, to the Abbot Bernard. [1]

 LETTER XXXV (circa A.D. 1130)Reply of the Abbot Bernard to Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours.

 LETTER XXXVI (circa A.D. 1131)To the Same Hildebert, Who Had Not Yet Acknowledged the Lord Innocent as Pope.

 LETTER XXXVII (circa A.D. 1131)To Magister Geoffrey, of Loretto. [1]

 LETTER XXXVIII (circa A.D. 1135)To His Monks of Clairvaux.

 LETTER XXXIX (A.D. 1137)To the Same.

 LETTER XLTo Thomas, Prior of Beverley

 LETTER XLITo Thomas of St. Omer, After He Had Broken His Promise of Adopting a Change of Life.

 LETTER XLIITo the Illustrious Youth, Geoffrey de Perrone, and His Comrades.

 LETTER XLIIIA Consolatory Letter to the Parents of Geoffrey.

 LETTER XLIVConcerning the Maccabees But to Whom Written is Unknown. [1]

 LETTER XLV (circa A.D. 1120)To a Youth Named Fulk, Who Afterwards Was Archdeacon of Langres

 LETTER XLVI (circa A.D. 1125)To Guigues, the Prior, And to the Other Monks of the Grand Chartreuse

 LETTER XLVIITo the Brother of William, a Monk of Clairvaux. [1]

 LETTER XLVIIITo Magister [1] Walter de Chaumont.

 LETTER XLIXTo Romanus, Sub-Deacon of the Roman Curia.

 To Geoffrey, of Lisieux [1]

 LETTER LITo the Virgin Sophia

 LETTER LIITo Another Holy Virgin.

 LETTER LIIITo Another Holy Virgin of the Convent of S. Mary of Troyes [1]

 LETTER LIVTo Ermengarde, Formerly Countess of Brittany [1]

 LETTER LVTo the Same

 LETTER LVITo Beatrice, a Noble and Religious Lady

 LETTER LVIITo the Duke and Duchess of Lorraine [1]

 LETTER LVIIITo the Duchess of Lorraine

 LETTER LIXTo the Duchess of Burgundy [1]

 Letter LX

 LETTER LX (A.D. 1140)To the Same, Against Certain Heads of Abaelard’s Heresies.

 LETTER LXI (A.D. 1138)To Louis the Younger, King of the French.

 LETTER LXII (A.D. 1139)To Pope Innocent.

 LETTER LXIII (A.D. 1139)To the Same, in the Name of Godfrey, Bishop of Langres.

 LETTER LXIV (A.D. 1139)To the Above-Named Falco.

 LETTER XLV (circa A.D. 1140)To the Canons of Lyons, on the Conception of S. Mary.

 LETTER LXVI (A.D. 1135)To the Patriarch of Jerusalem.

LETTER VIII (circa A.D. 1130)To Gilbert, Bishop of London, Universal Doctor

He praises Gilbert, who practised poverty in the station of Bishop.

The report of your conduct has spread far and wide, and has given to those whom it has reached an odour of great sweetness. The love of riches is extinct; what sweetness results! charity reigns; what a delight to all! All recognise you for a truly wise man, who has trodden under foot the great enemy with true wisdom; and this is most worthy of your name and of your priesthood. It was fitting that your special philosophy should shine forth by such a proof, and that you should crown all your distinguished learning by such a completion. That is the true and unquestionable wisdom which contemns filthy lucre and judges it a thing unworthy [that philosophy should] dwell under the same roof as the service of idols. That the Magister Gilbert should become a bishop was not a great thing; but that a Bishop of London should embrace a life of poverty, that is, indeed, grand. For the greatness of the dignity could not add glory to your name; but the humility of poverty has highly exalted it. To bear poverty with an equal mind, that is the virtue of patience; to seek it of one’s own accord is the height of wisdom. He is praised and regarded as admirable who does not go out of his way after 43money; and shall he who renounces it have no higher praise? Unless that clear reason sees nothing to be wondered at in the fact that a wise man acts wisely; and he is wise who having acquired all the science of the learned of this world, and having great enjoyment in acquiring them, has studied all the Scriptures so as to make their meaning new again. What then? You have dispersed, you have given to the poor, but money. But what is money to that righteousness which you have gained for it? His righteousness, it is said, endureth for ever (Ps. cxii. 9). Is it so with money? Then it is a desirable and honourable exchange to give that which passes away for that which endures. May it be granted to you always so to purchase, O, admirable and praiseworthy Magister! It remains that your noble beginning should attain an ending worthy of it; and the tail of the victim be joined to the head. I have gladly received your benediction, which the perfectness of your virtue renders the more precious to me. The bearer of this letter, though exceedingly respectable for his own sake, I desire to commend for my sake also, to your Greatness. He is exceedingly dear to me for his goodness and piety.