7. How great is the advantage of going out of the world, Christ Himself, the Teacher of our salvation and of our good works, shows to us, who, when His disciples were saddened that He said that He was soon to depart, spoke to them, and said, “If ye loved me, ye would surely rejoice because I go to the Father;”14 John xvi. 28. teaching thereby, and manifesting that when the dear ones whom we love depart from the world, we should rather rejoice than grieve. Remembering which truth, the blessed Apostle Paul in his epistle lays it down, saying, “To me to live is Christ, and to die is gain;”15 Phil. i. 21. counting it the greatest gain no longer to be held by the snares of this world, no longer to be liable to the sins and vices of the flesh, but taken away from smarting troubles, and freed from the envenomed fangs of the devil, to go at the call of Christ to the joy of eternal salvation.
VII. Quantum prosit exire de saeculo Christus ipse salutis atque utilitatis nostrae magister ostendit; qui, cum discipuli ejus contristarentur quod se jam diceret 0586C recessurum, locutus est ad eos dicens: Si me dilexissetis, gauderetis utique, quoniam vado ad Patrem (Joan. XIV, 23), docens scilicet et ostendens, cum 0587A chari quos diligimus de saeculo exeunt, gaudendum potius quam dolendum. Cujus rei memor beatus apostolus Paulus in Epistola sua ponit et dicit: Mihi vivere Christus est, et mori lucrum (Philip. I, 21); lucrum maximum computans jam saeculi laqueis non teneri, jam nullis peccatis et vitiis carnis obnoxium fieri, exemptum pressuris angentibus, et venenatis diaboli faucibus liberatum, ad laetitiam salutis aeternae Christo vocante proficisci.