A Treatise concerning man’s perfection in righteousness,
Chapter II.—(1.) The First Breviate of Cœlestius.
Chapter III.—(5.) The Fifth Breviate.
Chapter IV.—(9.) The Ninth Breviate.
Chapter V.—(11.) The Eleventh Breviate.
Chapter VI.—(12.) The Twelfth Breviate.
(13.) The Thirteenth Breviate.
(14.) The Fourteenth Breviate.
Chapter VII.—(16.) The Sixteenth Breviate.
(18.) The Righteousness of This Life Comprehended in Three Parts,—Fasting, Almsgiving, and Prayer.
(19.) The Commandment of Love Shall Be Perfectly Fulfilled in the Life to Come.
Chapter IX.—(20.) Who May Be Said to Walk Without Spot Damnable and Venial Sins.
(22.) Passages to Show that God’s Commandments are Not Grievous.
(24.) To Be Without Sin, and to Be Without Blame—How Differing.
(26.) Why Job Was So Great a Sufferer.
(28.) When Our Heart May Be Said Not to Reproach Us When Good is to Be Perfected.
Chapter XII.—(29.) The Second Passage. Who May Be Said to Abstain from Every Evil Thing.
Chapter XV.—(34.) The Opposing Passages.
(35.) The Church Will Be Without Spot and Wrinkle After the Resurrection.
(36.) The Difference Between the Upright in Heart and the Clean in Heart.
Chapter XVI.—(37.) The Sixth Passage.
Chapter XIX—(40.) The Ninth Passage.
(41.) Specimens of Pelagian Exegesis.
(42.) God’s Promises Conditional. Saints of the Old Testament Were Saved by the Grace of Christ.
(8.) The Eighth Breviate.
VIII. “Again, this question must be asked,” he says, “how God wishes man to be,—with sin, or without sin? Beyond doubt, He does not wish him to be with sin. We must reflect how great would be the impious blasphemy for it to be said that man has it in his power to be with sin, which God does not wish; and for it to be denied that he has it in his power to be without sin, which God wishes: just as if God had created any man for such a result as this,—that he should be able to be what He would not have him, and unable to be what He would have him; and that he should lead an existence contrary to His will, rather than one which should be in accordance therewith.” This has been in fact already answered; but I see that it is necessary for me to make here an additional remark, that we are saved by hope. “But hope that is seen is not hope; for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.” 11 Rom. viii. 24, 25. Full righteousness, therefore, will only then be reached, when fulness of health is attained; and this fulness of health shall be when there is fulness of love, for “love is the fulfilling of the law;”12 Rom. xiii. 10. and then shall come fulness of love, when “we shall see Him even as He is.”13 1 John iii. 2. Nor will any addition to love be possible more, when faith shall have reached the fruition of sight.
Ratiocinatio 8. Iterum, ait, quaerendum est, quomodo vult Deus hominem esse, cum peccato, an sine peccato. Procul dubio non vult esse cum peccato. Quanta haec impietatis blasphemia sit, cogitandum est, ut dicatur hominem posse esse cum peccato, quod Deus non vult; et negetur posse esse sine peccato, quod Deus vult; quasi aliquem ad hoc Deus creaverit, ut posset esse quod nolit, et non posset esse quod velit, et ut contra suam magis quam ut secundum suam existeret voluntatem. Jam superius responsum est: sed addendum video, quod spe salvi facti sumus. Spes autem quae videtur, non est spes: quod enim videt quis, quid sperat? Si autem quod non videmus speramus, per patientiam exspectamus (Rom. VIII, 24, 25). Tunc ergo erit plena justitia, quando plena sanitas: tunc plena sanitas, quando plena charitas; plenitudo enim legis charitas (Id. XIII, 10): tunc autem plena charitas, quando videbimus eum sicuti est (1 Joan. III, 2). Neque enim erit quod addatur ad dilectionem, cum fides pervenerit ad visionem.