8. You complain that the fountains are now less plentiful to you, and the breezes less salubrious, and the frequent showers and the fertile earth afford you less ready assistance; that the elements no longer subserve your uses and your pleasures as of old. But do you serve God, by whom all things are ordained to your service; do you wait upon Him by whose good pleasure all things wait upon you?15 Some read, “But you do not serve God, by whom all things are ordained to your service; you do not wait upon Him,” etc. From your slave you yourself require service; and though a man, you compel your fellow-man to submit, and to be obedient to you; and although you share the same lot in respect of being born, the same condition in respect of dying; although you have like bodily substance and a common order of souls, and although you come into this world of ours and depart from it after a time with equal rights,16 [“Æquali jure et pari lege.” This would have furnished ground for Jefferson’s famous sentence in the American Declaration of Independence. See also Franklin’s sentiment, vol. i. p. 552, note 9. There is a very remarkable passage in Massillon which might have engendered the French Revolution had it been known to the people. See Petit Carême, On Palm Sunday, p. 189, etc., ed. 1745.] and by the same law; yet, unless you are served by him according to your pleasure, unless you are obeyed by him in conformity to your will, you, as an imperious and excessive exactor of his service, flog and scourge him: you afflict and torture him with hunger, with thirst and nakedness, and even frequently with the sword and with imprisonment. And, wretch that you are, do you not acknowledge the Lord your God while you yourself are thus exercising lordship?17 Some add, “over man.”
VIII. Quereris quod minus nunc tibi uberes fontes et aurae salubres et frequens pluvia et fertilis terra obsequium praebeant, quod non ita utilitatibus tuis et voluptatibus elementa deserviant. Tu enim Deo 0550A servis, per quem tibi cuncta deserviunt; famularis illi cujus nutu tibi universa famulantur. Ipse de servo tuo exigis servitutem, et homo hominem parere tibi et obedire compellis. Et cum sit vobis eadem sors nascendi, conditio una moriendi, corporum materia consimilis, animarum ratio communis, aequali jure et pari lege vel veniatur in istum mundum vel de mundo postmodum recedatur, tamen nisi tibi pro arbitrio tuo serviatur, nisi ad voluntatis obsequium pareatur, imperiosus et nimius servitutis exactor, flagellas, verberas, fame, siti, nuditate, ferro etiam frequenter et carcere affligis et crucias; et non agnoscis, miser, Dominum Deum tuum, cum sic exerceas ipse dominatum?