9. The mischief is much more trifling, and the danger less, when the limbs are wounded with a sword. The cure is easy where the wound is manifest; and when the medicament is applied, the sore that17 Erasmus and others give this reading. Baluzius, Routh, and many codices, omit “vulnus,” and thus read, “what is seen.” is seen is quickly brought to health. The wounds of jealousy are hidden and secret; nor do they admit the remedy of a healing cure, since they have shut themselves in blind suffering within the lurking-places of the conscience. Whoever you are that are envious and malignant, observe how crafty, mischievous, and hateful you are to those whom you hate. Yet you are the enemy of no one’s well-being more than your own. Whoever he is whom you persecute with jealousy, can evade and escape you. You cannot escape yourself.18 [“It punishes the delinquent in the very act.” Jer. Taylor, ut supra, p. 492, also Anselm, Opp., i. 682, ed. Migne.] Wherever you may be, your adversary is with you; your enemy is always in your own breast; your mischief is shut up within; you are tied and bound with the links of chains from which you cannot extricate yourself; you are captive under the tyranny of jealousy; nor will any consolations help you. It is a persistent evil to persecute a man who belongs to the grace of God. It is a calamity without remedy to hate the happy.
IX. Multo malum levius et periculum minus est cum membra gladio vulnerantur. Facilis cura est ubi plaga perspicua est, et cito ad sanitatem medela subveniente perducitur quod videtur. Zeli vulnera abstrusa sunt et occulta; nec remedium curae medentis 0645A admittunt quae se intra conscientiae latebras caeco dolore clauserunt. Quicumque es invidus et malignus, videris quam sis eis quos odisti insidiosus, perniciosus, infestus. Nullius magis quam tuae salutis inimicus es. Quisquis ille est quem zelo persequeris, subterfugere et vitare te poterit; tu te non potes fugere : ubicumque fueris, adversarius tuus tecum est, hostis semper in pectore tuo est , pernicies intus inclusa est, ineluctabili catenarum nexu ligatus et vinctus es, zelo dominante captivus es, nec solatia tibi ulla subveniunt. Perseverans malum est hominem persequi ad Dei gratiam pertinentem. Calamitas sine remedio est odisse felicem.