4. Quanquam subtilissime quaeratur utrum cum abest voluntas fallendi, absit omnino mendacium.

 5. Sed utrum sit utile aliquando mendacium, multo major magisque necessaria quaestio est. Utrum ergo mentiatur quisquis fallendi non habet voluntatem,

 6. Contra, illi quibus placet nunquam mentiendum, multo fortius agunt, utentes primo auctoritate divina, quoniam in ipso Decalogo scriptum est, Falsum

 7. Nec illis quae de veteribus Libris mendaciorum exempla prolata sunt, terreri se dicunt ubi quidquid gestum est, figurate accipi potest, quamvis re

 8. Et ideo de libris Novi Testamenti, exceptis figuratis significationibus Domini, si vitam moresque sanctorum et facta ac dicta consideres, nihil tal

 9. Quod si auctoritas mentiendi nec de antiquis Libris proferri potest, vel quia non est mendacium quod figurate gestum dictumve recipitur, vel quia b




 13. In qua propositione ista sunt quae merito quaeri possunt: utrum talis consensio pro facto habenda sit aut utrum consensio dicenda sit quae non ha

 14. Quomodo, inquis, non cum eis facit, quando illi hoc non facerent, si ipse illud faceret? Hoc modo frangimus januam cum effractoribus, quia si non

 15. Totus itaque hujus quaestionis nodus ad hoc adducit, ut quaeratur utrum alienum nullum peccatum, quamvis in te commissum, tibi imputetur, si levio

 16. An aliqua etiam mendacia excipienda sunt, ut satius sit hanc pati, quam illa committere? Quod si ita est, non quidquid factum fuerit ut illa immun

 17. Sed tamen si talis optio proponeretur ei qui thurificare idolis, quam muliebria perpeti maluit, ut si illud vellet evitare, famam Christi aliquo m



 20. Sed fortassis exceptionem addendam quis putet, ut sint quaedam honesta mendacia, quae non solum nulli obsunt, sed etiam nonnulli prosunt, exceptis

 21. Quod si absurdum est, quid dicemus? An falsum testimonium non est, nisi cum quisque ita mentitur, ut aut crimen confingat in aliquem, aut alicujus

 22. Quid ergo, si ad christianum homicida confugiat, aut videat quo confugit et de hac re interrogetur ab eo qui ad supplicium quaerit hominem homini

 23. Fecit hoc episcopus quondam Thagastensis Ecclesiae, Firmus nomine, firmior voluntate. Nam cum ab eo quaereretur homo jussu Imperatoris per apparit

 24. Sed venitur aliquando ad hujusmodi articulum, ut non interrogemur ubi sit ille qui quaeritur, neque cogamur ut eum prodamus, si sic occultatus est


 26. De qua re patebit aliquis considerationi locus, si prius divinas auctoritates, quae mendacium prohibent, diligenter discutiamus: si enim ipsae nul

 27. Velut cum legimus in Evangelio, Accepisti alapam, para alteram maxillam (Matth. V, 39). Exemplum 0507 Si male dixi, exprobra de malo si autem ben

 28. Scriptum est etiam, Ego autem dico vobis, non jurare omnino. Juravit autem ipse Apostolus in Epistolis suis (Rom. IX, 1 Philipp. I, 8, et Galat.

 29. Sicut illud, Nolite cogitare de crastino et, Nolite itaque cogitare quid manducetis, et quid bibatis, et quid induamini

 30. Item dictum est Apostolis, ut nihil secum portantes in via, ex Evangelio viverent. Et quodam 0508 loco etiam ipse Dominus significavit cur hoc dix


 32. Manifeste etiam in Evangelio invenimus os cordis ut uno loco et corporis et cordis os Dominus commemorasse inveniatur, ubi ait: Adhuc et vos sine

 33. Sicut autem quaeritur de quo ore dixerit, Os autem quod mentitur, occidit animam ita quaeri potest, de quo mendacio. Videtur enim de illo proprie

 34. Nam quod alio loco scriptum est, Noli velle mentiri omne mendacium non ad hoc volunt valere, ut nullo mendacio quisquam mentiatur. Itaque cum ali

 35. Item quod scriptum est, Perdes omnes qui loquuntur mendacium: alius dicit nullum hic exceptum esse mendacium, sed omne damnatum. Alius dicit: Ita

 36. Nam de falso testimonio, quod in decem praeceptis Legis positum est, nullo modo quidem contendi potest dilectionem veritatis in corde servandam, e

 37. Item quod scriptum est, Verbum excipiens filius a perditione longe aberit: excipiens autem excipit illud sibi, et nihil falsi de ore ipsius proced

 0513 38. Haec certe omnis disputatio quamvis alternet, aliis asserentibus nunquam esse mentiendum, et ad hoc divina testimonia recitantibus aliis con

 39. Et omnia quidem ista peccata, sive quibus injuria fit hominibus in ipsis vitae hujus commodis , sive quibus se ipsi homines corrumpunt, et nulli i




 0517 43. Tanta porro caecitas hominum animos occupavit, ut eis parum sit si dicamus quaedam mendacia non esse peccata, nisi etiam in quibusdam peccatu

9. But if no authority for lying can be alleged, neither from the ancient Books, be it because that is not a lie which is received to have been done or said in a figurative sense, or be it because good men are not challenged to imitate that which in bad men, beginning to amend, is praised in comparison with the worse; nor yet from the books of the New Testament, because Peter’s correction rather than his simulation, even as his tears rather than his denial, is what we must imitate: then, as to those examples which are fetched from common life, they assert much more confidently that there is no trust to be given to these. For first they teach, that a lie is iniquity, by many proofs of holy writ, especially by that which is written, “Thou, Lord, hatest all workers of iniquity, thou shall destroy them that speak leasing.”20    Ps. v. 5, 6. [See R.V.] For either as the Scripture is wont, in the following clause it expounds the former; so that, as iniquity is a term of a wider meaning, leasing is named as the particular sort of iniquity intended: or if they think there is any difference between the two, leasing is by so much worse than iniquity as “thou wilt destroy” is heavier than “thou hatest.” For it may be that God hates a person to that degree more mildly, as not to destroy him, but whom He destroys He hates the more exceedingly, by how much He punisheth more severely. Now He hateth all who work iniquity: but all who speak leasing He also destroyeth. Which thing being fixed, who of them which assert this will be moved by those examples, when it is said, suppose a man should seek shelter with thee who by thy lie may be saved from death? For that death which men are foolishly afraid of who are not afraid to sin, kills not the soul but the body, as the Lord teacheth in the Gospel; whence He charges us not to fear that death:21    Matt. x. 28 but the mouth which lies kills not the body but the soul. For in these words it is most plainly written, “The mouth that lieth slayeth the soul.”22    Wisd. i. 11; “belieth,” E.V. How then can it be said without the greatest perverseness, that to the end one man may have life of the body, it is another man’s duty to incur death of the soul? The love of our neighbor hath its bounds in each man’s love of himself. “Thou shall love,” saith He, “thy neighbor as thyself.”23    Levit. xix. 18; Matt. xxii. 39 How can a man be said to love as himself that man, for whom that he may secure a temporal life, himself loseth life eternal? Since if for his temporal life he lose but his own temporal life, that is not to love as himself, but more than himself: which exceeds the rule of sound doctrine. Much less then is he by telling a lie to lose his own eternal for another’s temporal life. His own temporal life, of course, for his neighbor’s eternal life a Christian man will not hesitate to lose: for this example has gone before, that the Lord died for us. To this point He also saith, “This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”24    John xv. 12, 13 For none is so foolish as to say that the Lord did other than consult for the eternal salvation of men, whether in doing what He hath charged us to do, or in charging us to do what Himself hath done. Since then by lying eternal life is lost, never for any man’s temporal life must a lie be told. And as to those who take it ill and are indignant that one should refuse to tell a lie, and thereby slay his own soul in order that another may grow old in the flesh; what if by our committing theft, what if by committing adultery, a person might be delivered from death: are we therefore to steal, to commit whoredom? They cannot prevail with themselves in a case of this kind: namely, if a person should bring a halter and demand that one should yield to his carnal lust, declaring that he will hang himself unless his request be granted: they cannot prevail with themselves to comply for the sake of, as they say, saving a life. If this is absurd and wicked, why should a man corrupt his own soul with a lie in order that another may live in the body, when, if he were to give his body to be corrupted with such an object, he would in the judgment of all men be held guilty of nefarious turpitude? Therefore the only point to be attended to in this question is, whether a lie be iniquity. And since this is asserted by the texts above rehearsed, we must see that to ask, whether a man ought to tell a lie for the safety of another, is just the same as asking whether for another’s safety a man ought to commit iniquity. But if the salvation of the soul rejects this, seeing it cannot be secured but by equity, and would have us prefer it not only to another’s, but even to our own temporal safety: what remains, say they, that should make us doubt that a lie ought not to be told under any circumstances whatsoever? For it cannot be said that there is aught among temporal goods greater or dearer than the safety and life of the body. Wherefore if not even that is to be preferred to truth, what can be put in our way for the sake of which they who think it is sometimes right to lie, can urge that a lie ought to be told?

9. Quod si auctoritas mentiendi nec de antiquis Libris proferri potest, vel quia non est mendacium quod figurate gestum dictumve recipitur, vel quia bonis ad imitandum non proponitur quod in malis, cum proficere coeperint, in pejoris comparatione laudatur; nec de Novi Testamenti libris, quia correctio potius quam simulatio, sicut lacrymae potius quam negatio Petri est imitanda.


Mendacium esse iniquitatem, et mortem animae afferre, nec proinde admittendum pro cujusquam salute temporali. Jam illis exemplis, quae de communi vita proferuntur, multo confidentius asserunt non esse credendum. Prius enim docent iniquitatem esse mendacium, multis documentis Litterarum sanctarum, et eo maxime quod scriptum est: Odisti, Domine, omnes qui operantur iniquitatem; perdes omnes qui loquuntur mendacium (Psal. V, 7). Aut enim, ut solet Scriptura, sequenti versu exposuit superiorem; ut quoniam latius solet patere iniquitas, intelligamus nominato mendacio tanquam speciem iniquitatis significare voluerit: aut si aliquid interesse arbitrantur, tanto pejus est mendacium, quanto gravius positum est perdes, quam odisti. Forte enim odit aliquem Deus aliquanto mitius, ut eum non perdat: quem vero perdit, tanto vehementius odit, quanto severius punit. Odit autem omnes qui operantur iniquitatem: at omnes qui loquuntur mendacium etiam perdit. Quo constituto, quis eorum qui haec asserunt commovebitur illis exemplis, cum dicitur: Quid si ad te homo confugiat, qui mendacio tuo possit a morte liberari? Illa enim mors quam stulte timent homines, qui peccare non timent, non animam, sed corpus occidit, sicut Dominus in Evangelio docet; unde praecipit ne ipsa timeatur (Matth. X, 28): os autem quod mentitur, non corpus, sed animam occidit. His enim verbis apertissime scriptum est: Os quod mentitur, occidit animam (Sap. I, 11). Quomodo ergo non perversissime dicitur, ut alter corporaliter vivat, debere alterum spiritualiter mori? Nam et ipsa dilectio proximi ex sua cujusque terminum accepit. Diliges, inquit, proximum tuum tanquam te ipsum (Levit. XIX, 18, et Matth. XXII, 39). Quomodo ergo quisque diligit tanquam se ipsum, cui ut praestet vitam temporalem, ipse amittit aeternam? quandoquidem si pro illius temporali vita suam ipsam temporalem perdat, non est jam diligere sicut se ipsum, sed plus quam se ipsum: quod sanae doctrinae regulam excedit. Multo minus igitur aeternam suam pro 0495 alterius temporali mentiendo amissurus est. Temporalem plane vitam suam pro aeterna vita proximi non dubitabit christianus amittere: hoc enim praecessit exemplum, ut pro nobis Dominus ipse moreretur. Ad hoc enim et ait: Hoc est mandatum meum, ut diligatis invicem sicut et ego dilexi vos. Majorem dilectionem nemo habet, quam ut animam suam ponat pro amicis suis (Joan. XV, 12, 13). Non enim quisquam est ita desipiens, ut dicat aliud quam saluti sempiternae hominum consuluisse Dominum vel faciendo quod praecepit, vel praecipiendo quod fecit. Cum igitur mentiendo vita aeterna amittatur, nunquam pro cujusquam temporali vita mentiendum est. Enimvero isti qui stomachantur et indignantur, si nolit aliquis mendacio perimere animam suam, ut alius senescat in carne; quid, si etiam furto nostro, quid, si adulterio liberari possit aliquis de morte? ideone furandum est, aut moechandum? Nesciunt enim ad hoc se cogere, ut si laqueum ferat homo et stuprum petat, confirmans quod sibi collum ligabit, nisi ei concedatur quod petit, consentiatur propter animam, sicut ipsi dicunt, liberandam. Quod si absurdum et nefarium est, cur animam suam quisque mendacio corrumpat, ut alter vivat in corpore; cum si suum corpus propterea corrumpendum daret, omnium judicio nefariae turpitudinis damnaretur? Proinde non est in ista quaestione attendendum, nisi utrum iniquitas sit mendacium. Quod cum supra commemoratis documentis asseratur, videndum est ita quaeri utrum pro alterius salute mentiri aliquis debeat, ac si quaereretur utrum pro alterius salute iniquus esse aliquis debeat. Quod si respuit animae salus, quae non potest nisi aequitate servari, et se ut praeponamus non solum alterius, sed etiam nostrae saluti temporali jubet; quid restat, inquiunt, quo dubitare debeamus nunquam omnino esse mentiendum? Non enim dici potest esse aliquid in temporalibus commodis, salute ac vita corporali majus aut charius. Unde si nec ipsa praeponenda est veritati, quid objici potest propter quod mentiendum esse contendant, qui aliquando putant oportere mentiri?