9. Moreover, beloved brethren, regard, I beseech you, this consideration more fully; for in it both salvation is involved, and sublimity accounted of, although I am not unaware that you abundantly know that we are supported by the judgments of all who stand fast, and that you are not ignorant that this is the teaching handed down to us, that we should maintain the power of so great a Name without any dread of the warfare; because we whom once the desire of an everlasting remembrance has withheld from the longing for this light, and whom the anticipations of the future have wrenched away, and whom the society of Christ so longed for has kept aloof from all wickedness, shrink from offering our soul to death except it be in the way of yielding to a mischief, and that those benefits of God must no longer be retained and clung to by us, since beyond the burning up of these things the reward is so great as that human infirmity can hardly attain sufficiently to speak of it. Heaven lies open to our blood; the dwelling-place of Gehenna gives way to our blood; and among all the attainments of glory, the title of blood is sealed as the fairest, and its crown is designated as most complete.
IX. Etenim, charissimi fratres, respicite ad hoc, quaeso vos, plenius, in quo et salus vertitur et sublimitas computatur, licet non sim nescius etiam vos plenissime nosse stantium omnium nos judiciis contineri, neque ignorare hanc esse nobis traditam disciplinam, ut sine ullo terrore militiae vim tanti nominis tueamur; quippe quos pridem a desiderio lucis istius cupiditas aeternae memoriae deduxerit, quos futurorum vota divellerint , quosque ab omnibus 0792C vitiis optanda Christi societas segregarit, nisi si exitio succumbere, morti animam dubitamus offerre, nec jam retinenda sunt nobis et amplectenda beneficia divina quorum ultra rerum ardorem tanta sit merces quantum in dicendo humana mediocritas vix possit implere. Sanguini nostro patet coelum, sanguini nostro gehennae cedit habitaculum, et inter omnia gloriae pulchrior sanguinis titulus et integrior corona signatur.