41. Ut essentiae nomine, ita sunt unum essentiae genere. 0513C
58. Filius ex Dei substantia, non ut creaturae ex voluntate. 0520C
71. Et pie dici potest, et pie taceri. ---Non est, 0527B
78. Orientalium laus ob haeresim coercitam. ---O 0530C 0531A 0531B
82. Quo sensu judicio communi damnetur. ---Sed 0535A
83. Quod pie a Nicaena synodo susceptum, non debeat 0535B improbari. 0535C
8. For although it was necessary to reply to your letters, in which you offered me Christian communion with your faith, (and, moreover, certain of your number who were summoned to the Council which seemed pending in Bithynia did refuse with firm consistency of faith to hold communion with any but myself outside Gaul), it also seemed fit to use my episcopal office and authority, when heresy was so rife, in submitting to you by letter some godly and faithful counsel. For the word of God cannot be exiled as our bodies are, or so chained and bound that it cannot be imparted to you in any place. But when I had learnt that synods were to meet in Ancyra and Ariminum, and that one or two bishops from each province in Gaul would assemble there, I thought it especially needful that I, who am confined in the East, should explain and make known to you the grounds of those mutual suspicions which exist between us and the Eastern bishops, though some of you know those grounds; in order that whereas you had condemned and they had anathematized this heresy that spreads from Sirmium, you might nevertheless know with what confession of faith the Eastern bishops had come to the same result that you had come to, and that I might prevent you, whom I hope to see as shining lights in future Councils, differing, through a mistake about words, even a hair’s-breadth from pure Catholic belief, when your interpretation of the apostolic faith is identically the same and you are Catholics at heart.
8. Quis scopus. Orientalium et Gallorum mutuae suspiciones. ---Quamquam enim responderi litteris vestris necessarium fuerit, quibus communionem mihi dominicam fidei vestrae scriptis miseratis; et quidam etiam ex vobis ad synodum quae in Bithynia futura 0485B videbatur 463 acciti, firmissima fidei constantia intra communionem se meam continentes, a caeteris extra Gallias abstinerent: et dignum sane erat episcopali ministerio ac voce, in tanto haereticorum furore, aliqua vobiscum per litteras piae fidei consilia conferre. Non enim cum corporibus nostris exsulans, vinctum ac detentum esse potuit Dei verbum, ut non communicari vobiscum posset ubicumque (Vid. l. X de Trinitate, n. 4). Sed maxime cum comperissem synodos in Ancyra atque Arimino congregandas, et a singulis provinciis Gallicanis binos vel singulos eo esse venturos; ea, quae inter nos atque Orientales episcopos mutuis suspicionibus detinentur, per me, qui in Orientis partibus continebar, exponenda vobis, licet jam scientibus, 0485C atque edenda existimavi: ut cum hanc prorumpentem a Sirmio haeresim et vos condemnassetis, et illi cum anathemate judicassent, sciretis tamen in cujus fidei professione id ipsum, quod vos gesseratis, etiam 0486A ab Orientalibus episcopis esset effectum; et vos, quos maxime vellem futuris synodis probabiles elucere, non paterer uno atque eodem apostolicae fidei sensu catholica sentientes, aliqua saltem a catholicae fidei sinceritate, ignorata verborum opinione, differre.