The Comedies of Terence

 Table of Contents


 Another Prologue.

 Act the First.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Act the Second.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Act the Third.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Scene VIII.

 Scene IX.

 Scene X.

 Act the Fourth.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

 Scene V.

 Scene VI.

 Scene VII.

 Scene VIII.

 Scene IX.

 Act the Fifth.

 Scene I.

 Scene II.

 Scene III.

 Scene IV.

Scene III.

Manet Sostrata .

Sostra. How unjustly Do husbands stretch their censures to all wives Because of the offences of a few, Whose faults reflect dishonour on the rest! - For, heav'n so help me, as I'm innocent Of what my husband now accuses me! But 'tis no easy task to clear myself; So fix'd and rooted is the notion in them, That Step-Mothers are all severe. - Not I; For I have ever lov'd Philumena As my own daughter; nor can I conceive What accident has drawn her hatred on me. My son's return, I hope, will settle all; And, ah, I've too much cause to wish his coming.
