The Banquet of the Ten Virgins or Concerning…
Chapter IV.—Human Generation, and the Work of God Therein Set Forth.
Chapter V.—The Holy Father Follows Up the Same Argument.
Chapter VI.—God Cares Even for Adulterous Births Angels Given to Them as Guardians.
Chapter III.—Comparison Instituted Between the First and Second Adam.
Chapter V.—A Passage of Jeremiah Examined.
Chapter VII.—The Works of Christ, Proper to God and to Man, the Works of Him Who is One.
Chapter IX.—The Dispensation of Grace in Paul the Apostle.
Chapter X.—The Doctrine of the Same Apostle Concerning Purity.
Chapter XI.—The Same Argument.
Chapter XII.—Paul an Example to Widows, and to Those Who Do Not Live with Their Wives.
Chapter XIII.—The Doctrine of Paul Concerning Virginity Explained.
Chapter XIV.—Virginity a Gift of God: the Purpose of Virginity Not Rashly to Be Adopted by Any One.
Chapter IV.—The Author Goes on with the Interpretation of the Same Passage.
Chapter V.—The Gifts of Virgins, Adorned with Which They are Presented to One Husband, Christ.
Chapter VI.—Virginity to Be Cultivated and Commended in Every Place and Time.
Chapter III.—Far Best to Cultivate Virtue from Boyhood.
Chapter IV.—Perfect Consecration and Devotion to God: What It is.
Chapter V.—The Vow of Chastity, and Its Rites in the Law Vines, Christ, and the Devil.
Chapter VII.—The Church Intermediate Between the Shadows of the Law and the Realities of Heaven.
Chapter VIII.—The Double Altar, Widows and Virgins Gold the Symbol of Virginity.
Chapter III.—The Same Endeavour and Effort After Virginity, with a Different Result.
Chapter IV.—What the Oil in the Lamps Means.
Chapter V.—The Reward of Virginity.
Chapter III.—Virgins Being Martyrs First Among the Companions of Christ.
Chapter VIII.—The Human Nature of Christ His One Dove.
Chapter IX.—The Virgins Immediately After the Queen and Spouse.
Chapter III.—The Lot and Inheritance of Virginity.
Chapter VIII.—The Faithful in Baptism Males, Configured to Christ The Saints Themselves Christs.
Chapter IX.—The Son of God, Who Ever Is, is To-Day Begotten in the Minds and Sense of the Faithful.
Chapter XVI.—Several Other Things Turned Against the Same Mathematicians.
Chapter XVII.—The Lust of the Flesh and Spirit: Vice and Virtue.
Chapter III.—How Each One Ought to Prepare Himself for the Future Resurrection.
Chapter V.—The Mystery of the Tabernacles.
Chapter IV.—The Law Useless for Salvation The Last Law of Chastity Under the Figure of the Bramble.
Chapter V.—The Malignity of the Devil as an Imitator in All Things Two Kinds of Fig-Trees and Vines.
Chapter II.—Generation Something Akin to the First Formation of Eve from the Side and Nature of Adam; God the Creator of Men in Ordinary Generation.
And this perhaps is what was shadowed forth by the sleep and trance of the first man, which prefigured the embraces of connubial love. When thirsting for children a man falls into a kind of trance,39 Ecclus. xviii. 30. Remark the connection, ἔκστασις and εξίσταται. softened and subdued by the pleasures of generation as by sleep, so that again something drawn from his flesh and from his bones is, as I said, fashioned into another man. For the harmony of the bodies being disturbed in the embraces of love, as those tell us who have experience of the marriage state, all the marrow-like and generative part of the blood, like a kind of liquid bone, coming together from all the members, worked into foam and curdled, is projected through the organs of generation into the living body of the female. And probably it is for this reason that a man is said to leave his father and his mother, since he is then suddenly unmindful of all things when united to his wife in the embraces of love, he is overcome by the desire of generation, offering his side to the divine Creator to take away from it, so that the father may again appear in the son.
Wherefore, if God still forms man, shall we not be guilty of audacity if we think of the generation of children as something offensive, which the Almighty Himself is not ashamed to make use of in working with His undefiled hands; for He says to Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;”40 Ecclus. xix. 2. Jer. i. 5. and to Job, “Didst thou take clay and form a living creature, and make it speak upon the earth?”41 Prov. v. 18. Job xxxviii. 14 (LXX.). and Job draws near to Him in supplication, saying, “Thine hands have made me and fashioned me.”42 Jer. v. 8. Job x. 8. Would it not, then, be absurd to forbid marriage unions, seeing that we expect that after us there will be martyrs, and those who shall oppose the evil one, for whose sake also the Word promised that He would shorten those days?43 Wisd. iv. 3. Matt. xxiv. 22. For if the generation of children henceforth had seemed evil to God, as you said, for what reason will those who have come into existence in opposition to the divine decree and will be able to appear well-pleasing to God? And must not that which is begotten be something spurious, and not a creature of God, if, like a counterfeit coin, it is moulded apart from the intention and ordinance of the lawful authority? And so we concede to men the power of forming men.