Psalm 13
Dixit insipiens in corde suo, Non est Deus. Corrupti sunt et abominabiles facti
sunt in studiis suis: non est qui faciat bonum, non est usque ad unum.
The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They have been corrupted and
made abominable in their pursuits: there are none that do good, not even one.
Dominus de caelo prospexit super filios hominum, ut videat si est intelligens,
aut requirens Deum. Omnes declinaverunt, simul inutiles facti sunt: non est
qui faciat bonum, non est usque ad unum.
The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men to see if there are
any who understand or seek God. They have all turned away, and together have
become useless: there are none that do good, not even one.
Sepulcrum patens est guttur eorum: linguis suis dolose agebant, venenum aspidum
sub labiis eorum.
Their throat is an open grave: with their tongues they have acted deceitfully,
the poison of asps is under their lips.
Quorum os maledictione et amaritudine plenum est; veloces pedes eorum ad effundendum
Their mouth is filled with curses and bitterness; their feet are quick to shed
Contritio et infelicitas in viis eorum, et viam pacis non cognoverunt; non
est timor Dei ante oculos eorum.
In their ways are destruction and unhappiness, and they have not known the way
of peace; there is no fear of God before their eyes.
Nonne cognoscent omnes qui operantur iniquitatem, qui devorant plebem meam
sicut escam panis? Dominum non invocaverunt, illic trepidaverunt timore ubi
non erat timor. Quoniam Dominus in generatione iusta est, consilium inopis confudistis;
quoniam Dominus spes eius est.
Will they not understand, all those who work iniquity, who devour my people
as though they were eating bread? They have not called upon the Lord: there
they have trembled for fear, where there was no fear. For the Lord is among
a just generation: you have confounded the counsel of the poor man, but the
Lord is his hope.
Quis dabit ex Syon salutare Israel? cum averterit Dominus captivitatem plebis
suae, exultabit Iacob, et laetabitur Israel.
Who will bring out of Sion salvation for Israel? when the Lord turns away the
captivity of his people, Jacob shall exult, and Israel shall be glad.
Supra Psalmist exprobravit dolositatem inimicorum; hic ponit eorum malitiam.
Titulus, In finem Psalmus David.Et circa hoc duo facit. Primo manifestat eorum
malitiam. Secundo ponit
spem liberationis suae ab eis, ibi, Nonne cognoscent
etc. Et circa primum duo facit. Primo proponit eorum malitiam. Secundo
certificat hanc malitiam eis inesse, ibi, Dominus
de caelo etc. Prima in duo. Primo proponit radicem malitiae eorum. Secundo
processum malitiae, Corrupti sunt etc. sicut
dicitur Eccl. 10. Initium omnis peccati superbia,
et initium superbiae hominis apostatare a Deo. Quod homo ergo non habeat
Deum in corde, principium malitiae est; et ideo dicit, Dixit
insipiens in corde suo, non est Deus:
Sap. 1. In malevolam animam non introibit sapientiae, aut habitabit in corpore
subdito peccatis.
In the previous Psalm, the Psalmist condemned the deceitfulness of his enemies.
Here he considers their malice. The title is Unto
the end, a Psalm for David. And in connection with this he does two things.
First, he clearly demonstrates their malice. Second, he expresses his hope that
he will be liberated from them, therein, Shall
not all they know etc. And in connection with the first aspect he does
two things. First, stipulates their malice. Second, he verifies that this malice
dwells within them, therein, The Lord [hath
looked down from] from heaven etc. He accomplishes the first task in
two ways. First of all, he sets forth the basis of their malice. Second, the
manner in which their malice proceeds, They
are corrupt etc. Just as it is said in Sir 10:14-15, For
pride is the beginning of all sin, and the beginning of the pride of man is
to fall off from God. So it is that malice begins when a man does not
have God in his heart; and this is why he says, The
fool hath said in his heart: There is no God. Wis 1:4 says, for
wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul, nor dwell in a body subject to
Sed numquid potest dicere? Dicere in corde est cogitare. Sed numquid potest
cogitare Deum non esse? Anselmus dicit, quod nullus potest. Item Damascenus.
Cognitio Dei naturaliter omnibus est inserta: naturaliter cognita nullus potest
cogitare non esse.
Is it possible to say this, however? To speak in one's heart is to think. Yet
is it possible to conceive of God as not existing? Anselm says that no one is
capable of doing this, and Damascene says the same. For the concept of God is
naturally implanted in all of us. And that which is naturally conceived of,
no one is able to conceive of as not existing.
Sed sciendum, quod de cognitione Dei dupliciter loqui possumus, scilicet secundum
se, vel quod nos. Si primo modo, sic procul dubio non potest cogitari non esse:
nulla enim propositio potest cogitari falsa ex sua natura, cuius praedicatum
includitur in definitione subiecti. Notandum est autem, quod in Deo est aliter
esse quam in aliis, quia esse Dei est eius substantia. Ergo qui dicit Deum secundum
se, dicit ipsum esse: et ideo secundum se non potest cogitari non esse, et verbum
Damasceni solvitur: quia quod naturaliter insertum est, indeterminate scitur,
scilicet quod Deus sit, sed non idem, quod Deus, sed per fidem habetur: Deus
dicitur a theos quod est ardere omnem malitiam. Tunc ergo dicit aliquis, quod
non est Deus, quando cogitat quod non est omnipotens: et quod non habet curam
rerum humanarum: Iob 21. Quis est omnipotens
ut serviamus ei? Potest referri ad Iudaeos dicentes Christum hominem
purum esse, non Deum: Io. 10. Tu homo cum sis,
facis teipsum Deum. Qui Iudaei, non credentes ipsum qui promissus erat
in lege, di , Non est Deus, iste scilicet
qui nobis praedicat. Et hoc dixit, Insipiens,
quia Dei sapientiam recipere noluerunt habentes oculos mentis excaecatos: Ps.
81. Nescierunt neque intellexerunt: Sap. 2. Excaecavit enim eos malitia eorum.
Vel hic reprehenditur peccator. Primo de peccato cordis in consensu,
ibi, Dixit insipiens. Secundo peccato
operis, ibi, Corrupti sunt. Tertio peccato
consuetudinis, ibi, Et abominabiles. Primo
vocat peccatorem insipientem, quia sapientiam non habet, ut dicit etc. Item
quia non sapiunt ei spiritualia: 1 Cor. 2.
Animalis homo non percipit quae Dei sunt. Consequenter ponitur processus
malitiae, Corrupti sunt et abominabiles.
Sicut duae partes iustitiae sunt facere bonum, et vitare malum, sic iniustitiae
duae partes sunt, facere malum, et vitare bonum. Et primo ponit primam partem.
Secundo secundam. Circa primam duo ponit. Primo perversitatem vitiorum. Secundo
abominationem eorum. In corporibus sequitur corruptio per exhalationem naturalis
caloris expulsi ab extraneo calore: calor namque naturalis animae est amor Dei.
Quando ergo subintrat extraneus amor concupiscentiae, et aliorum peccatorum,
recedit Deus. Et ideo cum dixit, Non est Deus,
statim subdit, Corrupti sunt: Hier.
5. Negaverunt Deum, et dixerunt non est ipse, scilicet peccatorum damnator,
iustorum remunerator: Eccl. 21. Cor fatui,
scilicet peccatoris, quasi vas confractum,Corrupti ergo sunt,
peccatores per malum actum: Io. 3. Erant
autem eorum mala opera: quia postquam per consensum amittunt bona gratuita,
corrumpuntur in eis naturalia; et ideo sequitur eos poena: Ps.
96. Ignis ante ipsum praecedet, et inflammabit in circuitu inimicos eius. Item
quando corpus putrescit, redditur abominabile. Sic anima hominis quamdiu amor
Dei est in ea, est Deo accepta; sed quando corrumpitur per peccatum, fit abominabilis.
Abominabile est, quod humanus appetitus refugit: et ideo dicit, Et
abominabiles facti sunt, scilicet Deo et hominibus peccatores per consuetudinem
peccandi: Hier. 2 Quam vilis facta es nimis,
iterans vias tuas? Osee 9. Alienati sunt in confusione, et facti sunt abominabiles,
sicut ea quae dilexerunt. Et dixit, In
studiis, quia per ea deveniunt abominabilia. Vel studiose faciunt secundum
Hieronymum. Plus enim abominatur Deus studosam voluntatem peccandi, quam ipsum
peccatum: Iob 34. Quasi de industria recesserunt
ab eo: et vias eius intelligere noluerunt. Alia litera habet, Corrumpunt
et abominati sunt studium, scilicet sapientiae et disciplinae: Prov.
1. Exosam habuerunt disciplinam, et timorem Domini non susceperunt: Ezec. 8.
Adhuc videbis abominationes maiores. Consequenter agit de vitatione boni,
Non est qui faciat bonum, quia non est
iustus in terra qui faciat bonum, et non peccet, Eccl.
7. Usque ad unum, idest Christum, quia ipse solus nec peccatum contractum
habuit, nec commissum. Beata Virgo habuit contractum peccatum: Eccl.
7. Virum de mille unum reperi, mulierem ex omnibus non inveni. Vel, Usque
ad unum, quia nec unus est qui perfecte faciat bonum. Verum est, supposito
quod dixerunt, Non est Deus, Et corrupti sunt.
Nevertheless, one should know that we can speak of the conception of God in
two ways. That is, according to himself, or with respect to ourselves. If it
is in the first manner, there is thus no doubt that he cannot be conceived of
as not existing. Indeed, no proposition whose predicate is included in the definition
of the subject can be conceived of as false by its own nature. It must be noted,
however, that existence in the case of God is of a different order than it is
with others, since the being of God is his substance. Therefore, anyone who
speaks of God according to himself speaks of being itself. Hence, with respect
to himself he cannot be conceived of as not existing. And this is solved by
the discourse of Damascene. For what is naturally implanted is indeterminately
known, namely that God exists. But this is not the same thing as knowing what
God is, since that is only grasped by faith. God is called 'a theos,' which
is the burning of all malice. Someone says that there is no God at that time
when he thinks that he is not omnipotent, and that he has no concern for human
affairs; Job 21:15, Who is the Almighty, that
we should serve him? This can refer to the Jews who say that Christ is
merely human, and not God; Jn 10:33, because
that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. And so the Jews, not believing
that he was the one promised in the law, declare, There
is no God, namely this one who is preaching to us. And on this account
he said, The fool, for as the eyes of
their mind are blind they did not want to accept the wisdom of God; Ps 81:5,
They have not known nor understood.
And Wis 2:21, for their own malice blinded
them. Or perhaps the sinner is rebuked here. First, concerning the sin
of his heart in consent, therein, The fool hath
said. Second, with respect to sinful deeds, therein, They
are corrupt. Third, regarding the sinful habits, therein, And
are become abominable. First of all, he calls the sinner a fool, because
he does not possess wisdom, as he says etc. Likewise, because they do not understand
spiritual things; 1 Cor 2:14, The sensual man
perceiveth not these things that are of the Spirit of God. Consequently,
he sets forth the manner in which their malice proceeds: They
are corrupt and are become abominable. Just as the two aspects of righteousness
are doing good and abolishing evil, so the two aspects of unrighteousness are
doing evil and abolishing goodness. He considers the primary aspect first; and
the secondary aspect follows. With regard to the first aspect he establishes
two points: first of all, the baseness of vices, and secondly, their abomination.
In bodies corruption results from the exhalation of the natural heat expelled
by extraneous heat. For indeed, the natural heat of the soul is the love of
God. So it is that whenever the extraneous love of concupiscence, or that of
other sins, enters in, it turns away from God. Therefore, when he says, There
is no God, he immediately adds, They
are corrupt; Jer 5:12, They have denied
the Lord, and said, It is not he. That is, the one who condemns sinners
and rewards the righteous; Sir 21:17, The heart
of a fool, namely of a sinner, is like
a broken vessel. Therefore, it is through their evil actions that sinners
are corrupt. Jn 3:19 states, their
works were evil, because after they had consented to discard the freely
given good things, their natural capacities were then corrupted within them.
This is why punishment follows them; Ps 96:3, A
fire shall go before him, and shall burn his enemies round bout. Likewise,
when a body rots it is rendered abominable. So it is that as long as the love
of God abides in a man's soul he is acceptable to God. But when he is corrupted
by sin he becomes abominable, for it is abominable that the human appetites
strive to avoid him. Therefore, he says, They
are become abominable. That is to say, sinners become abominable to God
and men through their habit of sinning; Jer 2:36, How
exceeding base art thou become, going the same ways over again! And Hos
9:10, They alienated themselves to that confusion,
and become abominable, as those things were, which they loved. And he
said, in their ways, because it is through
these things that they became abominable. Or rather, they eagerly carried them
out, according to Jerome. Surely God abhors the will that sins eagerly even
more than he abhors sin itself; Job 34:27, Who
as it were on purpose have revolted from him, and would not understand all his
ways. Another text reads: They corrupted
and abhorred their endeavor, namely that of wisdom and instruction; Prov
1:29, They have hated instruction, and received
not the fear of the Lord; and Ezek 8:6, Thou
shalt see greater abominations. Consequently, he discusses that abolition
of the good: There is none that doth good.
Eccl 7:21 says, For there is no just man upon
earth, that doth good, and sinneth not. Even
one, for that is Christ, since he alone had neither contracted sin, nor
committed sin. The Blessed Virgin had contracted sin. Eccl 7:29 says, One
man among a thousand I have found, a woman among them all I have not found.
Or rather, Even one, because there is
not one person who would do the good perfectly. The supposition which they have
stated is true: There is no God, And they are
Dominus. Hic primo certificat culpam.
Secundo exponit, ibi, Sepulcrum. Peccatum
certificatur per iniquitatem; et ideo hic ponit Dei inquisitionem dicens, Vos
dicitis quod non est Deus; sed falsum
est, quia Dominus de caelo prospexit super filios
hominum: Prov. 16. Omnes viae hominis
patent oculis eius. Prospexit ergo mittendo filium suum Dominus Pater
de caelo, idest de sinu pietatis suae: Isa.
ult.: Caelum mihi sedes est. Vel de caelo,
idest Christus per quem iudicabit peccatores. Vel aliter. Di aliqui quod Deus
non cognoscit singularia et mutabilia, quia est immaterialis et simplex et aeternus.
Et sic non cognoscit secundum motus rerum, et secundum modum suae cognoscibilitatis.
Respondetur: immo: quia cognoscit materialia immaterialiter, ut Dionysius concludit.
Et ita etiam cognoscit intellectus: et ideo dicit De
caelo, idest de altitudine suae dignitatis et naturae. Prospexit
super filios hominum. Et vult invenire in nobis voluntate antecedente,
qua vult omnes salvos fieri, id quod pertinet ad salutem, scilicet ut cognoscamus
Deum per intellectum, et amemus per affectum, et desideremus. Et ideo dicit,
Ut videre faciat, quia ipse semper videat,
idest videt, Si est intelligens per intellectum:
Deut. 33. Utinam saperent et intelligerent
etc. Aut requirens Deum, per affectum.
Quid inveniet, cum hic quaesivit contrarium? quia Omnes
declinaverunt; et ponit tria, scilicet declinationem a Deo, inutilem
operationem, et cessationem a bono. Dicit ergo, Omnes
declinaverunt, scilicit a Deo: Deut.
21. Novi quod post mortem meam inique agetis, et declinabitis de via quam praecepi
vobis: Osee 4. Non est veritas, non est scientia, non est misericordia Dei in
terra: Hier. 8. Nemo quod bonum est loquitur, nullus est qui agat poenitentiam
de peccato suo. Item ex hoc quod declinat a Deo, efficitur inutilis:
quia illud est inutile, quod non attingit ad id, ad quod factum est. Homo autem
factus est ad fruendum Deo: Sap. 4. Multigena
impiorum multitudo non erit utilis. Unde dicit Simul
inutiles facti sunt. Item cessant a bono, quia Non
est qui faciat bonum etc. Hoc iam expositum est.
Lord. Here he verifies their guilt. Second,
he explains it, therein, Sepulcher. Sin
is verified by wickedness. And it is for this reason that he sets forth God's
inquiry here, stating: 'you are saying that there
is no God. But this is false, because The
Lord hath looked down from heaven upon the children of men.' Prov 16:2
says, all the ways of a man are open to his
eyes. By the sending of his own Son, therefore, the Lord Father looks
down from heaven, that is from the inmost part of his compassion; Is 66:1, Heaven
is my throne. Or, from heaven may
evenrefer to Christ, through whom he
will judge sinners. Or perhaps it can be understood in yet another way. Now
there are some who argue that God does not discern singular and mutable things,
because he is immaterial, simple and eternal. And thus he does not discern in
accordance with the movements of things, and in accordance with the manner of
his own perceptibility. Yet I respond that, on the contrary, God does indeed
discern material things, though he does so in an immaterial fashion, as Dionysius
has concluded. Furthermore, he discerns intellects, and thus says, from
heaven. That is to say, from the sublimity of his own dignity and nature.
He hath looked down upon the children of men.
For by means of the preceding will through which he desires that all people
would be saved, he wishes to discover in us that which pertains to salvation,
specifically that we would perceive him through our intellect, love him through
our affections, and earnestly long for him. This is why he says, So
that he would see. That is, to make us see, since he always sees. If
there be any that understands, through the intellect; Deut. 32:29, O
that they would be wise and would understand etc. And
seek God, in their affections. What will he find when he has searched
here? The very opposite, because they are all
gone aside. And so he establishes three points: that they have turned
away from God, that their actions are unprofitable, and that they have refrained
from doing the good. Therefore, he says, they
are all gone aside. That is to say, from God; Deut 31:29, For
I know that after my death you will do wickedly and will quickly to turn aside
from that I have commanded you; and Hos 4:1, For
there is no truth, and there is no mercy, and there is no knowledge of God in
the land; and Jer 8:6, No man speaketh
what is good, there is none that doth penance for his sin. Likewise,
someone who turns away from God in this manner produces what is unprofitable,
because something is unprofitable when it does not attain the goal for which
it was made. Man, however, was made for the purpose of enjoying God; Wis 4:3,
But the multiplied brood of the wicked shall
not be profitable. Whereupon he says, They
are become unprofitable. Likewise, they refrain from what is good, because,
there is none that doth good etc. This
has already been explained.
Sepulcrum. Hieronymus dicit, quod Apostolus
utitur testimonio istorum versuum Sepulcrum
patens est. Et invenitur alibi in sacra Scriptura Rom.
13. ubi dicit quod aliquam partem accepit ex Isa.
39. aliam ex aliis partibus psalterii, et non ex isto psalmo tantum,
cum ipse Hebraeus esset, et sciret hoc in Hebraeo non haberi; habetur tamen
meditatione vulgata, qua vulgus utitur, vel quae non attribuitur alicui certae
personae. A sepulcro patenti exhalat foetor; et ideo supra psalmista certificavit
malitiam, sive culpam inimicorum; hic autem exponit eam: et circa hoc duo facit.
Primo ostendit, quomodo sunt peccatores inutiles aliis. Secundo quomodo sibi,
ibi, Contritio et infelicitas. Circa
primum duo proponit. Primo quomodo noceant aliis verbo. Secundo quomodo facto,
ibi, Veloces etc. Circa primum duo facit.
Primo ponit promptitudinem oris ad nocendum. Secundo modum nocendi, ibi, Linguis
suis dolose agebant. Dicit ergo Sepulcrum
patens est guttur eorum. Tale autem ad nihil aliud est paratum nisi ut
recipiant cadavera, sic os eius, quod semper est paratum ad mortificandum per
detractionem, est sepulcrum patens, Apoc. 9.
De ore eorum procedebat ignis, et fumus, et sulphur. Vel nota voracitatem
eorum, quia guttur servit etiam ad comestionem, sed quandoque nocent dolo, quandoque
malitia, et quandoque iniuria. Et primo ponit dolum quem habent in lingua. Linguis
suis exterius blande loquendo: Hier.
9. Sagitta vulnerans lingua eorum dolum locuta est; secundo in corde:
Venenum aspidum sub labiis eorum. Occultatum
venenum mortificativum est, sed venenum aspidum insanabile est, et incantari
non potest: Ps. 57. Sicut aspidis surdae, et
obturantis etc. cuius venenum dormiendo interficit: Hier.
5. Inventi sunt in populo meo impii insidiantes, quasi aucupes ad capiendos
viros. Ibidem: Sicut decipula plena
avibus, sic domus eorum plenae dolo, qui dulci sono attrahunt ad laqueum
aves. In quo designatur crudelitas, et pertinacia, et malitia: crudelitas, quia
nituntur occidere: pertinacia, quia semper odium est in corde ipsorum; et ideo
dicit, Venenum etc.
Sepulcher. Jerome states that the Apostle
employs the testimony of these verses, open
sepulcher etc. And it is found elsewhere in Holy Scripture. It is in
Rom 3 where he says that he takes one part from Is 59, and another from parts
of the Psalter. And not only from this Psalm, since he is himself a Hebrew,
and thus would know that this is not contained within the Hebrew text. Nevertheless,
it is found in the Vulgate edition which most people use, or that which is not
definitively attributed to a particular person. Now a stench is exhaled from
an open sepulcher; so the Psalmist verified their malice above, or the guilt
of his enemies. Here, however, he explains it. And in connection with this he
does two things. First, he demonstrates how sinners are unprofitable to others.
Second, how they are unprofitable to themselves, therein, Destruction
and unhappiness. Concerning the first point he proposes two aspects.
First of all, the way in which they harm others with their speech. Second, how
they do so by their actions, therein, Swift
[feet] etc. With respect to the first he does two things. First, he states
the willingness of their mouth to do harm. Second, the means of doing harm,
therein, With their tongues they acted deceitfully.
Therefore, he says, Their throat is an open
sepulcher. Such a thing as this is prepared for nothing except the reception
of a corpse. And in this way the mouth of a person who is always prepared to
destroy someone with slander is an open sepulcher; Rev 9:17, and
from their mouths proceeded fire and smoke and brimstone. Or if you prefer,
one may consider their voraciousness, since the throat also serves to consume.
But there are some times when they do harm through deceitfulness, some times
when through malice, and still some other times through injury. And so he first
considers the deceitfulness which they have on their tongue. Their
tongues, by speaking outwardly in flattering tones; Jer 9:8, Their
tongue is a piercing arrow, it hath spoken deceit. Second, there abides
deceitfulness in their heart, The poison of
asps is under their lips. Now hidden poison is deadly, but the poison
of asps is even incurable, and incantations are ineffective; Ps 57:5, Like
the deaf asp that stoppeth her ears etc., and whose poison kills by putting
one to sleep. Jer 5:26 says, For among my people
are found wicked men that lie in wait as fowlers, setting snares and traps to
catch men, and again: As a net is full
of birds, so their houses are full of deceit (Jer 5:27). For they lure
the birds into their traps with pleasant sounds. In this way their cruelty,
obstinance and malice is denoted: cruelty, because they endeavor to kill; obstinance,
because hatred always abides in their hearts; and thus he says, Poison.Quorum.
Hic ostendit quomodo aperte nocent,
quia per verba detractoria: Et amaritudine,
idest amara verba: Lev. 9. Non maledices surdo.
Vel quando verba contra Deum dicit, provocativa ad iniuriam, vel iram:
Isa. 5. Rugitus eius ut leonis.Veloces.
Hic ostendit quomodo noceant facto, Ad effundendum
sanguinem:Prov. 1. Pedes eorum ad malum currunt, et festinant ut effundant
Their mouth [is full of] cursing. Here
he demonstrates how they openly do harm, since they do so with their slanderous
words. And bitterness. That is to say,
scathing speech; Lev 19:14, Thou shalt not
speak evil of the deaf. Or even, whenever one utters words against God,
provoking injury or wrath; Is 5:29, Their roaring
like that of a lion. [Their feet are
] Swift. He demonstrates here the manner in which they do harm through
their deeds. To shed blood. Prov 1:16,
For their feet run to evil, and make haste
to shed blood.Contritio. Hic ostendit quomodo sint
nocivi sibi ipsis. Dupliciter aliquis sibi nocet, perdendo scilicet bonum quod
habet, et deficiendo ab eo quod sperat. Dicit ergo In
viis eorum est contritio, quia conteritur bonum quod habent: et
infelicitas, quia non perveniunt ad bonum speratum, scilicet felicitatem:
Isa. 39. Vastitas et contritio in viis eorum,
et viam pacis nescierunt, non est iudicium gressibus eorum. Vel contritio
in mundo isto: infelicitas post mortem,
quae felicitati est opposita: Iob 21. In diem
perditionis servatur malus, et ad diem furoris ducetur: hoc provenit
ex uno quod est contra dilectionem proximi, quia viam
pacis non cognoverunt, scilicet quid sit. Vel viam
pacis non cognoverunt, scilicet Christum, quia viae eius sunt viae pacis:
Prov. 3. Viae eius, viae pulchrae. Non
cognoverunt, quia ipsum Christum peccando occiderunt. Aliud contra dilectionem
Dei; unde dicit, Non est timor Dei ante oculos
eorum, et ex hoc peccant: quia ut dicitur Prov.
17. per timorem Domini declinat omnis homo a malo. Quia ergo hoc non
habent, ideo sunt sepulcrum patens.
Destruction. In this place he demonstrates
the way in which they have done harm to themselves. Someone harms himself in
a two ways: by destroying the good that he has, and by falling away from what
he hopes for. He says, therefore, Destruction
is in their ways, because they destroy the good which they have; and
unhappiness, since they do not attain the good they had hoped for, namely
happiness. Is 59:7-8 says, Wasting and destruction
are in their ways. They have not known the way of peace, and their is no judgment
in their steps. Or even, destructionin this world, and unhappiness
after death, which is the very opposite of happiness; Job 21:30, Because
the wicked man is reserved to the day of destruction, and he shall be brought
to the day of wrath. This arises together with what is opposed to love
of one's neighbor, because the way of peace
they have not known, namely its true nature. Or perhaps, the
way of peace they have not known refers to Christ, since his ways are
the ways of peace; Prov 3:17, Her ways are
beautiful ways, and all her paths are peaceable. They
have not known, because by sinning they have killed Christ himself. For
another way is contrary to the love of God; whereupon he says, There
is no fear of God before their eyes. On this account they sin, because,
as it is said in Prov 16:6, By the fear of
the Lord men depart from evil. And since they do not have this fear they
are an open sepulcher.
Nonne. Hic agit de spe liberationis.
Et primo ostendit, quod impii non habent spem: quia Nonne
cognoscent. Secundo ostendit quae sit huiusmodi spes, ibi, Quis
dabit ex Syon. Circa primum duo facit. Primo ostendit quod non cognoscent
spem hanc. Secundo ponit signum, ibi, Consilium
inopis. Movet primo quaestionem, et interponit in se culpam impiorum,
et loquitur sic. Dico quod sunt sepulcrum patens, et quod non est Deus in corde
eorum, sed nunquid cognoscent, quod Dominus est in generatione iusta? quasi
dicat, hoc debent cognoscere, et quod Dominus sit in ea: Hier.
14. Tu autem in nobis es Domine, et nomen sanctum tuum etc. Ps.
21. Tu autem in sancto habitas laus Israel. Est ergo Dominus in eo sicut
in templo. Et omnes qui operantur iniquitatem,
scilicet quantum ad Deum: Et devorant plebem
meam sicut escam panis, quantum ad proximos, quos devorant auferendo
bona eorum: Zach. 11. Voret unusquisque carnem
proximi sui: Mich. 2. Comederunt carnem populi mei, et pellem eorum desuper
excoriaverunt: Eccles. 24. Panis egentium vita pauperis, qui defraudat illum,
homo sanguinis est. Non invocaverunt
Deum, idest non habent spem de Deo: Isa.
59. Deum non invocaverunt. Et sequitur ex hoc, quod habent securitatem,
ideo dicit, Illic trepedaverunt etc.
Prov. 28. Fugit impius nemine persequente;
Iob 15. Sonitus terroris semper in auribus illius, et pax cum sit illi, semper
insidias suspicatur. Sed qui invocant Deum salvantur: Ioel
3. Omnes qui invocaverunt nomen Domini, salvi erunt: Prov. 18. Turris fortissima
nomen Domini. Non ergo tales cognoscent, Dominus
in generatione iusta est. Et ostendit quod non, per signum, quia Confudisti
consilium inopis, idest confusibilem reputastis, et blasphemastis quantum
in vobis est, et hoc est consilium inopis, ut sciat quoniam
Dominus spes eius est: Ps. 21. Speravit
in Domino, eripiat eum, salvum faciat eum, quoniam vult eum: Matth. 27.
qui dicit, Si vis perfectus esse etc.
Item. 19. Hoc consilium semper divites
contemnunt: Prov. 1. Despexistis omne consilium
meum, et increpationes meas neglexistis. Et unde? Quoniam
Dominus spes eius est, quia non habent in mundo unde sperent nisi in
Deo, qui spes sanctorum est.
Shall not. Here he discusses his hope
of liberation. And he first demonstrates that the wicked have no hope, because
Shall not they know. Second, he demonstrates
what sort of hope this would be, therein, Who
shall give out of Zion. With respect to the first he does two things.
First of all, he demonstrates that they do not know hope. Second, he stipulates
a sign, therein, The counsel of the poor man.
First, he produces the question, and then he interposes the guilt of the wicked
found within themselves. He speaks in the following way: 'I say that they are
an open sepulcher, and that there is no God in their heart;' But shall they
not know that the Lord is in the just generation? It is as if he were to say,
'they ought to know this and, moreover, that the Lord abides within it.' For
Jer 14:9 states, But thou, O Lord, art among
us, and thy name etc.; and Ps 21:4, But
thou dwellest in the holy place, the praise of Israel. The Lord, therefore,
abides within it, just as in the temple. All
that work iniquity. That is to say, insofar as it concerns God. Who
devour my people as they eat bread, insofar as it concerns their neighbors
whom they devour by taking away their goods; Zech 11:9, Let
the rest devour every one the flesh of his neighbor; and Mic 3:3, Who
have eaten the flesh of my people, and have flayed their skin from off them;
and Sir 34:25, The bread of the needy is the
life of the poor; whoever defraudeth them thereof is a man of blood.They have
not called upon God. That is
to say, they have no hope in God; Is 59:13, We
went not after our God. And it follows from this that they have no security;
therefore, he says, They trembled for fear etc.
Prov 28:1 states, The wicked man fleeth, when
no man pursueth; and Job 15:21, The
sound of dread is always in his ears, and when there is peace, he always suspecteth
treason. But the one who calls upon God is saved; Joel 2:32, Everyone
that shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved; and Prov 18:10,
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.
Therefore, such people do not know, precisely because the
Lord is in the just generation. And he demonstrates through a sign that
this is not such a generation, because you have
confounded the counsel of the poor man. That is to say, you reckoned
him as one capable of being confused, and you blasphemed as far as it is in
you. And yet this is the counsel of the poor man, that he might know the
Lord is his hope. Psalm 21:9 says, He
hoped in the Lord; let him deliver him, let him save him, seeing that he delighteth
in him, as does Matt 27:43. While Matt 19:21 states, And
Jesus saith to him, 'If thou wilt be perfect.' But the rich always condemn
this counsel; Prov 1:25, You have despised
my counsel, and have neglected my reprehensions. And from whence does
it come? But the Lord is his hope, for
they have nowhere in this world to place their hope except in God, who is the
hope of the saints.
Omnes antiqui expectabant hoc: Gen. 49. Non
auferetur sceptrum de Iuda etc. Sed hoc expectabatur ex Syon, idest Iudaeis:
Io. 4. Salus ex Iudaeis est. Sed quando?
Responsio: hoc habebimus, Cum averterit Dominus
captivitatem plebis suae, qui sunt in captivitate peccati et carcere
inferni: Isa. 49. Equidem captivitas a forti
tolletur, et quod captum fuerit a robusto: et tunc laetetur
Iacob, idest populus Dei interius: et
exultet Israel exterius.
All the ancients were waiting for this. Gen 49:10 says, The
scepter shall not be taken away from Judah etc. Yet it was expected to
come from Zion, that is from the Jews; Jn 4:22, for
salvation is of the Jews. But when will it come? The response is that
we will attain this, when the Lord shall have
turned away the captivity of his people, who abide in the captivity of
sin and the prison of hell; Is 49:25, even
the captivity shall be taken away from the strong, and that which was taken
by the mighty shall be delivered. And at that time Jacob
shall rejoice. That is to say, the people of God will rejoice interiorly,
and Israel shall be glad exteriorly.
© Ian Levy (
The Aquinas Translation Project (