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seek ways of promoting and encouraging dialogue between faith and reason
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Iter Apostolicum Summi Pontificis in Regnum Unitum: In eucharistica celebra-
tione apud Glasguensem aream vulgo "Bellahouston Park".*
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
"The Kingdom of God is very near to you!".1 With these words of the
Gospel we have just heard, I greet all of you with great affection in the Lord.
Truly the Lord's Kingdom is already in our midst! At this Eucharistic cele-
bration in which the Church in Scotland gathers around the altar in union
with the Successor of Peter, let us reaffirm our faith in Christ's word and our
hope - a hope which never disappoints - in his promises! I warmly greet
Cardinal O'Brien and the Scottish Bishops; I thank in particular Archbishop
Conti for his kind words of welcome on your behalf; and I express my deep
gratitude for the work that the British and Scottish Governments and the
Glasgow city fathers have done to make this occasion possible.
Today's Gospel reminds us that Christ continues to send his disciples into
the world in order to proclaim the coming of his Kingdom and to bring his
peace into the world, beginning house by house, family by family, town by
town. I have come as a herald of that peace to you, the spiritual children of
Saint Andrew and to confirm you in the faith of Peter.2 It is with some
emotion that I address you, not far from the spot where my beloved pre-
decessor Pope John Paul II celebrated Mass nearly thirty years ago with you
and was welcomed by the largest crowd ever gathered in Scottish history.
Much has happened in Scotland and in the Church in this country since
that historic visit. I note with great satisfaction how Pope John Paul's call to
you to walk hand in hand with your fellow Christians has led to greater trust
and friendship with the members of the Church of Scotland, the Scottish
Episcopal Church and others. Let me encourage you to continue to pray
and work with them in building a brighter future for Scotland based upon
our common Christian heritage. In today's first reading we heard Saint Paul
* Die 16 Septembris 2010. 1 Lk 10:9. 2 Cfr. Lk 22:32.