Diocese of Fabriano and Matelica
Giulio Carlo de' Toschi di Fagnano
Protestant Confessions of Faith
Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus
Hervé-Auguste-Etienne-Albans Faye
Rudolph William Basil Feilding
Anti-Pope Felix V (Amadeus of Savoy)
Johann Michael Nathanael Feneberg
François de Salignac de la Mothe-Fénelon
Baron Ernst Von Feuchtersleben
Benito Jerónimo Feyjóo y Montenegro
Francisco García de la Rosa Figueroa
Guillaume Fillastre (Philastrius)
Fioretti di San Francesco d'Assisi
Jean-Pierre Claris, Chevalier de Florian
Order and Abbey of Fontevrault
Comte de Charles-Auguste-Marie-Joseph Forbin-Janson
Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus
Diocese of Fossombrone (Forum Sempronii)
Diocese of Fréjus (Forum Julii)
French Catholics in the United States
University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Count Louis de Buade Frontenac
St. Fabius Claudius Gordianus Fulgentius
Lady Georgiana Charlotte Fullerton
Jesuit, theologian, b. about 1607 in the Department of Ain, France; d. at Rome, 8 March, 1688. He entered the Society of Jesus at Avignon, in 1626, and distinguished himself by a life of continuous mental work. He excelled especially in mathematics and physics, but he was also a formidable controversialist. For eight years he taught philosophy and for six years mathematics at the Jesuit college at Lyons, attracting many pupils by the fame of his learning. Called to Rome, he became the theologian of the court of the papal penitentiary in the Vatican basilica, a position he held for thirty years. His duties did not prevent him from writing a number of learned works on various subjects in keeping with the needs of his time. Sommervogel mentions thirty-one titles of published works in connection with Fabri's name; besides, there are fourteen of his productions in manuscript, now kept in the Library of Lyons.
The following are the more important of his publications: "Pithanophilus, seu dialogus vel opusculum de opinione probabili," etc. (Rome, 1659). This work was attacked by Stephanus Gradius, Prefect of the Vatican Library, in his "Disputatio de opinione probabili" (Rome, 1678; Mechlin, 1679). "Honorati Fabri, Societatis Jesu, apolgeticus doctrinæ moralis ejusdem Societatis (Lyons, 1670; Cologne, 1672). This treats, in eleven dialogues, of probablism, explaining its true nature, and refuting the charges of its opponents. The Cologne edition was considerably enlarged but did not meet with ecclesiastical approbation; it was placed on the Index of forbidden books soon after its appearance. "Una fides unius Ecclesiæ Romanæ contra indifferentes hujus sæculi tribus librus facili methodo asserto" (Dillingen, 1657). "Summula theologica in quâ quæstiones omnes alicujus momenti, quæ a Scholasticus agitari solent, breviter discutiuntur ac definiuntur" (Lyons, 1669). The principles on which this work constructs its theological conclusions are far different from those of Aristotle. "Euphiander seu vir ingeniosus", a little book, which may be useful to the student of literature (Lyons, 1669; Vienna, 1731; Budapest, 1749; Ofen, 1763). Most of Fabri's other works deal with philosophy, mathematics, physics, astronomy, and even zoology, In his treatise on man he claims to have discovered the circulation of the blood, prior to Harvey, but after having investigated this question, Father Bellynk arrives at the conclusion that, at best, Father Fabri may have made the discovery independently of Harvey (cf. Bellynk, Cours de Zoologie, 1864, p. 23).
Sommervogel, Bibl. de la C. de J. (Brussels and Paris, 1892), III, 511-521; Hurter, Nomenclator Literarius (Innsbruck 1893), tom. II, 598-600.