Against the Valentinians.

 Chapter I.—Introductory. Tertullian Compares the Heresy to the Old Eleusinian Mysteries.  Both Systems Alike in Preferring Concealment of Error and Si

 Chapter II.—These Heretics Brand the Christians as Simple Persons.  The Charge Accepted, and Simplicity Eulogized Out of the Scriptures.

 Chapter III.—The Folly of This Heresy. It Dissects and Mutilates the Deity. Contrasted with the Simple Wisdom of True Religion. To Expose the Absurdit

 Chapter IV.—The Heresy Traceable to Valentinus, an Able But Restless Man. Many Schismatical Leaders of the School Mentioned. Only One of Them Shows Re

 Chapter V.—Many Eminent Christian Writers Have Carefully and Fully Refuted the Heresy.  These the Author Makes His Own Guides.

 Chapter VI.—Although Writing in Latin He Proposes to Retain the Greek Names of the Valentinian Emanations of Deity.  Not to Discuss the Heresy But Onl

 Chapter VII.—The First Eight Emanations, or Æons, Called the Ogdoad, are the Fountain of All the Others. Their Names and Descent Recorded.

 Chapter VIII.—The Names and Descent of Other Æons First Half a Score, Then Two More, and Ultimately a Dozen Besides. These Thirty Constitute the Pler

 Chapter IX.—Other Capricious Features in the System. The Æons Unequal in Attributes. The Superiority of Nus The Vagaries of Sophia Restrained by Horo

 Chapter X.—Another Account of the Strange Aberrations of Sophia, and the Restraining Services of Horus.  Sophia Was Not Herself, After All, Ejected fr

 Chapter XI.—The Profane Account Given of the Origin of Christ and the Holy Ghost Sternly Rebuked. An Absurdity Respecting the Attainment of the Knowle

 Chapter XII.—The Strange Jumble of the Pleroma. The Frantic Delight of the Members Thereof. Their Joint Contribution of Parts Set Forth with Humorous

 Chapter XIII.—First Part of the Subject, Touching the Constitution of the Pleroma, Briefly Recapitulated.  Transition to the Other Part, Which is Like

 Chapter XIV.—The Adventures of Achamoth Outside the Pleroma. The Mission of Christ in Pursuit of Her. Her Longing for Christ. Horos’ Hostility to Her.

 Chapter XV.—Strange Account of the Origin of Matter, from the Various Affections of Achamoth.  The Waters from Her Tears Light from Her Smile.

 Chapter XVI.—Achamoth Purified from All Impurities of Her Passion by the Paraclete, Acting Through Soter, Who Out of the Above-Mentioned Impurities Ar

 Chapter XVII.—Achamoth in Love with the Angels. A Protest Against the Lascivious Features of Valentinianism. Achamoth Becomes the Mother of Three Natu

 Chapter XVIII.—Blasphemous Opinion Concerning the Origin of the Demiurge, Supposed to Be the Creator of the Universe.

 Chapter XIX.—Palpable Absurdities and Contradictions in the System Respecting Achamoth and the Demiurge.

 Chapter XX—The Demiurge Works Away at Creation, as the Drudge of His Mother Achamoth, in Ignorance All the While of the Nature of His Occupation.

 Chapter XXI.—The Vanity as Well as Ignorance of the Demiurge. Absurd Results from So Imperfect a Condition.

 Chapter XXII.—Origin of the Devil, in the Criminal Excess of the Sorrow of Achamoth. The Devil, Called Also Munditenens, Actually Wiser Than the Demiu

 Chapter XXIII.—The Relative Positions of the Pleroma. The Region of Achamoth, and the Creation of the Demiurge. The Addition of Fire to the Various El

 Chapter XXIV.—The Formation of Man by the Demiurge. Human Flesh Not Made of the Ground, But of a Nondescript Philosophic Substance.

 Chapter XXV.—An Extravagant Way of Accounting for the Communication of the Spiritual Nature to Man. It Was Furtively Managed by Achamoth, Through the

 Chapter XXVI.—The Three Several Natures—The Material, the Animal, and the Spiritual, and Their Several Destinations.  The Strange Valentinian Opinion

 Chapter XXVII.—The Christ of the Demiurge, Sent into the World by the Virgin. Not of Her. He Found in Her, Not a Mother, But Only a Passage or Channel

 Chapter XXVIII.—The Demiurge Cured of His Ignorance by the Saviour’s Advent, from Whom He Hears of the Great Future in Store for Himself.

 Chapter XXIX.—The Three Natures Again Adverted to. They are All Exemplified Amongst Men. For Instance, by Cain, and Abel, and Seth.

 Chapter XXX.—The Lax and Dangerous Views of This Sect Respecting Good Works. That These are Unnecessary to the Spiritual Man.

 Chapter XXXI.—At the Last Day Great Changes Take Place Amongst the Æons as Well as Among Men. How Achamoth and the Demiurge are Affected Then. Irony o

 Chapter XXXII.—Indignant Irony Exposing the Valentinian Fable About the Judicial Treatment of Mankind at the Last Judgment. The Immorality of the Doct

 Chapter XXXIII.—These Remaining Chapters an Appendix to the Main Work. In This Chapter Tertullian Notices a Difference Among Sundry Followers of Ptole

 Chapter XXXIV.—Other Varying Opinions Among the Valentinians Respecting the Deity, Characteristic Raillery.

 Chapter XXXV.—Yet More Discrepancies. Just Now the Sex of Bythus Was an Object of Dispute Now His Rank Comes in Question.  Absurd Substitutes for Byt

 Chapter XXXVI.—Less Reprehensible Theories in the Heresy.  Bad is the Best of Valentinianism.

 Chapter XXXVII.—Other Turgid and Ridiculous Theories About the Origin of the Æons and Creation, Stated and Condemned.

 Chapter XXXVIII.—Diversity in the Opinions of Secundus, as Compared with the General Doctrine of Valentinus.

 Chapter XXXIX.—Their Diversity of Sentiment Affects the Very Central Doctrine of Christianity, Even the Person and Character of the Lord Jesus. This D

Chapter XI.—The Profane Account Given of the Origin of Christ and the Holy Ghost Sternly Rebuked. An Absurdity Respecting the Attainment of the Knowledge of God Ably Exposed.

Accordingly, after the banishment of the Enthymesis, and the return of her mother Sophia to her husband, the (illustrious) Monogenes, the Nus,123    Ille nus. released indeed from all care and concern of the Father, in order that he might consolidate all things, and defend and at last fix the Pleroma, and so prevent any concussion of the kind again, once more124    Iterum: above. emits a new couple125    Copulationem: The profane reference is to Christ and the Spirit. (blasphemously named). I should suppose the coupling of two males to be a very shameful thing, or else the one126    [A shocking reference to the Spirit which I modify to one of the Divine Persons.] must be a female, and so the male is discredited127    Vulneratur. by the female. One divinity is assigned in the case of all these, to procure a complete adjustment among the Æons. Even from this fellowship in a common duty two schools actually arise, two chairs,128    Cathedræ. and, to some extent,129    Quædam. the inauguration of a division in the doctrine of Valentinus. It was the function of Christ to instruct the Æons in the nature of their conjugal relations130    Conjugiorum. (you see what the whole thing was, of course!), and how to form some guess about the unbegotten,131    Innati conjectationem. and to give them the capacity of generating within themselves the knowledge of the Father; it being impossible to catch the idea of him, or comprehend him, or, in short, even to enjoy any perception of him, either by the eye or the ear, except through Monogenes (the Only-begotten). Well, I will even grant them what they allege about knowing the Father, so that they do not refuse us (the attainment of) the same. I would rather point out what is perverse in their doctrine, how they were taught that the incomprehensible part of the Father was the cause of their own perpetuity,132    Perpetuitatis: i.e. “what was unchangeable in their condition and nature.” whilst that which might be comprehended of him was the reason133    Rationem: perhaps “the means.” of their generation and formation. Now by these several positions134    Hac dispositione. the tenet, I suppose, is insinuated, that it is expedient for God not to be apprehended, on the very ground that the incomprehensibility of His character is the cause of perpetuity; whereas what in Him is comprehensible is productive, not of perpetuity, but rather of conditions which lack perpetuity—namely, nativity and formation.  The Son, indeed, they made capable of comprehending the Father. The manner in which He is comprehended, the recently produced Christ fully taught them.  To the Holy Spirit, however, belonged the special gifts, whereby they, having been all set on a complete par in respect of their earnestness to learn, should be enabled to offer up their thanksgiving, and be introduced to a true tranquillity.


Igitur post Enthymesin extorrem, et matrem ejus Sophiam conjugi reducem, ille iterum Monogenes, ille Nus, otiosus plane de patris cura atque prospectu, solidandis rebus, et Pleromati muniendo, jamque figendo, ne qua ejusmodi rursus concussio incuteret , novam excludit copulationem, Christum et Spiritum Sanctum: turpissimum par duorum masculorum: aut foemina erit Spiritus Sanctus: et vulneratur a foemina masculus . Numen his datur unum, procurare concinnationem Aeonum. Et ab ejus officii societate, duae scholae protinus, duae cathedrae, 0560A inauguratio quaedam dividendae doctrinae Valentini. Christi erat inducere Aeonas naturam conjugiorum (vides quam rem plane , et innati conjectationem, et idoneos efficere generandi in se agnitionem patris, quod capere eum non sit neque comprehendere, non visu denique; non auditu compotiri ejus, nisi per Monogenen. Et tamen tolerabo quod ita discunt patrem nosse ne nossent . Illam magis doctrinae denotabo perversitatem, quod docebantur incomprehensibile quidem patris, caussam esse perpetuitatis ipsorum: comprehensibile vero ejus, generationis illorum et formationis esse Rationem. Hac enim dispositione illud opinor insinuatur, expedire Deum non apprehendi: siquidem inapprehensibile ejus, perpetuitatis est 0561A caussa: apprehensibile autem, non perpetuitatis, sed nativitatis et formationis, egentium perpetuitatis. Filium autem constituunt apprehensibilem patris. Quomodo tamen apprehendatur, tum prolatus Christus edocuit. Spiritus vero Sancti propria, ut de doctrinae studio omnes peraequati, gratiarum actionem prosequi nossent, et veram inducerentur quietem .