41. Ut essentiae nomine, ita sunt unum essentiae genere. 0513C
58. Filius ex Dei substantia, non ut creaturae ex voluntate. 0520C
71. Et pie dici potest, et pie taceri. ---Non est, 0527B
78. Orientalium laus ob haeresim coercitam. ---O 0530C 0531A 0531B
82. Quo sensu judicio communi damnetur. ---Sed 0535A
83. Quod pie a Nicaena synodo susceptum, non debeat 0535B improbari. 0535C
10. You remember that in the Blasphemia, lately written at Sirmium, the object of the authors was to proclaim the Father to be the one and only God of all things, and deny the Son to be God: and while they determined that men should hold their peace about ὁμοούσιον and ὁμοιούσιον, they determined that God the Son should be asserted to be born not of God the Father, but of nothing, as the first creatures were, or of another essence than God, as the later creatures. And further that in saying the Father was greater in honour, dignity, splendour and majesty, they implied that the Son lacked those things which constitute the Father’s superiority. Lastly, that while it is affirmed that His birth is unknowable, we were commanded by this Compulsory Ignorance Act not to know that He is of God: just as if it could be commanded or decreed that a man should know what in future he is to be ignorant of, or be ignorant of what he already knows. I have subjoined in full this pestilent and godless blasphemy, though against my will, to facilitate a more complete knowledge of the worth and reason of the replies made on the opposite side by those Easterns who endeavoured to counteract all the wiles of the heretics according to their understanding and comprehension.
A copy of the Blasphemiacomposed at Sirmium by Osius and Polamius.
10. Sirmii formula quid tentatum.---Meministis namque in ea ipsa scripta proxime apud Sirmium blasphemia id tentatum ac laboratum fuisse, uti dum Pater unus et solus omnium Deus praedicatur, Deus esse Filius negaretur: et dum de homousio ac de homoeusio taceri decernitur, id decretum esse, ut aut ex nihilo ut creatura, aut ex alia essentia ut consequentia creaturarum, et non ex Deo Patre Deus Filius natus confirmaretur. Tum porro in eo, quod honore, dignitate, claritate, majestate Pater major diceretur, id esse quaesitum, ut Filius his omnibus, quibus Pater major est, indigeret. Postremo dum 0486C ignorabilis nativitas ejus asseritur, per hoc ignorantiae decretum, nescire quod ex Deo sit juberemur: perinde quasi juberi decernique possit, ut quis aut quod ignoraturus sit sciat, aut quod scierit ignoret. 0487A Ipsam autem ex solido impiissimae blasphemiae pestem invitus licet subdidi, ut responsionum, quae e diverso ab Orientalibus positae sunt, absolutius et virtus et ratio nosceretur, quibus studii fuit, ut secundum intelligentiae suae sensum omnibus haereticorum artibus contrairent.
Exemplum Blasphemiae Apud Sirmium per Osium et Potamium conscriptae (anno 357).