BOOK THE FIRST Which treats of the Night of Sense.
Chapter I. Sets down the first line and begins to treat of the imperfections of beginners.
Chapter V. Of the imperfections into which beginners fall with respect to the sin of wrath.
Chapter VI. Of imperfections with respect to spiritual gluttony.
Chapter VII. Of imperfections with respect to spiritual envy and sloth.
Chapter X. Of the way in which these souls are to conduct themselves in this dark night.
Chapter XI. Wherein are expounded the three lines of the stanza.
Chapter XII. Of the benefits which this night causes in the soul.
Chapter XIII. Of other benefits which this night of sense causes in the soul.
Chapter XIV. Expounds this last line of the first stanza.
BOOK THE SECOND Of the Dark Night of the Spirit.
Chapter I. Which begins to treat of the dark nights of the spirit and says at what time it begins.
Chapter II. Describes other imperfections which belong to these proficients.
Chapter III. Annotation for that which follows.
Chapter IV. Sets down the first stanza and the exposition thereof.
Chapter VI. Of other kinds of pain that the soul suffers in this night.
Chapter VII. Continues the same matter and considers other afflictions end constraints of the will.
Chapter VIII. Of other pains which afflict the soul in this state.
Chapter X. Explains this purgation fully by a comparison.
Chapter XIV. Wherein are set down and explained the last three lines of the first stanza.
Chapter XV. Sets down the second stanza and its exposition.
Chapter XVI. Explains how, though in darkness, the soul walks securely.
Chapter XVII. Explains how this dark contemplation is secret.
Chapter XVIII. Explains how this secret wisdom is likewise a ladder.
Chapter XX. Wherein are treated the other five steps of love.
Chapter XXII. Explains the third line of the second stanza.
Chapter XXIV. Completes the explanation of the second stanza.
Wherein is expounded the first line of the first stanza, and a beginning is made of the explanation of this dark night.
THIS night, which, as we say, is contemplation, produces in spiritual persons two kinds of darkness or purgation, corresponding to the two parts of man’s nature—namely, the sensual and the spiritual. And thus the one night or purgation will be sensual, wherein the soul is purged according to sense, which is subdued to the spirit; and the other is a night or purgation which is spiritual, wherein the soul is purged and stripped according to the spirit, and subdued and made ready for the union of love with God. The night of sense is common and comes to many: these are the beginners; and of this night we shall speak first. The night of the spirit is the portion of very few, and these are they that are already practised and proficient, of whom we shall treat hereafter.
2. The first purgation or night is bitter and terrible to sense, as we shall now show.[1] The second bears no comparison with it, for it is horrible and awful to the spirit, as we shall show[1] presently. Since the night of sense is first in order and comes first, we shall first of all say something about it briefly, since more is written of it, as of a thing that is more common; and we shall pass on to treat more fully of the spiritual night, since very little has been said of this, either in speech[1] or in writing, and very little is known of it, even by experience.
3. Since, then, the conduct of these beginners upon the way of God is ignoble,[1] and has much to do with their love of self and their own inclinations, as has been explained above, God desires to lead them farther. He seeks to bring them out of that ignoble kind of love to a higher degree of love for Him, to free them from the ignoble exercises of sense and meditation (wherewith, as we have said, they go seeking God so unworthily and in so many ways that are unbefitting), and to lead them to a kind of spiritual exercise wherein they can commune with Him more abundantly and are freed more completely from imperfections. For they have now had practice for some time in the way of virtue and have persevered in meditation and prayer, whereby, through the sweetness and pleasure that they have found therein, they have lost their love of the things of the world and have gained some degree of spiritual strength in God; this has enabled them to some extent to refrain from creature desires, so that for God’s sake they are now able to suffer a light burden and a little aridity without turning back to a time[1] which they found more pleasant. When they are going about these spiritual exercises with the greatest delight and pleasure, and when they believe that the sun of Divine favour is shining most brightly upon them, God turns all this light of theirs into darkness, and shuts against them the door and the source of the sweet spiritual water which they were tasting in God whensoever and for as long as they desired. (For, as they were weak and tender, there was no door closed to them, as Saint John says in the Apocalypse, iii, 8). And thus He leaves them so completely in the dark that they know not whither to go with their sensible imagination and meditation; for they cannot advance a step in meditation, as they were wont to do afore time, their inward senses being submerged in this night, and left with such dryness that not only do they experience no pleasure and consolation in the spiritual things and good exercises wherein they were wont to find their delights and pleasures, but instead, on the contrary, they find insipidity and bitterness in the said things. For, as I have said, God now sees that they have grown a little, and are becoming strong enough to lay aside their swaddling clothes and be taken from the gentle breast; so He sets them down from His arms and teaches them to walk on their own feet; which they feel to be very strange, for everything seems to be going wrong with them.
4. To recollected persons this commonly happens sooner after their beginnings than to others, inasmuch as they are freer from occasions of backsliding, and their desires turn more quickly from the things of the world, which is necessary if they are to begin to enter this blessed night of sense. Ordinarily no great time passes after their beginnings before they begin to enter this night of sense; and the great majority of them do in fact enter it, for they will generally be seen to fall into these aridities.
5. With regard to this way of purgation of the senses, since it is so common, we might here adduce a great number of quotations from Divine Scripture, where many passages relating to it are continually found, particularly in the Psalms and the Prophets. However, I do not wish to spend time upon these, for he who knows not how to look for them there will find the common experience of this purgation to be sufficient.