On Exhortation to Chastity.

 Chapter I.—Introduction.  Virginity Classified Under Three Several Species.

 Chapter II.—The Blame of Our Misdeeds Not to Be Cast Upon God.  The One Power Which Rests with Man is the Power of Volition.

 For what things are manifest we all know and in what sense allowed permitted Indulgence permission cause unwilling constrains pure more more less mor

 Chapter IV.—Further Remarks Upon the Apostle’s Language.

 Chapter V.—Unity of Marriage Taught by Its First Institution, and by the Apostle’s Application of that Primal Type to Christ and the Church.

 Chapter VI.—The Objection from the Polygamy of the Patriarchs Answered.

 Chapter VII.—Even the Old Discipline Was Not Without Precedents to Enforce Monogamy.  But in This as in Other Respects, the New Has Brought in a Highe

 Chapter VIII.—If It Be Granted that Second Marriage is Lawful, Yet All Things Lawful are Not Expedient.

 Chapter IX.—Second Marriage a Species of Adultery, Marriage Itself Impugned, as Akin to Adultery.

 Chapter X.—Application of the Subject.  Advantages of Widowhood.

 Chapter XI.—The More the Wives, the Greater the Distraction of the Spirit.

 Chapter XII.—Excuses Commonly Urged in Defence of Second Marriage.  Their Futility, Especially in the Case of Christians, Pointed Out.

 Chapter XIII.—Examples from Among the Heathen, as Well as from the Church, to Enforce the Foregoing Exhortation.

Chapter XI.—The More the Wives, the Greater the Distraction of the Spirit.

For (in that case) the shame is double; inasmuch as, in second marriage, two wives beset the same husband—one in spirit, one in flesh.  For the first wife you cannot hate, for whom you retain an even more religious affection, as being already received into the Lord’s presence; for whose spirit you make request; for whom you render annual oblations.  Will you stand, then, before the Lord with as many wives as you commemorate in prayer; and will you offer for two; and will you commend those two (to God) by the ministry of a priest ordained (to his sacred office) on the score of monogamy, or else consecrated (thereto) on the score even of virginity, surrounded by widows married but to one husband?  And will your sacrifice ascend with unabashed front, and—among all the other (graces) of a good mind—will you request for yourself and for your wife chastity?


Duplex enim rubor est; quia in secundo matrimonio duae uxores eumdem circumstant maritum; una 0926C spiritu, alia in carne: neque enim pristinam poteris odisse, cui etiam religiosiorem reservas affectionem, ut jam receptae apud Dominum, pro cujus spiritu postulas, pro qua oblationes annuas reddis. Stabis ergo ad Dominum cum tot uxoribus, quot in oratione commemoras? et offeres pro duabus? et commendabis illas duas per sacerdotem de monogamia ordinatum, aut etiam de virginitate sancitum, circumdatum virginibus ac univiris, et ascendet sacrificium 0927A tuum libera fronte? et inter caeteras voluntates bonae mentis, postulabis tibi et uxori castitatem?