11. Why do you rush into the darkness of jealousy? why do you enfold yourself in the cloud of malice? why do you quench all the light of peace and charity in the blindness of envy? why do you return to the devil, whom you had renounced? why do you stand like Cain? For that he who is jealous of his brother, and has him in hatred, is bound by the guilt of homicide, the Apostle John declares in his epistle, saying, “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer; and ye know that no murderer hath life abiding in him.”22 1 John iii. 15. And again: “He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.”23 1 John ii. 9–11. Whosoever hates, says he, his brother, walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth. For he goeth unconsciously to Gehenna, in ignorance and blindness; he is hurrying into punishment, departing, that is, from the light of Christ, who warns and says, “I am the light of the world. He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”24 John viii. 12. But he follows Christ who stands in His precepts, who walks in the way of His teaching, who follows His footsteps and His ways, who imitates that which Christ both did and taught; in accordance with what Peter also exhorts and warns, saying, “Christ suffered for us, leaving you an example that ye should follow His steps.”25 1 Pet. ii. 21.
XI. Quid in zeli tenebras ruis? quid te nubilo livoris involvis? quid invidiae caecitate omne pacis et charitatis lumen extinguis? quid ad diabolum cui renuntiaveras redis? quid Cain similis existis? Homicidii namque facinore constringi eum qui zelaverit et edio habuerit fratrem suum, declarat Joannes apostolus in Epistola sua dicens: Qui fratrem suum odit, 0646Ahomicida est; et scitis quia omnis homicida non habet in se vitam manentem (I Joan. III, 15). Et iterum: Qui dicit se in luce esse, et fratrem suum odit, in tenebris est usque adhuc, et in tenebris ambulat, et non scit quo eat ; quoniam tenebrae excaecaverunt oculus ejus (Ibid. II, 9-11). Qui odit, inquit, fratrem suum, in tenebris ambulat, et non scit quo eat. It enim nescius in gehennam, ignarus et caecus praecipitatur in poenam, recedens scilicet a Christi lumine monentis et dicentis: Ego sum lumen mundi. Qui me secutus fuerit non ambulabit in tenebris, sed habebit lumen vitae (Joan. VIII, 12). Sequitur autem Christum qui praeceptis ejus insistit, qui per magisterii ejus viam graditur, qui vestigia ejus atque itinera sectatur, qui id quod Christus et docuit et fecit imitatur, secundum 0646B quod Petrus quoque hortatur et monet dicens: Christus passus est pro nobis , relinquens vobis exemplum ut sequamini vestigia ejus (I Pet. II, 21).