Development of Christian Doctrine
Chapter 1. On the Development of Ideas
Section 1. On the Process of Development in Ideas
Section 2. On the Kinds of Development in Ideas
Chapter 2. On the Antecedent Argument in behalf of Developments in Christian Doctrine
Section 1. Developments of Doctrine to be Expected
Section 2. An Infallible Developing Authority to be Expected
Section 3. The Existing Developments of Doctrine the Probable Fulfilment of that Expectation
Chapter 3. On the Historical Argument in behalf of the Existing Developments
Section 2. State of the Evidence
Chapter 4. Instances in Illustration
Section 1. Instances Cursorily Noticed
Section 2. Our Lord's Incarnation and the Dignity of His Blessed Mother and of All Saints
Section 3. The Papal Supremacy
Chapter 5. Genuine Developments Contrasted with Corruptions
Section 1. First Note of a Genuine Development—Preservation of Type
Section 2. Second Note—Continuity of Principles
Section 3. Third Note—Power of Assimilation
Section 4. Fourth Note—Logical Sequence
Section 5. Fifth Note—Anticipation of Its Future
Section 6. Sixth Note—Conservative Action upon Its Past
Section 7. Seventh Note—Chronic Vigour
Chapter 6. Application of the First Note of a True Development—Preservation of Type
Section 1. The Church of the First Centuries
Section 2. The Church of the Fourth Century
Section 3. The Church of the Fifth and Sixth Centuries
Chapter 7. Application of the Second Note of a True Development
Chapter 8. Application of the Third Note of a True Development—Assimilative Power
Chapter 9. Application of the Fourth Note of a True Development Logical Sequence
Chapter 10. Application of the Fifth Note of a True Development Anticipation of Its Future
Chapter 11. Application of the Sixth Note of a True Development Conservative Action on Its Past
Section 2. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin
Chapter 12. Application of the Seventh Note of a True Development Chronic Vigour Note Conclusion
Section 1. Instances Cursorily Noticed
1. Canon of the New testament 2. Original Sin 3. Infant Baptism 4. Communion in one kind 5. The Homoüsion
Section 2. Our Lord's Incarnation and the Dignity of His Blessed Mother and of All Saints
Section 3. The Papal Supremacy
IT follows now to inquire how much evidence is actually producible for those large portions of the present Creed of Christendom, which have not a recognized place in the primordial idea and the historical outline of the Religion, yet which come to us with certain antecedent considerations strong enough in reason to raise the effectiveness of that evidence to a point disproportionate, as I have allowed, to its intrinsic value. In urging these considerations here, of course I exclude for the time the force of the Church's claim of infallibility in her acts, for which so much can be said, but I do not exclude the logical cogency of those acts, considered as testimonies to the faith of the times before them.
My argument then is this:—that, from the first age of Christianity, its teaching looked towards those ecclesiastical dogmas, afterwards recognized and defined, with (as time went on) more or less determinate advance in the direction of them; till at length that advance became so pronounced, as to justify their definition and to bring it about, and to place them in the position of rightful interpretations and keys of the remains and the records in history of the teaching which had so terminated.
This line of argument is not unlike that which is considered to constitute a sufficient proof of truths in physical science. An instance of this is furnished us in a work on Mechanics of the past generation, by a writer of name, and his explanation of it will serve as an introduction to our immediate subject. After treating of the laws of motion, he goes on to observe, "These laws are the simplest principles to which motion can be reduced, and upon them the whole theory depends. They are not indeed self-evident, nor do they admit of accurate proof by experiment, on account of the great nicety required in adjusting the instruments and making the experiments; and on account of the effects of friction, and the air's resistance, which cannot entirely be removed. They are, however, constantly, and invariably, suggested to our senses, and they agree with experiment as far as experiment can go; and the more accurately the experiments are made, and the greater care we take to remove all those impediments which tend to render the conclusions erroneous, the more nearly do the experiments coincide with these laws." [n. 1 ] And thus a converging evidence in favour of certain doctrines may, under circumstances, be as clear a proof of their Apostolical origin as can be reached practically from the Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus .
In such a method of proof there is, first, an imperfect, secondly, a growing evidence, thirdly, in consequence a delayed inference and judgment, fourthly, reasons producible to account for the delay.