II. The Northmen and Normans in England and Ireland
VII. The History of the Text of the Rheims and Douay Version of Holy Scripture
On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine
Contemporary Events Judgment of the English Bishops on the Royal Commission
The Failure of the Queen's Colleges and of Mixed Education in Ireland . By John Pope Hennessy, of the Inner Temple. (London, Bryce.) We have elsewhere referred to this seasonable and telling pamphlet, which is too full of facts to condense into a notice. It seems from it that Sir Robert Peel's government, in 1845, established three colleges for superior education at Belfast, Cork, and Galway, on the principle of uniting all denominations, both as professors and as students. They were opened in December 1849, under the name of the Queen's Colleges; and in 1850 the Queen's University was founded also, not as an educational body, but for the purpose of granting degrees in arts, medicine, and law to the students of the three colleges. The building and establishing of the colleges cost the country 100,000 l ., which has since been increased by 25,257 l . The original endowment 18,000 l . per annum ; but soon afterwards this endowment was raised to 21,000 l .; in 1849 there was an additional grant of 12,000 l ., and since 1854 there has been an annual addition of 4800 l . Mr. Hennessy does not give us the gross sum to which these several grants amount; but from Mr. Maguire's statement, which we quote below, it appears they reach the enormous sum of 375,000 l . The gentlemen holding office in the three colleges amount to 260. The Commissioners report that the total number of students who have entered the colleges since 1849 is 1209: this Mr. Hennessy declares is incorrect; but, assuming it, we find that the average per annum will be 134; that is, the officials of the colleges are as near as possible twice as many as the undergraduates. During the same period the total number of scholarships offered to (that is, we suppose, enjoyed by) these students is 1326, with the addition of 1000 class prizes: this will give a yearly average of 147 scholarships and 111 prizes, the average students being 134; that is, the scholarships are more, and the prizes not much less, than the students. The numbers were largest in the year that the colleges opened. In that year forty-five students at Belfast competed for forty-three scholarships of 30 l . each. The Dean of Law at Cork advocated before the Commissioners the abolition of his faculty, on the ground that "he had found no students." The Professor of Metaphysics at Cork, who had seven students in class in 1851, now has only four. The Professor of English Literature in (we suppose) Cork has only five. The Professor of Jurisprudence at Galway has only two. The Professor of Medicine at Galway has five, the Professor of Law three. Then, as to degrees, each graduate has cost the country above 1 000 l . a-year. The total number of graduates in law in ten years does not equal the number of professors and examiners in that faculty in one year. The number of university medals and money exhibitions actually given in the faculty of arts is greater than the number of candidates. The number of graduates has been diminishing for the last three years. As to the non-matriculated students, in the first year there were fifty at Cork, the next year thirty, the next twenty-one, at the last return twenty. In the first year the Professor of Greek had fifty-six, now twenty-seven. It is as regards the non-matriculated students that Mr. Hennessy has most to say as to the inaccuracy of the Commissioners' Report. We will quote but one sentence from him: "I have in my possession unequivocal evidence that in the grand total the same individual students have been counted by the Commissioners seven and eight times over." Lastly, he gives the obvious reason of this deplorable failure, viz. that the grants from Government have not met and stimulated any existing zeal and pecuniary sacrifices in the community, Catholic or Protestant; but have been simply lavished independent of any action or cooperation whatever of the voluntary system. He contrasts the case of grants to English education. To the National Society's Training College the Government gave only 7242 l . out of 32,578 l .; to the College of the British and Foreign School Society not 4000 l . out of 20,100 l .; to the Wesleyan Colleges, 5049 l . out of 38,150 l .; but for a variety of interesting details, we must refer the reader to the pamphlet itself.
Lectures and Essays on University Subjects . By John Henry Newman, D.D. (London, Longmans.) The author notices in the preface of this small volume, which we are surprised to see is dated so far back as November last, that it does but supply another instance of his lot all through life, to have been led to his publication not on any matured plan or by any view of his own, but by the duties or the circumstances of the moment. Early in life he wished to devote himself to the study of the Holy Fathers; and even before he ceased to be tutor of his college at Oxford, he entered upon it. Hardly had he published his work on the Arians, when he was called off by what has been called the Oxford Controversy; but even in that controversy his first work, the Church of the Fathers, was patristical in its subject. When, after the No. 90 affair, he retired from the controversy, he returned at once to the Fathers, and published a translation of St. Athanasius and an Essay on Ecclesiastical Miracles . But the necessary course of events carried him again off from his books, and he cannot be said even yet to have returned to them. As to the present volume, it is perhaps the most miscellaneous which he has written. Some portions of it have already appeared in the University Gazette ; but the greater part of it is new. By thinking it worthy of being dedicated to a friend and a public man, it is to be presumed that, on the whole, he is not dissatisfied with it.
The complete Latin Prosody of Emanuel Alvarez, S.J. By James Stewart, M.A., Professor of the Greek and Latin Languages in the Catholic University of Ireland, and late of Trinity College, Cambridge. (Dublin, Duffy, 1859.) This useful little work, or at least as much of it as is practically necessary for the ordinary student, is here presented by Mr. Stewart for the first time in an English version. The writer was a Portuguese of Madeira, was Rector of the Portuguese Colleges of Coimbra, Evora, and Lisbon, and died in 1582. The book is a standard one in itself, and has been repeatedly edited with alterations keeping it on a level with the advance of knowledge, and is now enriched by Mr. Stewart with similar additions, as, for instance, with an analysis of the measure of the hexameter verse (p. 107), with an appendix of exercises in the Elegiac, Alcaic, and Sapphic stanzas, and with an elaborate catalogue by Stirling of all the ordinary rhetorical and grammatical figures of speech. "The book is intended," says Mr. Stewart, "to prevent the evil of entire dependence on the Gradus, and as help towards systematising that knowledge of metrical quantity and metrical composition, which is most usually secured, not by the mere study of abstract rules, but by continual practice in the writing of Latin verse." Used in this way, it cannot but be a valuable addition to a schoolboys library; and we wish so useful a book, in so compendious a form, had existed in our own early days of verse-making. Mr. Stewart would be doing a service by putting together a similar manual for the composition of Greek verse, for which there is at present very little assistance provided of this sort, not even, we believe, any thing worthy of the name of a Greek Gradus. A friend has suggested to us a small work of this kind, published by Parker, Oxford, in 1824, called the Indices Attici, and drawn up by the late Mr. Tyler of St. Giles's, and the two Mr. Newmans; but we believe it is out of print.
[ Rambler, Sept. 1859.] Literary Notices
[Possibly by N. (all) Blehl.]
The Life of St. Malachy O Morgan . By the Rev. John O'Hanlon. (Dublin, 1859.) This careful and valuable work has grown out of a sketch which the author inserted in an American periodical, and is one out of a projected series of above live hundred Irish saints. Of these the Life of St. Lawrence O'Toole has been already published, and the Life of St. Patrick is in preparation. In the case of a biographical or historical work, a reviewer looks, first, for new matter, contributed to the stock of facts already known, from sources hitherto unexplored; or, secondly, for a skilful condensation of the scattered notices, the minute details, and the conclusions which are to be found in various, rare, and voluminous works; or, for such original views of scenes and passages familiar to us as invest them with a new interpretation or a philosophical character; or, lastly, for such skill in composition and grace of style as may recommend the subjects treated of to readers who otherwise would never be induced to enter upon them. Of these qualifications Mr. O'Hanlon professes the second. His publication shows not only an acquaintance with the classical works upon his subject, but much collateral reading; while he has availed himself both of the writings and suggestions of contemporaries. His notes in particular show great diligence, and a most praiseworthy minuteness and accuracy. We do not pretend to criticise him in detail; but we are safe in saying, that he has written as a scholar ought to write, and as a biography ought to be written. In his preface he disclaims for his work the graces of composition without undervaluing them. We wish he had kept close to the intention thus implied; at least his line of thought has struck us as sometimes somewhat ambitious. Of this character too, are certain quotations in the notes from Spenser. Walter Scott, Cicero, etc. We should not make this remark, except that his volume is to be one of a series.
Legends and Lyrics . By A. A. Procter. (Bell and Daldy, 1859.) It is difficult to review a volume of poems, from the want of a standard by which to criticise fairly what is so individual in its origin, and so capricious in its manifestations. How shall we weigh and measure what is of so ethereal a nature, and in its very idea so antagonistic to science? We judge of poetry according to our humour at the moment; and what seems to us strained, or affected, or fanciful, or obscure today, will tomorrow touch us as natural and deep. Each of us, too, has his own tastes, and the favourite of one is barely endurable by another. For ourselves, we confess we are not very fond of the free-and-easy style of the present day; we have been brought up in a severer and more classical school. How, then, shall we do justice to a volume which in point of composition too often savours of the age? We are accustomed to think that verse should either be blank or in rhyme; we do not like a mixture of the two. In the ballad metre, where the first and third lines do not rhyme, the defect is only in appearance; for they are but portions of the second and the fourth respectively, being merely broken in the printing for the convenience of the eye. And so of the anapæstic, when four long lines are chopped into eight. But a slovenly fashion has come in (partly in consequence of translations from the German, and the impossibility of imitating in English the double rhymes of that language) of letting the real endings of lines remain ragged and uncouth, with no musical response to sustain them, instead of being, as they should be, "married to immortal" rhyme. Thus the authoress before us has whole poems in which a line like "A little longer still and heaven awaits thee " is matched by "Then our pale joys will seem a dream forgotten ;" though the second and fourth lines rhyme.
However, we did not take up our pen with the intention of being cross with a volume in which critics of every taste must find a great deal to admire. The "Tomb in Ghent," and the "Sailor-Boy," are as compositions perfect, perfect in simplicity, pathos, sweetness, and precision. The same characteristics attach, different as is the verse and subject, to "A Doubting Heart," "Linger, O gentle Time," "Changes," "A Lament for the Summer," "A First Sorrow," and others. There are compositions in the volume of a bolder, wilder sort, which others will prefer, and with as much right to do so, as we to attach ourselves to the beautiful and serene; and there are others of a more thoughtful and deeper character, such as "A Woman's Question;" and "A Parting."
We should not use so many words unless we considered the volume to be one which no reader will be sorry to have read. The authoress seems to prefer the Past to the Future; in doing so, she agrees with ourselves, who have ever thought Memory more poetical than Hope. Perhaps this is the reason why there have been so few great sacred poets; nature looking back, grace looking forward.
Pictures of Missionary Life in the Nineteenth Century . Vol. I. In the West . Vol. II. In the East . (Burns and Lambert, 1858.) These interesting sketches are for the most part taken from the accounts sent home by French and Belgian missionaries, as contained in the Annals of the Propagation of the Faith . Of the two volumes which they form, we consider the second far the more interesting; we suppose the reason to be, that they relate to the East, the cradle of the human race; whereas the West is either the abode of savages who have degenerated from their first estate, and have no history, or of those European races whose history is our own. It is natural to the human mind to look up the stream, not down it, antiquam exquirere matrem;" and the filial yearnings which we feel towards Asia are seconded in the philosophic intellect by the reminiscences which linger among its scattered populations of former Christian teaching, and by the fragments of a still earlier revelation which are embodied in its idolatrous superstitions. Other objects too are lodged there of a liberal curiosity; the East has its own civilisation, and a settled immemorial social state, varying in its separate countries, yet, as it were, indigenous in each. Place and people belong to each other, as if the nations were, strictly speaking, children of the soil. Hence it is that persecution is possible in the East in a sense in which it is unknown in the Western hemisphere; and this, again, invests those regions with a solemn and special interest. The contrast is striking between the vulgar sectarian violence of the Wesleyans in Oceanica, and the fitful fury of their converts against the Catholic missionaries, which the collector of these scenes dignifies with the name of a persecution, and the terrible systematic efforts made in China and the Corea to eliminate the Christian name from the face of the earth. In the latter country, the persecution began in 1791, and lasted for at least twenty years. During that time more than eight hundred Christians were martyred, and among them ladies of royal blood and dignified magistrates. The persecution was renewed in 1827, and again in 1839.
Persecution implies two parties; and the superiority of the East is here again shown in the material which it supplies for the production of martyrs, as well as of martyr-makers. In spite of all that may be said about the degradation of human nature in those countries, there is in them, after all, a capability of self-action which surprises the self-sufficient European. Our author points out to our attention the paradox that the Corean mission "was founded without missionaries, and long supported without pastors." Mr. Marshall has lately directed our minds to the same remarkable country. In this age of the European world, when torpidity, scepticism, and apostasy are the order of the day, it is a wonderful and most gracious relief to the oppressed spirit to look oft towards those distant regions, where the glories of primitive Christianity are renewed. They evidence both the power of the religion itself; and the unchangeable and unequivocal characteristics of that system of faith and worship which has ever been its instrument of operation. We hardly need add, that the initials at the end of the preface are a guarantee, before reading the volume, of the care and skill with which the materials supplied by the Annals are put together.
Bertrand du Gueselin, the Hero of Chivalry . (London: Burns and Lambert, 1859.) This is one of the prettiest stories which we have come across for a long time. It reads like a romance; and we can hardly believe that it is not one. If it all happened to the very letter, then truth certainly is more marvellous than fiction; and Sir Walter Scott wrote prose, not poetry; and his accounts of tournaments, and the knights and fair dames who figured in them, are but a poor copy of the heroic reality. In one point, indeed, Du Gueselin falls short; for he was ugly in feature, and clumsily built. But, having in candour made this admission, we maintain that his true story is a better romance than the most specious miracles of the minstrel or the story-teller. Du Gueselin was as brave and agile as Ivanhoe; as devout to his lady as Sir Kenneth; as shrewd and wary as Quentin Durward; as manly, liberal, and magnanimous as CSur de Lion; as modest as Damian de Lacy; and as incorrigibly fond of fighting as Henry Gow. He was religious, loyal, openhanded, tender-hearted, and given to alms-deeds. In his first feat he comes forward, almost as a Desdichado, with his visor down; obstinate in his refusal to declare his name; and discovered only at length when, after unhorsing and unhelmeting fifteen knights, his own casque is torn off by his adversary's spear.
Of course there is a reverse to this fine picture, besides the hero's ugliness; and this is the best proof of the substantial fidelity, after all, of the history. We felt grateful, as we read on, that we were not born in the age to which it belongs. We have lately had occasion to insist upon the contrast which may exist between schools of learning and the general state of the population in which they are found. It answers to the contrast which exists in this day between railroads, together with the towns connecting them, and the expanse of country through which they run, with the parish roads and slow conveyances which are the legacy of the past. To think that Du Gueselin lived in, or after, the age of Juan of Navarre, Walter de Merton, Walter de Stapleton, and Adam de Brome! Civilisation was then making progress; the universities were the seats of the movement; but chivalry was hundreds of years behind the age. Rather the College Statute's of Oxford might have been written in the age of Theodosius or St. Gregory, on the one hand, or in the nineteenth century on the other; while the knights of chivalry were little better, morally, than Homer's heroes, or the sea-kings.
Their contempt and consequent cruelty towards all but their own èlite circle of prud'hommes, was nothing short of the tyrannical bearing of Greeks and Romans towards their slaves. Scott's Claverhouse, prating about Froissart, is their representative in the seventeenth century. Our clever authoress, in spite of her love of chivalry, is fully alive to the fact; though she would use gentler terms about it than our own. Alas, that the English should supply her with a special instance of it in the course of her narrative! Too weak to sit on horseback, the Black Prince contemplated from his litter the merciless slaughter of men, women, and children at Limoges, deaf to the entreaties of the unoffending people, who cast themselves on their knees before him praying for mercy. "Upwards of 3000 men, women, and children," says Froissart, "were put to death that day." "Such," says the authoress, "was too often the case in those days. The sympathies, courtesies, and charities of knights were for each other; while the sufferings of the common people were very generally despised or overlooked" (p. 148) The English are undoubtedly a humane tender-hearted people; yet how are we to account for their cruelty in war, whether under the Black Prince, or the Regent Bedford, in Ireland or in India?
Dissertatio de Syrorum Fide et Disciplinâ in Re Eucharisticâ . Scripsit M. J. Lamy. Lovanii, 1859. This volume will be found by theologians and by ritualists to contain much interesting matter, brought together from works for the most part too expensive to be accessible to many readers. The original texts are always accompanied with a Latin translation, and that of John of Tela has been edited now for the first time. The author is, we think, a little credulous in believing the work ascribed by Asseman, Cod. Lit. vol. v., to St. John Maro to be his; at all events, we have been told by one who had seen the manuscript, that Asseman must have known, that it was not St. John Maro's work. Sometimes, too M. Lamy is not as exact as might be in his translations, e.g . in p. 73, the words "Lo vole" are rendered "nefas omnino est;" whereas we think "non decet" would be nearer the mark. On the same page a word which we believe is nothing but "Belteshazzar" puzzles him. Belteshazzar is used for any profane person, and the Syrian author simply confuses this name with Belshazzar, as the Septuagint seems to have done also. We desiderate also a fuller treatment of the knotty question touching the Invocation of the Holy Spirit in Oriental rites, upon which Orie wrote a tract, with which our author is apparently unacquainted. It is a question which requires, for the fair and unflinching treatment of it, ample theological as well as Oriental acquirements. But the extent amid orthodox use of Syriac learning which M. Lamy has displayed, will doubtless lead him as he grows older to further theological pursuits; and through these, in conjunction with a little severer criticism, we see reason, in the present very laudable essay, to expect a great deal from the zeal and learning of the author before us.
The Patrons of Erin; or, some Account of St. Patrick and St. Brigid . By V. G. Todd, D.D. (London, Dolman.) Whatever Dr. Todd publishes on the subject of Irish antiquities comes to us with great weight from the circumstance that he has made them his study. It is reported, indeed, that his researches into that field of interesting learning had much to do in making him a Catholic. When, then, he tells us that he has drawn his narrative from those authors who represent the most ancient traditions, he speaks as one who ought to know what the value is of the various accounts which have come down to us of the great Saints whom he has made the subject of his memoir. Under these circumstances, we do not see who has a right to express an opinion on any points which he sets before us, but those who have such sufficient Irish scholarship as warrants their going by their own judgment. That the narrative is interesting and edifying there needs no learning to be qualified to pronounce; and these are the qualities for which readers look out. Moreover, it is written with the conciseness and reserve which befits a scholar. We are not sure, however, that he has always observed this self-restraint. If he has done so, and if the following passage in the speech of Nathi, king of Hy-Garchon, is really taken from any old document, it is a remarkable coincidence. "What right," said he of Palladius and his missionaries, "has this bishop and his priests to come into our country? He asked no permission from our monarch. He is come to overturn our ancient customs. He is attempting to introduce a religion which has not received the sanction of the state. He wants to bring us into subjection to a foreign power, and to make us subjects of the Bishop of Rome. We will not have this man to reign over us." Yet we must not hastily assume that this passage is not what it seems to profess to be. A coincidence of the same kind occurs in the history of the Vandalic persecution in Africa, which seems in good measure to have originated in a fear, not indeed of Ultramontane, but of Ultramarine influence.