Chapter III.—On the Holy Spirit.
Chapter IV.—On Defection, or Falling Away.
Chapter V.—On Rational Natures.
Chapter VI.—On the End or Consummation.
Chapter VII.—On Incorporeal and Corporeal Beings.
Fragment from the First Book of the de Principiis.
Another Fragment from the Same.
Chapter II.—On the Perpetuity of Bodily Nature.
Chapter III.—On the Beginning of the World, and Its Causes.
Chapter V.—On Justice and Goodness.
Chapter VI.—On the Incarnation of Christ.
Chapter VII.—On the Holy Spirit.
Chapter VIII.—On the Soul (Anima).
Chapter X.—On the Resurrection, and the Judgment, the Fire of Hell, and Punishments.
Translated from Latin of Rufinus.
Chapter II.—On the Opposing Powers.
Chapter III.—On Threefold Wisdom.
Chapter IV.—On Human Temptations.
Chapter V.—That the World Took Its Beginning in Time.
Another Fragment from the Same.
Translated in the Same Epistle to Avitus.
“At the end and consummation of the world, when souls and rational creatures shall have been sent forth as from bolts and barriers,152 De quibusdam repagulis atque carceribus. There is an allusion here to the race-course and the mode of starting the chariots. some of them walk slowly on account of their slothful habits, others fly with rapid flight on account of their diligence. And since all are possessed of free-will, and may of their own accord admit either of good or evil, the former will be in a worse condition than they are at present, while the latter will advance to a better state of things; because different conduct and varying wills will admit of a different condition in either direction, i.e., angels may become men or demons, and again from the latter they may rise to be men or angels.”