12. The characteristics of ornaments, and of garments, and the allurements of beauty, are not fitting for any but prostitutes and immodest women; and the dress of none is more precious than of those whose modesty is lowly.27 Perhaps this sentence would be more literally translated, “and the dress of no women is, generally speaking, more expensive than the dress of those whose modesty is cheap;” i.e., who have no modesty at all, or very little. Thus in the Holy Scriptures, by which the Lord wished us to be both instructed and admonished, the harlot city is described more beautifully arrayed and adorned, and with her ornaments; and the rather on account of those very ornaments about to perish. “And there came,” it is said, “one of the seven angels, which had the seven phials, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will show thee the judgment of the great whore, that sitteth upon many waters, with whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication. And he carried me away in spirit; and I saw a woman sit upon a beast, and that woman was arrayed in a purple and scarlet mantle, and was adorned with gold, and precious stones, and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand, full of curses, and filthiness, and fornication of the whole earth.”28 Apoc. xvii. 1. Let chaste and modest virgins avoid the dress of the unchaste, the manners of the immodest, the ensigns of brothels, the ornaments of harlots.
XII. Ornamentorum ac vestium insignia et lenocinia formarum non nisi prostitutis et impudicis feminis congruunt, et nullarum fere pretiosior cultus est quam quarum pudor vilis est. Sic in Scripturis sanctis, quibus nos instrui Dominus voluit et moneri, describitur civitas meretrix, compta pulchrius et 0450B ornata, et cum ornamentis suis ac propter ipsa potius ornamenta peritura. Et venit, inquit, unus ex septem Angelis habentibus phialas septem, et aggressus est me dicens: Veni, ostendam tibi damnationem meretricis magnae sedentis super aquas multas, cum qua fornicati sunt reges terrae. Et duxit me in spiritu. Et vidi mulierem sedentem super bestiam; et mulier illa amicta erat pallio purpureo et coccineo, et adornata erat auro et lapidibus pretiosis et margaritis, tenens poculum in manu sua plenum execrationum et immunditiae et fornicationis totius terrae (Apoc. XVII, 1-4). Fugiant castae virgines et pudicae incestarum cultus, habitus impudicarum, lupanarium insignia, orna menta meretricum.