Vatican I

 SESSION 1 : 8 December 1869

 Decree of opening of the council

 SESSION 2 : 6 January 1870

 Profession of faith

 SESSION 3 : 24 April 1870

 Dogmatic constitution on the catholic faith

 Chapter 1 On God the creator of all things

 Chapter 2 On revelation

 Chapter 3 On faith

 Chapter 4. On faith and reason


 1. On God the creator of all things

 2. On revelation

 3. On faith

 1. If anyone says that in divine revelation there are contained no true mysteries properly so-called, but that all the dogmas of the faith can be unde

 SESSION 4 : 18 July 1870

 First dogmatic constitution on the church of Christ

 Chapter 1 On the institution of the apostolic primacy in blessed Peter

 Chapter 2. On the permanence of the primacy of blessed Peter in the Roman pontiffs

 Chapter 3. On the power and character of the primacy of the Roman pontiff

 Chapter 4. On the infallible teaching authority of the Roman pontiff

2. On revelation

1. If anyone says that the one, true God, our creator and lord, cannot be known with certainty from the things that have been made, by the natural light of human reason: let him be anathema . 2. If anyone says that it is impossible, or not expedient, that human beings should be taught by means of divine revelation about God and the worship that should be shown him : let him be anathema . 3. If anyone says that a human being cannot be divinely elevated to a knowledge and perfection which exceeds the natural, but of himself can and must reach finally the possession of all truth and goodness by continual development: let him be anathema . 4. If anyone does not receive as sacred and canonical the complete books of sacred scripture with all their parts, as the holy council of Trent listed them, or denies that they were divinely inspired : let him be anathema .