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Congregatio de Causis Sanctorum 729
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Ad Publicas Auctoritates Coreae Meridionalis apud Aedes Praesidiales.*
Madam President, Honourable Government and Authorities, Distinguished Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Dear Friends,
It is a great joy for me to come to Korea, the land of the morning calm,
and to experience not only the natural beauty of this country, but above
all the beauty of its people and its rich history and culture. This national
legacy has been tested through the years by violence, persecution and war.
But despite these trials, the heat of the day and the dark of the night
have always given way to the morning calm, that is, to an undiminished
hope for justice, peace and unity. What a gift hope is! We cannot become
discouraged in our pursuit of these goals which are for the good not only
of the Korean people, but of the entire region and the whole world.
I wish to thank President Park Geun-hye for her warm welcome. I
greet her and the distinguished members of the government. I would like
to acknowledge also the members of the diplomatic corps and all those
present who by their many efforts have assisted in preparing for my visit.
I am most grateful for your hospitality, which has immediately made me
feel at home among you.
My visit to Korea is occasioned by the Sixth Asian Youth Day, which
brings together young Catholics from throughout this vast continent in a
joyful celebration of their common faith. In the course of my visit I will
also beatify a number of Koreans who died as martyrs for the Christian
faith: Paul Yun Ji-chung and his 123 companions. These two celebrations
complement one another. Korean culture understands well the inherent
dignity and wisdom of our elders and honours their place in society. We
* Die 14 Augusti 2014.