Chapter XIII.—Of Washing the Hands.
But what reason is there in going to prayer with hands indeed washed, but the spirit foul?—inasmuch as to our hands themselves spiritual purities are necessary, that they may be “lifted up pure”82 1 Tim. ii. 8. from falsehood, from murder, from cruelty, from poisonings,83 Or, “sorceries.” from idolatry, and all the other blemishes which, conceived by the spirit, are effected by the operation of the hands. These are the true purities;84 See Matt. xv. 10, 11, 17–20; xxiii. 25, 26. not those which most are superstitiously careful about, taking water at every prayer, even when they are coming from a bath of the whole body. When I was scrupulously making a thorough investigation of this practice, and searching into the reason of it, I ascertained it to be a commemorative act, bearing on the surrender85 By Pilate. See Matt. xxvii. 24. [N. B. quoad Ritualia.] of our Lord. We, however, pray to the Lord: we do not surrender Him; nay, we ought even to set ourselves in opposition to the example of His surrenderer, and not, on that account, wash our hands. Unless any defilement contracted in human intercourse be a conscientious cause for washing them, they are otherwise clean enough, which together with our whole body we once washed in Christ.86 i.e. in baptism.
1167B Caeterum quae ratio est, manibus quidem ablutis, 1168A spiritu vero sordente orationem obire? quando et ipsis manibus spiritales munditiae sint necessariae, ut a falso, a caede, a veneficiis, ab idololatria, caeterisque maculis, quae spiritu conceptae manuum opera transiguntur, purae alleventur. Hae sunt verae munditiae, non quas plerique superstitiose curant, ad omnem orationem etiam cum lavacro totius corporis aquam sumentes. Id cum scrupulose percunctarer, et rationem requirerem, comperi commemorationem esse in Domini deditionem. Nos Dominum adoramus, non dedimus. Imo et adversari debemus deditoris exemplo, nec propterea manus abluere, nisi quod conversationis humanae inquinamentum conscientiae caussa lavemus .