12. After these many and most impious statements had been made, the Eastern bishops on their side again met together and composed definitions of their confession. Since, however, we have frequently to mention the words essence and substance, we must determine the meaning of essence, lest in discussing facts we prove ignorant of the signification of our words. Essence is a reality which is, or the reality of those things from which it is, and which subsists inasmuch as it is permanent. Now we can speak of the essence, or nature, or genus, or substance of anything. And the strict reason why the word essence is employed is because it is always. But this is identical with substance, because a thing which is, necessarily subsists in itself, and whatever thus subsists possesses unquestionably a permanent genus, nature or substance. When, therefore, we say that essence signifies nature, or genus, or substance, we mean the essence of that thing which permanently exists in the nature, genus, or substance. Now, therefore, let us review the definitions of faith drawn up by the Easterns.
I. “If any one hearing that the Son is the image of the invisible God, says that the image of God is the same as the invisible God, as though refusing to confess that He is truly Son: let him be anathema.”
12. Essentia et substantia quid. Ancyrana Synodus ann. 358. Filius ut imago non solo nomine alius a Patre. ---His itaque tot et tantis impietatis professionibus 0489C editis, has rursum e contrario Orientales episcopi in unum congregati sententiarum definitiones 0490A condiderunt. Sed quia frequens nobis nuncupatio essentiae ac substantiae necessaria est; cognoscendum est quid significet essentia, ne de rebus locuturi, rem verborum nesciamus. Essentia est res quae est, vel ex quibus est, et quae in eo quod maneat subsistit. Dici autem essentia, et natura, et genus, et substantia uniuscujusque rei poterit. Proprie autem essentia idcirco est dicta, quia semper est. Quae idcirco etiam substantia est, quia res quae est, 467 necesse est subsistat in sese; quidquid autem subsistit, sine dubio in genere vel natura vel substantia maneat. Cum ergo essentiam dicimus significare naturam vel genus vel substantiam, intelligimus ejus rei quae in his omnibus semper esse subsistat. Nunc igitur praescriptas ab Orientalibus fidei definitiones 0490B recenseamus.
I. «Si quis audiens imaginem esse Filium Dei invisibilis, idem dicat esse imaginem Dei, quod et Deum invisibilem: quasi non confitens vere filium, anathema sit .»