Dem. With how much care, and what solicitude, My son affects me, with this wretched match Having embroil'd himself and me! nor comes Into my sight, that I might know at least Or what he says, or thinks of this affair. Go you, and see if he's come home or no.
Geta. I'm gone.
Dem. You see, Sirs, how this matter stands. What shall I do? Say, Hegio!
Hegio. Meaning me? Cratinus, please you, should speak first.
Dem. Say then, Cratinus!
Cra. Me d'ye question?
Dem. You.
Cra. Then I, Whatever steps are best I'd have you take. Thus it appears to me. Whate'er your son Has in your absence done is null and void, In law and equity. - And so you'll find. That's my opinion.
Dem. Say now, Hegio!
Hegio. He has, I think, pronounc'd most learnedly. But so 'tis: many men, and many minds! Each has his fancy: Now, in my opinion, Whate'er is done by law can't be undone. 'Tis shameful to attempt it.
Dem. Say you, Crito!
Crito. The case, I think, asks more deliberation. 'Tis a nice point.
Hegio. Would you aught else with us?
Dem. You've utter'd oracles. (Exeunt Lawyers.) I'm more uncertain Now than I was before.
Re-enter Geta .
Geta. He's not return'd.
Dem. My brother, as I hope, will soon arrive: Whate'er advice he gives me, that I'll follow. I'll to the Port, and ask when they expect him. (Exit.)
Geta. And I'll go find out Antipho, and tell him All that has pass'd. - But here he comes in time.