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 seek ways of promoting and encouraging dialogue between faith and reason

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Acta Benedicti Pp. XVI 615

alone and you will become shining examples to young men of a holy, simple

and joyful life: they, in their turn, will surely wish to join you in your single-

minded service of God's people. May the example of Saint John Ogilvie,

dedicated, selfless and brave, inspire all of you. Similarly, let me encourage

you, the monks, nuns and religious of Scotland to be a light on a hilltop,

living an authentic Christian life of prayer and action that witnesses in a

luminous way to the power of the Gospel.

Finally, I would like to say a word to you, my dear young Catholics of

Scotland. I urge you to lead lives worthy of our Lord 8 and of yourselves.

There are many temptations placed before you every day - drugs, money,

sex, pornography, alcohol - which the world tells you will bring you happi-

ness, yet these things are destructive and divisive. There is only one thing

which lasts: the love of Jesus Christ personally for each one of you. Search for

him, know him and love him, and he will set you free from slavery to the

glittering but superficial existence frequently proposed by today's society.

Put aside what is worthless and learn of your own dignity as children of God.

In today's Gospel, Jesus asks us to pray for vocations: I pray that many of

you will know and love Jesus Christ and, through that encounter, will ded-

icate yourselves completely to God, especially those of you who are called to

the priesthood and religious life. This is the challenge the Lord gives to you

today: the Church now belongs to you!

Dear friends, I express once more my joy at celebrating this Mass with

you. I am happy to assure you of my prayers in the ancient language of your

country: Sı̀th agus beannachd Dhe dhuibh uile; Dia bhi timcheall oirbh; agus

gum beannaicheadh Dia Alba. God's peace and blessing to you all; God

surround you; and may God bless the people of Scotland!

8 Cfr. Eph 4:1.