14. For God neither made the sheep scarlet or purple, nor taught the juices of herbs and shell-fish to dye and colour wool, nor arranged necklaces with stones set in gold, and with pearls distributed in a woven series or numerous cluster, wherewith you would hide the neck which He made; that what God formed in man may be covered, and that may be seen upon it which the devil has invented in addition. Has God willed that wounds should be made in the ears, wherewith infancy, as yet innocent, and unconscious of worldly evil, may be put to pain, that subsequently from the scars and holes of the ears precious beads may hang, heavy, if not by their weight, still by the amount of their cost? All which things sinning and apostate angels put forth by their arts, when, lowered to the contagious of earth, they forsook their heavenly vigour. They taught them also to paint the eyes with blackness drawn round them in a circle, and to stain the cheeks with a deceitful red, and to change the hair with false colours, and to drive out all truth, both of face and head, by the assault of their own corruption.
XIV. Neque enim Deus coccineas aut purpureas 0452B oves fecit, aut herbarum succis et conchyliis tingere et colorare Ianas docuit, nec distinctis auro lapillis et margaritis contexta serie et numerosa compage 0453A digestis monilia instituit, quibus cervicem quam fecit absconderes, ut operiatur illud quod Deus in homine formavit, et conspiciatur id desuper quod diabolus adinvenit. An vulnera inferri auribus Deus voluit, quibus innocens adhuc infantia et mali saecularis ignara crucietur, ut postea de aurium cicatricibus et cavernis pretiosa grana dependeant, gravia etsi non suo pondere, mercium tamen quantitate? Quae omnia peccatores et apostatae angeli suis artibus prodiderunt quando, ad terrena contagia devoluti, a coelesti vigore recesserunt. Illi et oculos circumducto 0454A nigrore fucare et genas mendacio ruboris inficere et mutare adulterinis coloribus crinem et expugnare omnem oris et capitis veritatem corruptelae suae impugnatione docuerunt.