14. Why do you turn your attention to the weakness of our body? why do you strive with the feebleness of this earthly flesh? Contend rather with the strength of the mind, break down the power of the soul, destroy our faith, conquer if you can by discussion, overcome by reason; or, if your gods have any deity and power, let them themselves rise to their own vindication, let them defend themselves by their own majesty. But what can they advantage their worshippers, if they cannot avenge themselves on those who worship them not? For if he who avenges is of more account than he who is avenged, then you are greater than your gods. And if you are greater than those whom you worship, you ought not to worship them, but rather to be worshipped and feared by them as their lord. Your championship defends them when injured, just as your protection guards them when shut up from perishing. You should be ashamed to worship those whom you yourself defend; you should be ashamed to hope for protection from those whom you yourself protect.
XIV. Quid te ad infirmitatem corporis vertis? quid cum terrenae carnis imbecillitate contendis? Cum animi vigore congredere, virtutem mentis infringe, fidem destrue, disceptatione, si potes, vince, vince ratione: vel si quid diis tuis numinis et potestatis est, ipsi in ultionem suam surgant, ipsi se sua majestate 0554C defendant; aut quid praestare se colentibus possunt qui se de non colentibus vindicare non possunt. Nam si eo qui vindicatur pluris est ille qui vindicat, tu diis tuis major es. Si autem iis quos colis major es, non tu illos colere, sed ab ipsis potius coli debes et timeri 0555A ut dominus. Sic illos laesos ultio vestra defendit, quomodo et clausos, ne pereant, tutela vestra custodit. Pudeat te eos colere quos ipse defendis, pudeat tutelam de iis sperare quos tu ipse tueris.