14. The person of the recipient and of the giver are distinguished so that the same should not be made one and sole. For since he is under anathema who has believed that, when recipient and giver are mentioned one solitary and unique person is implied, we may not suppose that the selfsame person who gave received from Himself. For He who lives and He through whom He lives are not identical, for one lives to Himself, the other declares that He lives through the Author of His life, and no one will declare that He who enjoys life and He through whom His life is caused are personally identical.
III. “And if any one hearing that the Only-begotten Son is like the invisible God, denies that the Son who is the image of the invisible God (whose image is understood to include essence) is Son in essence, as though denying His true Sonship: let him be anathema.”
14. Filius essentia non dissimilis patri eo quod imago illius sit.---Discernitur persona accipientis, et dantis; ne ipse idem sit unus et solus. Cum enim in anathemate sit, qui solitarium atque unicum in accipientis et dantis professione crediderit; non potest intelligi ipse atque unus a se accepisse, qui dederit. Neque enim 468 ipse solus est, qui vivit, et per quem vivit; quia alius est sibi vivens, alius profitens se vivere per auctorem: et unum atque eumdem nemo 0491B profitebitur, qui vita utatur, et per quem sit causa vivendi.
III. «Et si quis audiens unigenitum filium invisibilis Dei similem, non dixerit essentia Filium, qui est imago Dei invisibilis, cujus imago et juxta essentiam intelligitur: quasi non vere dicens filium, anathema sit.»