>15. And as for that saying of the Apostle, “Putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another,”19 Eph. iv. 25 far be it that we should so understand it, as though he had permitted to speak a lie with those who are not yet with us members of the body of Christ. But the reason why it is said, is, because each one of us ought to account every man to be that which he wishes him to become, although he be not yet become such; as the Lord showed the alien Samaritan to be neighbor to him unto whom he showed mercy.”20 Luke x. 30–37 A neighbor then, and not an alien, is that man to be accounted, with whom our concern is that he remain not an alien; and if on the score of his not being yet made partaker of our Faith and Sacrament, there be some truths that must be concealed from him, yet is that no reason why false things should be told him.
15. Et illud quod Apostolus ait, Deponentes mendacium, loquimini veritatem unusquisque cum proximo suo, quia sumus invicem membra (Ephes. IV, 25); absit ut sic intelligamus, tanquam loqui mendacium permiserit cum eis qui nondum sunt nobiscum membra corporis Christi. Sed ideo dictum est, quia unusquisque nostrum hoc debet quemque deputare, quod eum vult fieri, etiam si nondum factus est: sicut Dominus alienigenam Samaritanum proximum ejus ostendit, cum quo misericordiam fecit (Luc. X, 30-37). Proximus ergo habendus est, non alienus, cum quo id agendum est, ne remaneat alienus: et si propter id quod nondum est fidei nostrae sacramentique particeps factus, aliqua illi occultanda sunt vera, non tamen ideo dicenda sunt falsa.