ODE 1.

 ODE 2.

 ODE 3.

 ODE 4.

 ODE 5.

 ODE 6.

 ODE 7.

 ODE 8.

 ODE 9.

 ODE 10.

 ODE 11.

 ODE 12.

 ODE 13.

 ODE 14.

 ODE 15.

 ODE 16.

 ODE 17.

 ODE 18.

 ODE 19.

 ODE 20.

 ODE 21.

 ODE 22.

 ODE 23.

 ODE 24.

 ODE 25.

 ODE 26.

 ODE 27.

 ODE 28.

 ODE 29.

 ODE 30.

 ODE 31.

 ODE 32.

 ODE 33.

 ODE 34.

 ODE 35.

 ODE 36.

 ODE 37.

 ODE 38.

 ODE 39.

 ODE 40.

 ODE 41.

 ODE 42.

ODE 16.

The beauty of God's creation.

1 As the work of the husbandman is the ploughshare: and the work of the steersman is the guidance of the ship:
2 So also my work is the Psalm of the Lord: my craft and my occupation are in His praises:
3 Because His love bath nourished my heart, and even to my lips His fruits He poured out.
4 For my love is the Lord, and therefore I will sing unto Him:
5 For I am made strong in His praise, and I have faith in Him.
6 I will open my mouth and His spirit will utter in me the glory of the Lord and His beauty; the work of His hands and the operation of His fingers:
7 The multitude of His mercies and the strength of His word.
8 For the word of the Lord searches out all things, both the invisible and that which reveals His thought;
9 For the eye sees His works, and the ear hears His thought;
10 He spread out the earth and He settled the waters in the sea:
11 He measured the heavens and fixed the stars: and He established the creation and set it up:
12 And He rested from His works:
13 And created things run in their courses, and do their works:
14 And they know not how to stand and be idle; and His heavenly hosts are subject to His word.
15 The treasure-chamber of the light is the sun, and the treasury of the darkness is the night:
16 And He made the sun for the day that it may be bright, but night brings darkness over the face of the land;
17 And their alternations one to the other speak the beauty of God:
IS And there is nothing that is without the Lord; for He was before any thing came into being:
19 And the worlds were made by His word, and by the thought of His heart. Glory and honour to His name. Hallelujah.